Nieuws 2017-06-29


Er is in een korte periode weer zoveel gebeurd en er is zoveel gaande dat het nodig is u nogmaals attent te maken op de urgentie van dit onderwerp.
Als we iets willen begrijpen van de vaak verwarrend vreemde ontwikkelingen, de wisselende standpunten en de lading nepnieuws dat op ons afkomt (CNN) moeten we even iets verder kijken dan onze geestelijke neus lang is. Heel kort door de bocht kunnen we zeggen: Alles gaat om het komende Koninkrijk.
Iedereen is onderweg. De Islam, de RK kerk, de VN, de VS, de EU, machten in het Verre Oosten en Israël. Allemaal onderweg. Maar waarheen? Elke groep zoekt een eigen koninkrijk(je). Elke groep streeft naar meer macht. Langs welke wegen proberen zij hun doel te bereiken? Waar loopt het op uit? Hoever zijn zij (wij)? Zullen ze samen op weg gaan?

Lees verder: Jan van Barneveld

Rise of the serpent-powered ‘scientific occult theocratic state’ and its infernal spirituality

“There is no God and no soul. Hence, there are no needs for the props of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, then immutable (unchangeable) truth is also dead and buried. There is no room for fixed, natural law or permanent moral absolutes.” (John Dewey, The Unseen Hand, A. Ralph Epperson, p. 298)
John Dewey, co-author of the 1933 Humanist Manifesto and father of progressive education was a leading figure in the ‘dumbing down’ of American schools and the transition of American society away from its founding Biblical heritage in favor of Humanism.
The three main planks of Humanism are Evolution, Socialism (or Communism), and Atheism:
“We, of course, say that we do not believe in God (and) eternal morality. That is moral that serves the destruction of the old society. Everything is moral which is necessary for the annihilation of the old exploiting social order and for uniting the proletariat.” (Ibid, The Unseen Hand, p. 378-379)
Dewey’s destructive anti-Christian directive has been fulfilled. America’s contemporary public schools have eliminated all references to Elohim, the Holy Trinity Who created the heavens and earth ex nihilo (Gen. 1:1) and created mankind in ‘Our own image, according to Our likeness.’ (Gen. 1:26). Even the mention of our Savior Jesus Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity, together with the Bible, Christian clubs and Christian literature are not welcome:

“Christmas Carols are now forbidden in the schools because they mention God and Jesus. However, Colorado public schools have just OK’d the distribution of Satanic books and pamphlets on school campuses. It is telling to note that it is the atheists who are working as Satan’s servants who have been pressing this issue.” (Satanic Books Now OK for Public Schools, Rev. Austin Miles, American Prophet, Apr. 5, 2016).

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Turkish dictator ‘removes mask’ in seizure of 50 churches

The government of Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan has seized at least 50 Syriac Christian churches and monasteries, according to press reports in Turkey.
Turkey’s Mardin Governorate has established a special Commission for Liquidation & Sharing of the properties owned by the Syriac community.
— ܪܝܡܐ ܒܝܬ ܝܥܩܘܒ (@zaliin) June 24, 2017
The Turkish-Armenian daily Agos reports that in 2012 the province of Mardin established a “liquidation committee,” which started to expropriate and redistribute the property of churches and other Christian institutions whose legal charters had expired. The seizures and liquidations are ongoing, and the Syriac community has been especially targeted.
The Mor Gabriel Monastery Foundation appealed to the decision, but the liquidation committee rejected the appeal in May. Inquiries by the foundation revealed dozens of churches and monasteries had been transferred to the state treasury first and then allocated to the Diyanet. And the cemeteries have been transferred to the Metropolitan Municipality of Mardin.

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Nieuws 2017-06-28

Kinderen onder de zes nu ook al aan antidepressiva

We moeten toch wel in een heel zieke maatschappij leven als kinderen jonger dan zes jaar antidepressiva krijgen voorgeschreven. Het wordt tijd om alarm te slaan, want cijfers uit Engeland laten zien dat de trend om van onze kinderen totale zombies te maken onverminderd groeit.
Volgens cijfers van de NHS in Engeland, National Health Service, zijn er antidepressiva voorgeschreven aan kinderen jonger dan zes jaar. De cijfers beslaan de periode van april 2015 tot en met september 2016 en dat aantal zal sinds die tijd waarschijnlijk alleen maar zijn toegenomen.

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Nieuws 2017-06-20

Hymn writer Keith Getty: Nominal, shallow Christianity has no future, we must proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord

The first hymn writer to be honoured by the Queen for contemporary Christian music has described how his music is an expression of one thing – that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Keith Getty, awarded OBE in the annual Queen’s Birthday Honours, told Christian Today that at the heart of all his remarkable hymns, which are among the most popular modern worship hymns ever written, is the conviction that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made – and that music is an expression of that.
‘But even more than that – that it points ultimately to Christ – that even the rocks and the hills could cry out that Jesus is Lord,’ he says.
Every new song or production or company or idea is aimed at drawing people towards Christ.

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Three-dimensional computer analysis of 9/11 video footage yields astonishing results

The object that hit the North Tower “was masquerading as a passenger plane,” researcher claims

A three-dimensional computer model mimicking the alleged plane strike to the World Trade Center’s North Tower on Sept. 11, 2001, concludes, at the least, that something very suspicious is going on. In fact, the findings paint a clear picture of just how deep the now fully-discredited mainstream media’s lies and deceptions actually go and it may shock you.
For the analysis, researcher Richard D. Hall assembled a 3D computer model of the airspace near the WTC North Tower as it existed on Sept. 11, 2001, when attackers allegedly flew a Boeing 767 into the tower’s north face.

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Mexicaanse christenen mochten geliefden niet begraven

In februari werden drie Evangelische christenen in de staat Nayarit in het westen van Mexico vermoord. Familieleden zeggen dat de regionale overheid hen om hun geloof het recht onthield om hun geliefden meteen te begraven op het plaatselijke kerkhof.

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Nieuws 2017-06-19

Transhumanisme in Europa: Zweden implanteert chip voor OV in hand

Het transhumanisme daalt langzaam maar zeker neer. Dat blijft niet bij gestoorde figuren als Ray Kurzweil van Google, maar ook in Europa slaat het anti-menselijke toe:
In Zweden kunnen reizigers nu inchecken met behulp van een nfc-chip onder hun huid. Naar schatting hebben zo’n 1500 tot 2000 mensen de hardware al laten implanteren. Het is de eerste keer dat de technologie in het openbaar vervoer toegepast wordt. De chip komt in de hand terecht.
Klinkt goed, voor sommigen wellicht, om het menselijke achter je te laten en het elektro-mechanische te implanteren in je lijf. Voorbij de menselijkheid: hiermee wordt weer mooie een stap genomen naar de ontmenselijking van de mens.

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Fukushima, hypocrisie en misleiding

Sinds jaar en dag wordt ons voorgehouden dat er een urgent klimaatprobleem is, wij mensen de veroorzakers zijn van een catastrofale opwarming, fossiele brandstoffen op korte termijn opraken, kernenergie vreselijk gevaarlijk is en dat alleen windmolens, zonnepanelen en biomassa het klimaat en de aarde kunnen redden.
Waaruit dat klimaatprobleem bestaat is een raadsel. Klimaat verandert al tamelijk lang en elke verandering brengt voor- en nadelen teweeg.
De menselijke geschiedenis kent tal van voorbeelden hiervan zoals o.a. beschreven door Kroonenberg in zijn jongste boek. De Vikingen op Groenland is zo’n voorbeeld. Dat wij mensen de veroorzakers zouden zijn van een catastrofale opwarming, berust op onder het stof der tijden verdwenen laboratoriumexperimenten van Arrhenius in het begin van de 20ste eeuw en de samenvallende belangen van de milieubeweging en van lieden die wel brood zagen in dit financiële verdienmodel van ongeëvenaarde proporties dat ook via de VN een wereldmacht binnen bereik bracht.

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Verkiezingsuitslag Frankrijk : Emmanuel Macron dictator via een politieke elite minderheid

Het zat er aan te komen. De uit het “niets” te voorschijn gekomen politieke beweging “En Marche “nu inmiddels als politieke partij tot “La République en Marche” omgedoopte partij van president Emmanuel Marcron , op de foto met zijn moeder (li) en zijn 2e moeder annex vrouw ( re ) heeft gisteren de Franse parlementsverkiezingen gewonnen.
Opvallende feiten zijn dat slechts ruim 33 % van de Fransen nog een keer ging stemmen na 2 maal een verkiezingsronde voor een president en 2 maal voor een parlement. Maar ofschoon FEM de winnaar was, heeft als je de uitslag analyseert slechts 11 % van de Fransen hun stem voor Macron c.s. uitgebracht. Die 33% zijn overigens een historisch dieptepunt in de Franse verkiezingshistorie want het was de laagste participatie in de afgelopen 6 verkiezingsrondes. Een poll, de Fransen zijn er dol op, toonde tevens aan dat 59% van de Fransen niet tevreden zijn met de uitslag.

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Mandatory vaccinations are assaults with a deadly weapon

You may have heard about all the vaccine bills that have been introduced across the country. Earlier this year, the National Vaccine Information Center reported that they were keeping a watchful eye on 134 vaccine-related pieces of legislature that had been introduced in 35 different states. While a few of these bills were actually seeking to increase medical freedom and parental choice, as you might expect, the overwhelming majority of these new bills would strip parents and children to their right to choose their own healthcare options.
Mandatory vaccination is, without question, a growing concern for those of us who have concerns about vaccine safety and the threats posed by questionable ingredients.

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Nieuws 2017-06-16

Toenemende invloed Saoedi-Arabië en Turkije in Kosovo

Vanwege werving voor de jihad in Syrië en Irak, aanstichting tot haat, het propageren van religieuze intolerantie en tenslotte belastingontduiking, is in de Kosovaarse hoofdstad Pristina de hoofdprediker van de centrale moskee Shefet Krasniqi (51) gearresteerd.
De opperimam van Kosovo hoorde in de jaren ’90 tot de eerste Kosovo-Albanezen die hun studie in Saoedi-Arabië deden. Krasniqi is geen uitzondering. Volgens een bericht van Le Figaro zou in de omgeving van Pristina in 22 moskeeën zijn opgeroepen tot de heilige oorlog. En dat bij wijze van spreken onder het toeziend oog van EU-soldaten en -ambtenaren, die daar gestationeerd zijn.
Het Balkanlandje is tot Europa’s jihadcentrale geworden. In Kosovo heeft de radicale Saoedi-Arabische staatsislam van de Wahhabieten zich gevestigd. Net als de Salafisten staan de Wahhabieten voor een primitieve islam, die zich strikt op Mohammeds 7e eeuw oriënteert.

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Nieuws 2017-06-14

A Replacement of Population is Taking Place in Europe

People-smugglers bring the migrants to the NGOs’ ships, which then reach Italian seaports. Another legal enquiry has been opened about the mafia’s economic interests in managing the migrants after their arrival.
One cannot compare the migrants to the Jews fleeing Nazism. Pope Francis, for example, recently compared the migrants’ centers to Nazi “concentration camps”. Where are the gas chambers, medical “experiments,” crematoria, slave labor, forced marches and firing squads? These comparisons are spread by the media for a precise reason: shutting down the debate.
By 2065, it is expected that 14.4 million migrants will arrive. Added to the more than five million immigrants currently in Italy, 37% of the population is expected to be foreigners: more than one out of every three inhabitants.

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Zieligheidsindustrie:” vernietig je eigen bevolking en land maar.”

Weer werden de partijen het niet eens over de formatie van een nieuw kabinet, ofschoon je zo langzamerhad de vraag mag stellen of het veel uitmaakt of wij wel of niet een nieuwe regering krijgen . Het demissionaire Rutte 2 kabinet is al druk bezig de begroting voor het a.s. jaar in elkaar te timmeren, zodat wij in ieder geval een begroting krijgen die een VVD en zoals in de afgelopen 4 jaar is gebleken nog grotere PvdA stempel draagt.
Maar ook de zieligheidsindustrie roert zich en vooraan de 2e man van Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland , Jasper Kuipers, die het plan voor de migratiecrisis gelanceerd door Groen Links pinokkio Jesse Klaver niet slecht vindt. Want volgens Kuipers moet ons land toch gemakkelijk dit jaar 30.000 deurkloppers op kunnen nemen ! Nu weten wij niet hoe Kuipers aan dit getal komt, wij kunnen ons nauwelijks voorstellen dat hij persoonlijk de nieuw aangekomenen bij de grens verwelkomt en dan stiekem telkens de druktoets van een teller indrukt ! Wij doen dat wel via bronnen bij de Rijksoverheid en met gemiddeld 800 asielzoekers per week en zoals wij uit Italië vernamen een stijgende tendens van 40% geeft onze rekenmachine een geheel ander beeld en zal de teller dit jaar zeker weer minimaal de 50.000 halen.

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The climate change agenda exposed: Lowering CO2 will lead to mass starvation, planet-wide food scarcity and the rise of government tyranny

We’ve all heard about how rising levels of carbon dioxide will bring about the end of the Earth as we know it, but what if that wasn’t actually true? What if carbon dioxide was actually responsible for making the Earth greener and more lush, rather than turning it into the dessert-like, barren landscape we’ve seen in dystopian fiction movies?
Well, empirical data has already shown that the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) has made our planet greener over the last 35 years. In fact, Earth is so much greener, the increased leaf coverage could cover the continental United States twice over. If you’ve ever traveled across the US, you know that’s no small feat.

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Nieuws 2017-06-11

Science fights back against the global warming fraud

It has taken far too long, but the self-correcting mechanisms of science finally are contradicting the global warming fraud. Despite billions of dollars of grants for those who support the so-called “consensus” (itself, a lie), and the fear of retaliation, scholars interested in the truth are publishing a wave of scientific papers contradicting the orthodoxy.
Best of all: President Trump’s EPA chief has signaled that he sees that questioning of scientific hypotheses (and all scientific knowledge ultimately is a hypothesis, awaiting a possible correction based on new information) is legitimate.

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Genderism Destroys Natural and Moral Law

The leftist genderist radicals attempting to eliminate the distinction between male and female may have societal breakdown in mind, for certainly, their current insanity will achieve the destruction of Western civilization, built as it has been on the twin foundations of Christianity and science.
Alarmism? Scarcely.
The whole point of radicals who are leading the transgender movement is to tear down the societal structures that still give meaning to Western civilization in order to create a Brave New World – an insane new world based on untenable abstractions and a sere, reductionist version of “equality” that guarantees that the material entity we know as “man and woman” burns up in the fires of destructive postmodernism. Differentiation is seen as inherently discriminatory; therefore, destroy the differentiation between male and female, and we will have a more equitable society

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How Muslims Take Control of America

American Mosques: Warehouses of Jihad
They do it first by establishing mosques in every town and city. These meeting places are perfect warehouses of not only indoctrination, but future terrorists, who are made to read and understand the principles of jihad, martyrdom, and Dar-al-Harb (“land of war” – any place not Islamized).
Mosques cost money, and the money for these warehouses of hate is coming straight from Saudi Arabia. These mosques are being infused with an activist strain of Islam, Wahhabism. If you have to ask where the Saudis are getting their money, you are not paying attention…it’s coming from you. According to “The Mosque in America: a National Portrait,” a survey released in April 2001, there were at least 1,209 mosques in the U.S. Today, it’s estimated that that number has quadrupled.

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Monsanto and other biotech chemical giants just OUTLAWED seed exchanges in Africa … Seed colonization is nearly complete

Monsanto has become infamous for covering up the connection between glyphosate – which constitutes 50 percent of its Roundup weed killer product – and cancer, particularly non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. When the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determined in 2015 that glyphosate was “probably carcinogenic to humans,” there was an immediate backlash against the company and multiple lawsuits have ensued. Unfortunately, distributing cancer-causing herbicides all over the world is far from this agricultural giant’s only sin. Monsanto and fellow Big Agri villains like Syngenta have quietly been destroying global crop diversity, placing themselves in a position where they are poised to control the entire planet’s food supply.

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Islamization of Europe: Erdogan’s New Muslim Political Network

What is notable is that France’s new Muslim party, the Equality and Justice Party (PEJ), is an element of a network of political parties built by Turkey’s President Erdogan and AKP to influence each country of Europe, and to influence Europe through its Muslim population.
What is their program? The classic one for an Islamic party: abolishing the founding secularist law of 1905, which established the separation of church and state; mandatory veils for schoolgirls; and community solidarity (as opposed to individual rights) as a priority. All that is wrapped in the not-so-innocent flag of the necessity to “fight against Islamophobia”, a concept invented to shut down the push-back of all people who might criticize Islam before they can even start.
“[The Islamist party’s] purpose is to conquer the world, not just have a mandate. Its mechanics were already established…. Islamists took power in the name of democracy, then suspended democracy by using their power…. Convert the clothes, the body, the social links, the arts, nursing homes, schools, songs and culture, then, they just wait for the fruit to fall in the turban… An Islamist party is an open trap: you cannot let it in. If you refuse it, your country switches to a dictatorship, but if you accept it, you are at risk of submission….” — Kamel Daoud, Algerian writer, in Le Point, 2015.

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Nieuws 2017-06-04

De gematigde islam bestaat niet

“Zijn er twee islams, de een oorlogszuchtig en de ander tolerant en vredelievend? Volgens de Franse juriste en arabiste Anne-Marie Delcambre is dit een westers verzinsel om de onaangename waarheid niet onder ogen te hoeven zien: ,,Tussen islam en islamisme bestaat alleen een gradueel verschil. Het islamisme zit in de islam als het kuiken in het ei.”
,,Er is geen goede en slechte islam, zoals er ook geen gematigde islam bestaat. Gematigde moslims bestaan wel:, dat zijn degenen die een deel van hun geloof links laten liggen.’’

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After Middle East, Will Islamists Uproot Christians in Europe?

About terrorism and Islamist violence, Christian leaders offer only words of relativism and moral equivalence. Is it possible that after two recent big massacres of Christians, Catholic leaders have not a single word of courage and honor, but only the same offer of the other cheek?
Our secular elites condemn proselytizing only when it is practiced by Christians, never when practiced by Muslims.
In Syria and Iraq, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of places of Christian worship that Islamic fundamentalists have demolished in the past three years. These images, along with the mass decapitations and the rape of the minorities, shock the public, it seems, for one day.

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Death of a Religious Minority Under Radical Islam

How can a religion seize so much power in a country? Before Islamists come to power, they make sham promises to every faith and political party. Using charm, manipulation, and community infiltration, they give the impression that they will be defenders of minorities, the poor, and local politics. Once they are in power, when it is too late to stop them, anyone who does not comply with their narrow view of religion and politics will be eliminated under the name of God and Islam.
The authorities engaged in hate speech and allowed hate crimes to be committed with impunity against Baha’is, and imprisoned scores of Baha’is on trumped-up national security charges, imposed for peacefully practicing their religious beliefs. Allegations of torture of 24 Baha’is in Golestan Province were not investigated. The authorities forcibly closed down dozens of Baha’i-owned businesses and detained Baha’i students.
It is not an “Iran problem”, it is an epidemic of hatred and violence that will continue to spread if something is not done to stop it.

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Nieuws 2017-06-02

Is the Bible More Violent than the Quran?

UK’s newspaper the Independent in its online version cites Tom Anderson, who runs a computer text analytics business. He did some textual analysis and “discovered” the Bible is more violent than the Quran. His findings cheer up Muslims and rile Christians. It is blowing up in social media.
Here is the bottom line:
 By categorising words into eight emotions — Joy, Anticipation, Anger, Disgust, Sadness, Surprise, Fear/Anxiety and Trust — the analysis found the Bible scored higher for anger and much lower for trust than the Quran. Further analysis found the Old Testament was more violent than the New Testament, and more than twice as violent as the Quran.
 “Killing and destruction are referenced slightly more often in the New Testament (2.8%) than in the Quran (2.1%), but the Old Testament clearly leads — more than twice that of the Quran — in mentions of destruction and killing (5.3%).”

Lees verder: American Thinker

Desinformatie NOS inzake klimaat houdt maar niet op – niet vanzelf

Eerder hebben De Groene Rekenkamer en de NOS aangesproken op de stelselmatig tendentieuze berichtgeving over het thema klimaat. Tot op heden zonder succes.
Het nieuwste voorbeeld daarvan vormt de berichtgeving over de beslissing van de Amerikaanse president om zich terug te trekken uit de klimaatovereenkomst van Parijs. Volgens de NOS was het allemaal kommer en kwel.
Terwijl suggestieve beelden werden getoond van overstromingen in Azië zei NOS-presentatrice Mariëlle Tweebeeke: ‘De vraag is hoe rampzalig de beslissing van de Amerikaanse president uitpakt voor het klimaat.’

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Selling Out Pentecost to Islam

The Dutch have officially been enjoying the feast of Pentecost since 1815, but the church wants it replaced by an official holiday on Eid-al-Fitr, the day marking the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
We are too tolerant to intolerance. We think that by allowing freedom to the enemies of freedom we prove to the world that we stand for freedom. But in reality, by refusing to draw boundaries to our tolerance, we are handing away our freedom.
If we want to remain the free and tolerant society which we used to be, we must realize that the West has a concrete identity. Our identity is not Islamic, but based on Judaism, Christianity and humanism. Our freedoms result from this identity.

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The REAL SCIENCE behind carbon dioxide: Plants use CO2 to create CBD, THC, curcumin and all medicinal molecules

The key accomplishment of the climate change cult (so far) has been to convince gullible environmentalists that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant” that’s somehow bad for the planet, even when CO2 is the “greening” molecule for all plant life.
Carbon dioxide is the essential molecule for all plant life, and without it, the entire web of life on our planet would instantly collapse. Yet misinformed environmentalists have been exhaustively convinced that carbon dioxide is somehow a “death” molecule for the planet, when exactly the opposite is true: The planet would die without it… and humans would have no vegetables, no fruits, no herbs and no cannabis at all if it wasn’t for carbon dioxide.

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