Nieuws 2018-02-11

Billy Graham on Why Christians Should Avoid Today’s ‘Demonic’ Witchcraft

Evangelist Billy Graham has cautioned Christians against buying objects that claim to possess “spiritual healing” powers, as such items — no matter how innocent they seem — are “demonic” and “opposed to God.”

The 99-year-old founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association answered a reader’s question on his website regarding whether or not “lucky charms” actually affect the wellbeing of users.

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Bill Gates’ Former Doctor Says Billionaire ‘Refused To Vaccinate His Children’

The physician who served as Bill Gates’ private doctor in Seattle in the 1990s says the Microsoft founder and vaccine proponent “refused to vaccinate his own children” when they were young.

“I don’t know if he had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children,” the physician said at a behind closed doors medical symposium in Seattle, adding “They were gorgeous kids, really smart and vivacious, and he said they would be OK as it was, they didn’t need any shots.“

The comments caused a stir among physicians at the symposium with claims he was breaking doctor-patient confidentiality, according to reports. However as he was speaking to other physicians, he was not breaking the industry code of conduct. 

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Why Are European Governments So Terrified of ‘Fake News’?

  • When Swedish authorities representing a Swedish left-wing government and media announce a project to prevent “fake news” from “decisively influencing” the 2018 elections, this ought to set off loud alarm bells among Swedes. Who determines what constitutes “fake news” anyway? Is it not the very essence of “fake news” when a media outlet refuses to report mass sexual assaults, because the perpetrators happen to be foreigners from third world countries?
  • A British Cabinet Office spokesperson told Sky News: “The Government is committed to tackling false information and the Government Communications Service plays a crucial role in this”. Perhaps their “rapid response fake news unit” should begin with Theresa May herself, who falsely and against all factual evidence continues to claim that Islam is a religion of peace and that ISIS is not Islamic.
  • Meanwhile, European citizens continue to face costly legal prosecution for refusing to accept the fake news about Islam propagated by people such as Theresa May.
  • “I also thought that Islam was just a normal religion, but then I read the Koran and became shocked by the hatred that exists there, the misogyny… The more Islam takes over, the more we compromise. Islam is a totalitarian ideology, which means dictatorship. So, I believe that our democratic system is in danger… I hate no people. What I hate is ideology, Islam. One can criticize fascism or Nazism, but why not Islam? Why should Islam have any protection status?” — Denny, on trial in Sweden for “incitement to hatred” for calling Islam “a fascist ideology” on Facebook. If found guilty, he faces up to two years in prison.

The Swedish government’s innovation agency, Vinnova, is financing a project led by the combined forces of Swedish mainstream media to, in the words of Vinnova, “prevent fake news and unfounded statements from spreading and playing a decisive role in the Swedish elections in 2018”. The next elections, which take place every four years, are scheduled to take place on September 9, 2018.  

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Nieuws 2018-02-10

Melania Had White House Spiritually Cleansed Before Moving In, Pastor Claims

Trumps went on spiritual warfare offensive against demonic forces, says pastor

First Lady Melania Trump demanded the White House be spiritually cleansed prior to moving in, a pastor recently stated.

In a February 2 interview on The Weekend Vigilante with Sheila Zilinsky, Pastor Paul Begley claimed Melania’s desire to “completely exorcise” the White House may have sparked Trump’s own religious fervor.

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Gender Identity Invades The Church – Diocese Bans Masculine Language For God

The latest clash between feminism and the Church centers around the grammatical gender of God Himself with the Episcopal Diocese of Washington D.C. voting to ban the use of masculine pronouns when referring to God. And this wouldn’t be the first church to do so. The Church of Sweden made a similar change in 2017 when it voted to use only gender-neutral pronouns in reference to God.  

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WMD America: Inside The Pentagon’s Global Bioweapons Industry

The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons.

As a result, many hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens, and other potentially incurable diseases. This highly classified network of R &D and production facilities includes an array of US government private contracts, which raises additional concerns about privatised chains of command and public accountability.  

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Artificial Creation, Lab-Made Humans: Scientists Grow Human Eggs to Full Maturity Outside the Womb

For the first time, scientists have developed human eggs, outside the of the human body, from the earliest stages in ovarian tissue and grown them to full maturity. The research paves the way towards lab-grown humans, and further increases the reality that mankind is attempting to remove the Hand of God from creation. Artificial wombs, artificial eggs, artificial intelligence, all of which was once science fiction, is now becoming reality. Happening now is the research to create children outside of a mothers womb, and even further, entirely design the creation through manipulating its DNA. For the reason of alleviating infertility, scientists have sidestepped the ethical boundaries, and are directly closing in on developing methods to create lab-grown babies. 

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Religieus nationalisme is een ernstige bedreiging

Klaas Muurling is de woordvoerder van Open Doors. Een NGO die in Nederland gevestigd is, maar wereldwijd onderzoek doet naar christenvervolging, en christenen ook ondersteunt met bemoediging, lectuur, trainingen en praktische hulp.. Ze stellen ook al jaren een ranglijst op van landen waarin christenen het sterkst vervolgd worden. Nu de ogen van de wereld op Korea gericht zijn tijdens de Olympische Winterspelen is het nuttig even stil te staan bij de christenvervolgingen in Noord-Korea. Maar ook elders in de wereld, vooral in Azië en Afrika zijn er problemen, vooral met groeiend ‘religieus nationalisme’. Maar we beginnen in Korea. Waarom staat Noord-Korea bovenaan in de Ranglijst Christenvervolging’? 

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The Ignorance of Atheism

Atheism is the slavish and simple-minded embrace of ignorance. When people call themselves “atheists” today, what they really mean is Christophobes, people with an irrational hatred and fear of Christianity. The arguments they make against Christianity are both bizarre and silly. 

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Klimaatbeleid, de dodelijke rite van Moloch?

De godheid Moloch was een machtige godheid die alleen tevreden gesteld kon worden door het offeren van pasgeboren kinderen door ze door de muil van het afgodsbeeld te duwen in het vuur dat binnenin het afgodsbeeld brandde. Er bestaan meerdere voorstellingen van deze godheid.

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Scientists: When Sun Cools, So Does Earth’s Temperature

Man-made global warming is incredibly egotistical in the face of creation itself: there is a direct relationship between the sun and earth’s temperature, and the sun is headed toward an unusually cool period. That means global cooling is straight ahead. ⁃ TN Editor

By 2050, our Sun is expected to be unusually cool.

It’s what scientists have termed a ‘grand minimum’ — a particularly low point in what is otherwise a steady 11-year cycle.

Over this cycle, the Sun’s tumultuous heart races and rests. 

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GROOT-BRITTANNIË: de ISLAM is je aan het vervangen

De Britse moslimbevolking is in tien jaar tijd verdubbeld omdat de immigratie stijgt, moslimpolygamie is toegestaan ​​en islamafokkers die afhankelijk zijn van het welzijn een veel hoger geboortecijfer hebben dan enige andere groep in het VK. Moslimparasieten kosten de Britse belastingbetalers maar liefst £ 18 + miljard ($ 29 miljard) per jaar, terwijl islamitische harems en hun multi-kind nesten daar veel van uitmaken. 

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Climate Change Activists Go After Large Families

Climate change crusaders are finally confronting the ugly truth at the heart of their theories: despite any changes to diet, economic models or transportation habits, the root problem with anthropogenic climate change is–people.

Thus, if you remove the people from the equation, you prevent dozens of tons of carbon per person from entering the atmosphere.

Following this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, a new study was just released that proposed reducing the number of children in each family, especially in developed countries, in order to shrink the world population and thus humanity’s impact on the climate. 

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Nieuws 2018-02-06

Did You Celebrate “World Hijab Day”?

World Hijab Day is an annual event founded by Nazma Khan in 2013. The above photo is an ad from last year for a special event held at a later date. Notice the sponsors. The event takes place on February 1st each year in 140 countries worldwide. Its stated purpose is to encourage women of all religions and backgrounds to wear and experience the Muslim hijab. A hijab is a veil worn by some Muslim women in the presence of adult males outside of their immediate family, which usually covers the head and chest.

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Klimaatbeleid Rutte bevoordeelt bedrijven en kost burger geld

Het Nederlandse klimaatbeleid wordt nóg oneerlijker. Rutte III ontziet vervuilende bedrijven nog meer dan het vorige kabinet, terwijl van huishoudens steeds meer gevraagd wordt. Dat blijkt uit een rapport van CE Delft in opdracht van Milieudefensie. Hoewel huishoudens steeds meer financieel bijdragen aan de transitie, zijn groene alternatieven bovendien maar voor weinig mensen bereikbaar. De kloof tussen wie wel en niet mee kan doen, wordt groter. Milieudefensie roept het kabinet op de scheve verhoudingen recht te trekken. 

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Deense minister: We zijn verloren en zijn het zwijgen opgelegd door de islam en haar fundamentalistische volgelingen

Inger Støjberg, de Deense minister van immigratie en integratie doet een noodkreet, ze zei in een artikel voor de krant BT en in een Facebook-bericht dat de Denen “verloren” zijn en “tot zwijgen zijn gebracht” door de islam en haar fundamentalistische volgelingen. 

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Transgender Ideology Promotes Experimentation on Children and YouthsIn the United States and elsewhere, lobotomies were once seen as the cure-all for the mentally ill.

Dr. Walter Freeman, an earnest advocate of experimentation on the human brain in order to “cure” mental illness, developed an inexpensive way to lobotomize mentally ill people. He inserted a kitchen ice pick — later refined into an instrument called a leucotome — into the eye orbit, punched the pick through with a hammer and swished the object back and forth in order to sever the part of the brain deemed responsible for mental illness, or even just bad behavior.

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Twijfel over de juistheid CO2-data ontleend aan ijskernen

De wetenschap van gisteren kan vandaag weer achterhaald zijn.

In mijn artikel, “Bepaling van temperatuur en CO2-gehalte van de aardatmosfeer uit het verleden”, heb ik de temperatuurcurves uit het verleden, die verkregen zijn met ijskernen en diepzeekernen van planktonische foraminiferen met elkaar vergeleken.

De conclusie was, dat de glaciale en interglaciale tijdperken in beide grafieken verre van gelijk zijn. Het onderzoek met de diepzeekernen leek mij wat betreft de temperatuurmetingen de meest betrouwbare. Bij het onderzoek met de ijskernen is de wolk met waterdruppeltjes veel te afhankelijk van allerlei wisselende omstandigheden, die zij tijdens hun transport naar Antarctica tegen komen.

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Some People Are Not Having Children Because Of Climate Change

It is sad that so many young couples have bought the lie of over-population and then drunk the cool-aid of action to not have any children. This not only terminates their own family tree, but denies one of the greatest pleasures in life. Technocracy is cruel in using science to achieve such social outcomes. ⁃ TN Editor

Add this to the list of decisions affected by climate change: Should I have children?

It is not an easy time for people to feel hopeful, with the effects of global warmingno longer theoretical, projections becoming more dire and governmental action lagging. And while few, if any, studies have examined how large a role climate change plays in people’s childbearing decisions, it loomed large in interviews with more than a dozen people ages 18 to 43. 

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Liberals have somehow convinced themselves that “women’s reproductive rights” are being suppressed by climate change… HUH?

Chelsea Clinton, the infamous daughter of career criminals Bill and Hillary Clinton, is following in the footsteps of her soon-to-be-imprisoned parents. She recently decided to spout a line of eugenics propaganda on Twitter, linking to an article published in The Washington Post that claims more women need to be allowed to abort their babies in order to prevent “climate change.”

The outlandish op-ed was co-written by none other than suspected pedophile and pervert John Podesta, as well as United Nations globalist Timothy Wirth. It attempts to make the case that women’s “reproductive health rights” are an important part of keeping the global population as low as possible.

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The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Serving Canada or Serving Islamists?

  • In practice, the CBC only respects sensibilities when it comes to Islamists such as ISIS or to those who attacked Charlie Hebdo. When it comes to attacking Christians and Jews, the CBC exercises no such restraint.
  • The CBC also quotes organizations such as the National Council for Canadian Muslims, formerly known as CAIR CAN, which the CBC has referred to as a civil rights group. But they failed to note that CAIR CAN was formed to support its parent organization, CAIR USA, which is a listed terrorist group in the United Arab Emirates. It also does not mention that CAIR USA was formed in part by supporters of Hamas and that it has had multiple run-ins with terrorism financing.
  • Similarly, when supporting a variety of Islamist issues, the CBC quotes as a source the Canadian Council of Imams. The CBC does not reveal, however, that the Vice President of the Council of Imams, Hakim Quick, believes that the position of Islam on homosexuality is death. It also does not state that the “Emir” of the council is also the head of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). The ICNA believes that Islam is not compatible with democracy, women are inferior and wife beating is permissible.
  • As a criminal and federal court expert on terrorism, specifically jihadist-based terrorism, my opinion is that the CBC has willfully assisted Islamists in the creation of the social, cultural and political spaces necessary for extremism to grow. By deliberately sheltering even ISIS supporters acting out in Canada from public scrutiny, the state broadcaster is failing the Canadian public…. This failure appears willful, intentional, and consistent over time.

Canada’s state broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) consistently supports the Islamist cause, including direct cooperation with terrorist front groups. This support extends to editing domestic Canadian stories to ensure that even ISIS is not criticized in the domestic context. Given that the CBC is owned by the Government of Canada and funded by taxpayers with a billion dollar a year subsidy, the question arises as to whom they serve.

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NASA scientists: People are born “creative geniuses” but get dumbed down by the U.S. education system

Would you consider yourself a creative genius? If you asked other people that question, perhaps some might answer in the affirmative. But the vast majority of individuals, when confronted with that question, might say no. It’s not that they don’t really think they are the type of person to be considered creative or a genius. It’s just that they no longer see themselves as creative individuals. The older the person, the higher the chance that they would answer no to the question. This is based on the results of a shocking new study that posits that all people are creative geniuses at birth. It’s just that the system of education ends up dumbing them down as they move through it. 

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Will The Conspiracy Against Trump And American Democracy Go Unpunished?

The American people do not realize the seriousness of the Russiagate conspiracy against them and President Trump. Polls indicate that a large majority of the public do not believe that Trump conspired with Putin to steal the presidential election, and are tired of hearing the media prostitutes repeat the absurd story day after day. On its face the story makes no sense whatsoever. Moreover, the leaked emails are real, not fabricated. The emails show exactly what Hillary and the DNC did. The public knows that these transgressions were pushed out of news sight by the false story of a Trump/Putin conspiracy. The fact that the entirety of the US print and TV media served in a highly partisan political way to bury a true and disturbing story with a fake news story—Russiagate—is one reason some polls show that only 6% of Americans trust the mainstream media. All polls show that large majorities of independents, Republicans, and youth distrust the mainstream media. In some polls about half of Democrats trust the media, and that is because the media is servant to Democratic Party interests. 

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Video of Canadian Mufti: “The Canadian government wants to bring Sharia Law and this is not a joke”

According to Mufti Aasim A. Rashid of the Al-Ihsan Educational Foundation in Vancouver:

I’ll tell you who wants to bring Sharia Law. The Canadian government wants to bring Sharia Law and this is not a joke…..The Canadian government wanted the Muslims to be able to regulate their own issues of marriage and divorce and set up a system of mediation and arbitration to solve their problems amongst themselves [according] to Sharia Law, so it is not a burden on the court system which is already so bogged down.

Could Rashid have been lying or wildly exaggerating? A link in the article below shows that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said a few bizarre things, including:

  • Islam is “not incompatible with the Western secular democracy.”
  • “Canadians are quick to point out that ISIS is wrong, that Islam is not incompatible with the Western secular democracy, a free place like Canada.”
  • [The Reviving the Islamic Spirit convention] “is also about celebrating our shared beliefs in justice, fairness, equality of opportunity and acceptance. The work you do in communities across the country is what builds and strengthens our multicultural fabric.”

In 2005, then-Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty did the right thing and declared that there would be “one law for all Canadians.” This was the result of a case in 2004 that was advancing the Sharia in Canada.  

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Prophet: This Doctrine of Demons Is Rapidly Infecting the Church

A doctrine of demons has been circulating in the church in recent years that has been gaining increasing traction. Cloaked in robes of false righteousness and even claims of prophetic inspiration, but born in rebellion, it appeals to something in our culture that undermines and despises the leadership God has anointed and appointed. Wherever it goes, it weakens, divides and destroys.

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Nieuws 2018-02-04

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 3, 2018, #130

While the power structures scripted political theater of the absurd distracts much of the US population, the roller-coaster ride toward a lifeless planet continues to accelerate with each passing day. Will the “coldest on record” Superbowl temperatures (conditions created by the climate engineers) help to cover up the record warm temperatures at the North Pole (which are expected to be as much as 40 degrees higher than those at the game)?

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Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism and the Church: How Should Christians Respond?

As artificial intelligence and emerging technology continue to develop at breakneck speed, Christians have no choice but to engage given the staggering implications it’s already having for ministry and the broader culture, scholars say.

For many followers of Jesus, the explosive use of digital devices like smartphones and an ever-growing number of social media utilities are challenging enough to deal with, especially when it comes to raising children. As leaders in the tech industry place their own children in schools where technology is not available and even home use is discouraged, many are also increasingly concerned about a burgeoning, smartphone-fueled mental health crisis. 

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Europe: Judeo-Christian Symbols Vanish, Islam Rises

  • The British housing market is now dealing with a new special entry: former Christian churches. A former Methodist church in Surrey was recently put on sale for the first time in its 154-year history. And a few days later, a church in London and went on the market — converted into apartments.
  • Religious symbols are an integral part of a civilization. When old symbols vanish, new ones — with their own identities — take their place. Europe’s public imagination today is being flooded with Islamic symbols, from veils in schools, swimming pools and workplaces, to the volume and height of mosque minarets.
  • We impenitent secularists might be happily indifferent to the fall of the old religious symbols — but we should not be indifferent to the new religious symbols taking their place.

French writers coined the term “le grand remplacement,” meaning the demographic replacement by immigrants of native Europeans. There is, however, another replacement taking place on the old continent.

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De overheid acteert als de bekende struisvogel, kop in het zand en wegkijken

Net als in de om ons heen liggende landen wordt Nederland nu reeds jaren geconfronteerd met een qua aantallen wisselende toestroom van wat de “goeddenkers “nog steeds halsstarrig “asielzoekers ” noemen. Dat indien u slechts uw kennis omtrent de ontwikkelingen in ons land uit de MSM zou halen. 

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The latest insanity of the deranged Left: Alleged child rapist says he “self-identifies” as a nine-year-old, so it’s not really rape

A 38-year-old Chicago man who recently confessed to sexually molesting three underage girls between the ages of six and eight appears to be trying to capitalize on liberalism’s acceptance of the “gender spectrum.”

Joseph Roman is reportedly claiming that he self-identifies as a nine-year-old trapped in a grown man’s body, which using liberal logic means he’s simply a misunderstood “trans-age” individual who’s being unfairly persecuted and discriminated against simply for being “different.” 

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Hamas Leader Warns War With Israel Will Erupt “Within Days”

Next week a significant war drill will be conducted across Israel by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) together with the American military, as part of the biennial Juniper Cobra military exercise, which this year will imitate a simultaneous missile attack on Israel from both its northern and southern fronts.

Meanwhile, as Israel prepares for armed conflict, Al Hayat, an Arabic-language London-based newspaper, writes that Hamas’ chief Yahya Sinwar has ordered the Gaza-based Islamist militant group on high alert, indicating that war is a “95 percent probability” and it could erupt in hours or within days.

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Europa staat moord op Koerden door Erdogan toe: EEN GROTE SCHANDE

Het misdadige regime van Erdogan heeft de Afrin Regio binnengevallen. Met tanks en speciale commando’s denken de Turken dat ze een einde kunnen maken aan de Volksbeschermingseenheden (YPG) die de kantons van Rojava beschermen. De stoottroepen van Erdogan zijn Arabieren van het Vrije Syrische Leger (erkent door Turkije als Syrische Nationale Leger), die worden ingezet om de Koerdische stad Afrin te veroveren en te bezetten. Revolutionair Socialistische Media is niet verbaasd dat het kapitalistische westen totaal niets geeft om het welzijn van de Democratische Federatie van Noordelijk Syrië. Nee, men is veel te bang om Ankara tegen zich te krijgen. Nederland is enkel en alleen ”bezorgd” om de houding van de Turken, maar veroordeeld de invasie van Rojava niet. Ook de Amerikanen en andere NAVO landen houden zich stil. Hoe anders was dat in 2014 toen Russische troepen de Krim binnenvielen. Toen stond het westen te blaffen als een gebeten hond! 

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Maxima en de leugens

Wauw, klinkt dat niet gewoon geweldig … Inclusief bankieren. Maar wat is het … Prinses Máxima is een van de stemmen voor de VN om het te promoten, aangezien zij dit heeft gedaan voor Micro Finance.

Máxima kwam van de HSBC bank en Deutsche Bank. Beide banken stonden aan de wieg van de financiële crisis. Het zeer negatieve trackrecord van Deutsche Bank is er een van. Deutsche Bank was de belangrijkste bijdrager van de Tweede Wereldoorlog door de in Amerika opgeleide Rothschild-familie, levert nu bestuurslid voor Shell en vele andere grote invloedrijke internationals. 

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Nieuws 2018-02-03

Pas op met vergaande maatregelen tegen nepnieuws

Desinformatie bereikt ook Nederland, zegt de Leidse onderzoeker Peter Burger. Maar overheden die nu harde maatregelen voorstellen, slaan door…

…het is opvallend hoeveel beleidsmakers in binnen- en buitenland de laatste tijd maatregelen aankondigen tegen politieke beïnvloeding. Een kleine greep uit de maatregelen: de Europese Commissie presenteerde in januari een Taskforce Nepnieuws die de invloed van trollen op verkiezingen moet tegengaan. Minister Ollongren pleit voor maatregelen omdat de Russen de Nederlandse publieke opinie bespelen, door De Telegraaf prompt gebracht als een Russische ‘nepnieuwslawine’.

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Hoe de Democraten Trump konden laten bespieden

De Nunes Memo is openbaar gemaakt. We hebben de hele tekst flink uitgeplozen en stuiten op iets dat de mainstream media niet (willen) vertellen: niet alleen kon de FBI cmpagnemedewerker Carter Page bespioneren, maar in werkelijkheid het hele team, inclusief Donald Trump. We leggen hier uit hoe het zit.

De vrijgegeven memo van het House Intelligence Committee geeft aan hoe het inhoudelijk onjuiste Fusion GPS dossier — informatie van een Britse ex-spion, verkregen op verzoek van en betaald door de Clinton campagne en het Democratic National Committee (DNC) — door de FBI en het ministerie van justitie (DOJ) is gebruikt om van het FISA-gerechtshof toestemming te krijgen op een lid van het campagneteam van Trump, vrijwilliger Carter Page.

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The Memo Reveals the Coup against America

The Democrats and the media spent a week lying to the American people about the “memo.”

The memo was full of “classified information” and releasing” it would expose “our spying methods.” By “our,” they didn’t mean American spying methods. They meant Obama’s spying methods.

A former White House Ethics Lawyer claimed that the Nunes memo would undermine “national security.” On MSNBC, Senator Chris Van Hollen threatened that if the memo is released, the FBI and DOJ “will refuse to share information with the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.” 

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Things Your Professor Didn’t Tell You About Climate Change

Davos 2018 is gone, but not forgotten. This year’s World Economic Forum provided yet another opportunity for those who believe in apocalyptic climate change to harangue us about the evils of greenhouse gases amid warnings the world will end in 2050 or 2100 or one of these days when it gets warm enough. Most striking is the annual spectacle of the world’s wealthy and privileged disembarking from their fuel-gulping private jets and limousines or emerging from luxury hotel suites, to proclaim the world must cut back on the use of fossil fuels, or to question why the world’s common people do not feel as deeply or passionately about climate change as they do. 

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Europe: Making Islam Great Again

  • In Germany, 47% of Muslims believe Sharia is more important than German law. In Sweden, 52% of Muslims believe that Sharia is more important than Swedish law.
  • The studies are supported by European intelligence reports. In Germany, intelligence agencies warned in the early fall of 2015 that, “We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law.”
  • A recent Belgian study, in which 4,734 Belgians were polled, showed that two-thirds of Belgians feel that their nation is being “increasingly invaded”.

“We cannot and will never be able to stop migration”, wrote the EU’s Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos recently. “At the end of the day, we all need to be ready to accept migration, mobility and diversity as the new norm and tailor our policies accordingly”.

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Human memory could soon be tracked, boosted, or erased with the use of radical new technology

Scientific research on the human brain has yielded some very interesting results. According to the world’s foremost experts on the subject, they have made significant progress on the road to understanding human memories. Soon, they expect to be able to not only understand human memories fully but also to manipulate them at will. 

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SHAMELESS: No Democrats or left-leaning publishers denounce shocking abuses of power detailed in FISA memo release

The FISA memo release describes a shocking series of criminal abuses of power at the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ — all under Obama.

As the memo reveals, not only did top FBI and DOJ officials conspire to defraud the FISA court in order to illegally spy on American citizens, the key operatives in this process were fully aware they were committing law enforcement fraud during the entire process. 

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The EMF assault continues as 5G rolls out – but does anyone know the consequences to human health, the environment?

As ultra-high-speed 5G wireless begins to roll out, concerns about what the technology might do to our health are rising. Telecommunications companies are hyping up the technology’s amazing speeds and reliability, but what price will we pay for it? 

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Nieuws 2018-02-02

World’s first primates have been cloned, putting science on a collision course with the ethical conundrum of cloning humans

Cloning humans might not be as far off as many of us would like to believe with the news that Chinese scientists have successfully cloned two monkeys with the same technique that created Dolly the Sheep.

Using a technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer, DNA was taken from a fetus cell from a macaque monkey, placed in an egg, and artificially fertilized to create an embryo that was later born to a surrogate. Hua Hua and Zhong Zhong were born six and eight weeks ago respectively, and scientists are attributing their success to reprogramming genes from the cloned embryos in a way that allowed them to develop correctly in the womb.

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I’m Sick Of The God And America Hating Left

The Left Are The Real Bigots

It takes one to know one. That was some playground wisdom I grew up with.

If you asked the average lefty to explain to you what it means to be a bigot I doubt if he/she would be able to give you an accurate definition. Bigotry has been incorrectly linked to racism…another made up word that didn’t even exist in the American lexicon until just before WWII.

The American Left has totally adulterated the English language to the point that we often find ourselves using words that are totally misapplied or improperly used in regards to their original meaning. 

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Shocker! Gender neutrality impacts scientific advancement

WASHINGTON – A new peer-reviewed scientific study concludes the gender of researchers conducting certain lab experiments could be seriously impacting the results, noting the outcome often cannot be replicated.

Published this month by the journal Science Advances, the paper, by Colin D. Chapman, Christian Benedict and Helgi B. Schiöth of Uppsala University in Sweden, is called “Experimenter gender and replicability in science.” 

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Flu vaccine BOMBSHELL: 630% more “aerosolized flu virus particles” emitted by people who received flu shots… flu vaccines actually SPREAD the flu

A bombshell new scientific study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) finds that people who receive flu shots emit 630% more flu virus particles into the air, compared to non-vaccinated individuals. In effect, this finding documents evidence that flu vaccines spread the flu, and that so-called “herd immunity” is a medical hoax because “the herd” is actually transformed into carriers and spreaders of influenza. 

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Nieuws 2018-02-01

The “Fake News” Crusade to “Protect” You from Free Speech

  • Even if judgements against some of these websites might be overturned in courts, doing so is clearly an enormous financial burden, as the would-be censors doubtless know. But what a handy way not to have one’s policies questioned — especially, one assumes, during elections.
  • Attempts to censor “competing narratives” is probably just a tip-off that certain individuals are afraid their political ideas will be unable to withstand the questions asked or the test of time.
  • “If a person cannot walk into the middle of the town square and express his or her views without fear of arrest, imprisonment, or physical harm, then that person is living in a fear society, not a free society.” — Natan Sharansky, The Case for Democracy.

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear,” George Orwell wrote in his ant-totalitarian novel, 1984. He would probably have frowned upon the latest UK Government blueprint to create a regulatory agency that will ultimately strangle freedom of expression.

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The Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Shifting, Poles May Flip: “This Could Get Bad”

“The shield that protects the Earth from solar radiation is under attack from within. We can’t prevent it, but we ought to prepare…” is the ominous sub-headline of a worrisome new report that shows scientists around the world fearing that the earth’s magnetic field is shifting, with potentially disastrous consequences for mankind. 

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Horror as Dutch doctors euthanise 29-year-old woman with mental health troubles

Opponents of assisted dying have reacted with horror after doctors in Holland performed the euthanasia of a 29-year-old woman who was suffering from mental health problems but was physically fit.

Aurelia Brouwers, who wrote movingly on her blog about her plight, was given a lethal injection less than a month after winning an eight-year battle to end her life, the Catholic Herald reported.

Brouwers, who had spent nearly three years in a mental health institution and another two-and-half years in prison, argued that her bouts of severe depression made her life intolerable and led her to attempt suicide, and commit self-harm and arson. 

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FISA Memo Likely To Be Released Thursday: Administration Official

Republicans are reportedly planning to kick off the month of February by releasing the infamous FISA memo alleging “egregious abuses” of FISA surveillance powers by the FBI, Reuters reported citing a Trump administration official who said on Wednesday that the memo is “likely to be released on Thursday.”

The four-page memo has circulated among the House, and has been seen by the president and his chief of staff, John Kelly. Trump has until Friday to decide whether the memo should remain classified. 

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Viktor Orban: Europa’s toekomst en christelijke grondslagen moeten worden beschermd

Migratie vormt de grootste bedreiging voor de toekomst van Europa, die moet worden beschermd, zei de Hongaarse premier Viktor Orban dinsdag in Wenen na besprekingen met de Oostenrijkse bondskanselier Sebastian Kurz.

“Er bestaat een christelijke cultuur en een manier van leven, die we willen beschermen”, vertelde Orban een persconferentie en benadrukte de noodzaak om de identiteit en christelijke grondslagen van Europa te behouden. 

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Getting the flu is SAFER than getting the flu shot, warns doctor

Influenza season is upon us once again, and this year the mainstream media is going hog wild with reports about a deadly new strain of circulating “wild” flu that’s said to be exceptionally virulent. But before you rush out to get a flu shot as “protection,” you might want to take a closer look at what the science has to say about the safety and efficacy of these often-hyped jabs.

During a recent interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, vaccine truth advocate Dr. Suzanne Humphries shared her expertise about flu shots, explaining how the adverse events she observed in conjunction with their use was what drove her to more deeply investigate the nature of vaccines at large. In the process, she discovered that flu shots really don’t work, and often cause more problems than they’re said to prevent. 

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Population Control? Sustainable Development IS The Proven Solution

Dr. Tim Ball makes an important correlation that development drives population down, not up. This was likely well-understood by the creators of Agenda 21 in 1992, when they called for a reduced global population in order to achieve Sustainable Development. In other words, the concept of population reduction is implicit in the concept of Sustainable Development. ⁃ TN Editor

The claim of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) was the final strategy used to bully the world into accepting that the world was on a path of self-destruction. The sequence promoted by the Club of Rome (COR) was that world population was growing at an unsustainable rate relative to the resources. It took the Malthusian idea that population would outgrow food supply and applied it to all resources. The increasing pressure was a combination of increasing overall population, amplified by development, so each person was demanding more each year. 

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Nieuws 2018-01-25

Hoe Obama-administratie Trump kwijt wilde

De afgelopen dagen hebben wij geschreven over het FISA-memo (deel 1, deel 2), waarin vermeld staat hoe de Amerikaanse FBI samen met het ministerie van justitie een plan uitvoerden om de presidentskandidaat (en latere president) Trump – en zijn medewerkers – te beschadigen. Vandaag – omdat de mainstream media in ons land het vertikken hierover te berichten doen wij het maar – een artikel over het opzienbare interview met een voormalig federale aanklager, Joe DiGenova, die hierin precies uit de doeken doet wat zich zoal heeft afgespeeld.

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Mueller Obstruction Probe Said To Be Wrapping Up Much Faster Than Anticipated

President Donald Trump said last night that he’s “looking forward” to testifying under oath some time during the next two or three weeks. Well, according to Bloomberg he may just get his wish even as Republicans have so far failed in their push to convince the Justice Department to appoint a second special prosecutor to investigate the FBI.

The fact that Mueller is pushing to interview Trump – and, as reports from the New York Times and NBC have revealed this week, has recently interviewed several of Trump’s most-senior staffers – suggests the special counsel’s investigation into possible collusion between Trump and Russia – an investigation that has since pivoted to focus on whether Trump committed obstruction of justice, as well as the financial improprieties of his associates – appears to be inching toward its conclusion much faster than anticipated, Bloomberg reports.

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Germany: Return of the Stasi Police State?

  • Germany’s new law requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the government. Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online “criminal offenses” within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint — regardless of whether the content is accurate or not.
  • Social media platforms now have the power to shape the form of current political and cultural discourse by deciding who will speak and what they will say.
  • Notice the ease with which the police chief mentioned that he had filed charges to silence a leading political opponent of the government. That is what authorities do in police states: Through censorship and criminal charges, they silence outspoken critics and political opponents of government policies, such as Beatrix von Storch, who has sharply criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel’s migration policies.
  • While such policies would doubtless have earned the German authorities many points with the old Stasi regime of East Germany, they more than likely contravene the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) to which Germany is a party, as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

Germany’s new censorship law, which has introduced state censorship on social media platforms, came into effect on October 1, 2017. The new law requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the German state. Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online “criminal offenses” such as libel, slander, defamation or incitement, within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint — regardless of whether the content is accurate or not. Social media companies are permitted seven days for more complicated cases. If they fail to do so, the German government can fine them up to 50 million euros for failing to comply with the law.

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Wie zijn de controleurs in de wereld en hoe de wereldbevolking wordt misleid

In de wereld van vandaag is niets wat het lijkt, de wereldbevolking wordt constant gehersenspoeld zonder hier erg in te hebben. Alles wat wij (denken te) weten is niets anders dan een verkeerde perceptie van de werkelijkheid.

Ons is een werkelijkheid aangeleerd, door de politiek, maatschappij, media, entertainment, het onderwijs die niets te maken heeft met wat er in werkelijkheid gaande is. Het is allemaal bedoeld om ons tot domme zombies te maken die alleen maar denken aan consumeren en geld verdienen om dingen te kunnen doen die niet van belang zijn. De gewone man of vrouw is zijn of haar hele leven bezig met dingen en zaken te bewerkstelligen en te krijgen die niet van belang zijn. 

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Come on now: Scientists say “apocalyptic predictions” about global warming by the U.N. are NOT credible

Adding to the general confusion and disagreement about the true dangers of global warming, a new study has determined that the UN’s “apocalyptic” global warming predictions are completely overstated.

Researchers from the University of Exeter used new calculations to determine the likely impact that greenhouse gases would have on global warming, and they were able to discount extreme scenarios like the UN’s prediction of the world warming by as much as 19.8 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. They’ve now reduced the range of potential outcomes at the end of the century by more than half. 

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Scientists successfully clone monkeys; could humans be next?

For the first time, researchers have used the cloning method that produced Dolly the sheep to create healthy monkeys, bringing science an important step closer to being able to do the same with humans. 

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Alibaba Founder Jack Ma Says Big Data And AI Pose Threat To Humans

Technocrat Jack Ma’s Alibaba is the Amazon of China, and he is closely aligned with the Chinese government. He readily admits that “The AI and robots are going to kill a lot of jobs as machines will replace humans in future” and that Big Data and AI are a threat to humanity. Nevertheless, Technocracy races forward in China and around the world. ⁃ TN Editor

A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi struck a chord with business and political leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Jack Ma , founder and Executive Chairman of Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba, took the centre stage in one of the sessions at the alpine resort of Davos and talked about the impact of technology, artificial intelligence, role of women business leaders in today’s world and globalization. Ma warned that latest technologies like AI and big data are a threat and would disable people instead of empowering them. 

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Police State: Round Ups, Checkpoints And National ID Cards

John Whitehead absolutely gets the rising authoritarian police state in America, but not the larger picture of Technocracy that is driving it. The national identification system, for instance, is a Technocrat initiative to track everyone, everywhere, at all time. ⁃ TN Editor

Here in Amerika, things are getting worse—not better—as the nation inches ever closer towards totalitarianism, that goose-stepping form of tyranny in which the government has all of the power and “we the people” have none.

Take what happened recently in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

On Friday, Jan. 19, 2018, immigration agents boarded a Greyhound bus heading to downtown Miami from Orlando and demanded that all passengers provide proof of residence or citizenship. One grandmother, traveling by bus to meet her granddaughter for the first time, was arrested and taken off the bus when she couldn’t provide proof of residency. 

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