Nieuws 2017-05-21

Ravi Zacharias: Christians Must Reject ‘Tepid’ Christianity as ‘Scorching Paganism’ Rises in West

A renowned apologist is urging the Western Church to spurn comfortable Christianity and instead emulate the prophet Daniel, who made several key decisions to avoid becoming corrupted in a deeply evil society.

Ravi Zacharias noted on Friday at the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians that his calling is to hostile audiences, often like those one finds on secular university campuses. Addressing victims of persecution and their advocates was a bit unusual for him, he said, even saying he felt it was “audacious.”
But his calling and this particular subject and speech Friday presented an irony.

Lees verder: The Christian Post

Babies From Skin Cells? Prospect Is Unsettling to Some Experts

Nearly 40 years after the world was jolted by the birth of the first test-tube baby, a new revolution in reproductive technology is on the horizon — and it promises to be far more controversial than in vitro fertilization ever was.
Within a decade or two, researchers say, scientists will likely be able to create a baby from human skin cells that have been coaxed to grow into eggs and sperm and used to create embryos to implant in a womb.
The process, in vitro gametogenesis, or I.V.G., so far has been used only in mice. But stem cell biologists say it is only a matter of time before it could be used in human reproduction — opening up mind-boggling possibilities.

Lees verder: The New York Times

SICK: Gloria Steinem says that allowing a human child to be born instead of murdering it will cause global warming

While scientists continue to debate what could be causing climate change, feminist icon Gloria Steinem thinks she knows the answer. In an interview with Refinery29, the outspoken 83-year-old said that climate change is actually a feminist issue. In her view, the fact that not all women have access to abortions is directly responsible for world overpopulation, thereby causing global warming.
She told the publication: “If we had not been systematically forcing women to have children they don’t want or can’t care for over the 500 years of patriarchy, we wouldn’t have the climate problems that we have. That’s the fundamental cause of climate change.”

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Vaccine zealot Paul Offit claims children can be given 10,000 vaccines all at once, with no harm

Fake news, fake science, fake boobs. Doesn’t it feel like we just can’t trust anything anymore? Take, for example, the super-heated vaccine debate that has been raging for a few years now. How are we as parents supposed to know who we should believe? We have wise-looking men in lab coats assuring us that vaccines save millions of lives each year, and that while they carry some risks, these are minimal, and every child should be vaccinated to protect “herd immunity.” On the other side of the spectrum, we have parents of children with neurodevelopment disorders asking us to believe that their children were damaged by vaccines, and the astronomical rise in autism rates in the last few decades that would seem to back them up. How are we supposed to know where to find the truth?
Well, the only way to find the truth is to follow the money. If scientists and doctors have a vested interest in pushing an agenda, how are we supposed to believe anything they say? Only scientists with nothing to gain financially and no conflicts of interest would be worth listening to, right?

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Nieuws 2017-05-20

CNN News Flash Inadvertently Confirms Trump’s Innocence in Russiagate Story

I’m a fair player, and no matter how much I point out that Trump is damaging his opportunity to improve the economy by making himself look guilty in the Russiagate story, I’ll also point out news that indicates he is not guilty of collaborating with Russians. Here is an odd twist in the Russiagate story as Anderson Cooper sleepwalks past the truth of his own news break:
CNN/Anderson Cooper confirms Trump’s Russiagate innocence
So, here’s an odd twist in the Russiagate story: CNN, whose barrage of stories about Trump have run 93% negative according to a Harvard study, just confirmed that President Trump is telling the truth when he says he had no connections with Russia during the campaign.

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The Gender Obsessed West Sets Itself Up for the Rise of Islam

French authorities imposed on students ridiculous books such as Daddy Wears a Dress. It would have been comical if the following years would not have been so tragic. What, in fact, wrecked these French illusions was Islamic terrorism.
The only enemy these French élites knew were patriarchal privileges, since for them “domination” comes only from the white male Europeans.
Obsession with gender is a convenient distraction to avoid facing matters that are more difficult and less pleasant. If the West will not commit itself to preserving Western societies and values, it will fall. And its extraordinary progress will be blanketed over by darkness, along with all those gender rights.

Lees verder: Gatestone Institute

Transgenders found to exhibit shockingly high rates of suicidal thoughts and attempts

No matter how aggressively the social engineers try to push the notion that altering one’s gender is completely normal, the fact will always remain that transgender individuals are in need of therapy, not adulation. And don’t take our word for it: Consider the indisputable evidence presented in a new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Transgender Health, which shows that transgender people are up to 22 times more likely to entertain the idea of, or attempt, suicide compared to people who accept their biological genders.

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Transgenderism not rooted in real science: 6,500 genes are expressed differently in men vs. women regardless of how someone FEELS about their gender

One of today’s cultural fads is transgenderism, and while the discredited “mainstream” media and entertainment industry would like for you to believe that it’s just a natural biological process people are born with and not a “choice,” the physiological facts say otherwise.
As reported by Science Daily, researchers have recently identified thousands of genes – 6,500 in all – that express themselves quite differently in biological men and biological women, “genes that are mostly active in one sex or the other” and “may play a crucial role in our” health and evolution.

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Nieuws 2017-05-19

Actor Steve McQueen Was Found Clutching Billy Graham’s Bible When He Died, Greg Laurie Says

Hollywood icon Steve McQueen, who accepted Christ months before he was diagnosed with fatal cancer, died clutching legendary evangelist Billy Graham’s Bible, California pastor Greg Laurie’s new book on the salvation of the “King of Cool” explains.

Laurie, senior pastor at Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside and a well-respected evangelist, will release his new book, Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon, on June 13.
In an interview with The Christian Post this week, Laurie explained that the book will serve as the most in-depth account of McQueen’s fairly unknown path to Christ in the last days of his life. The book was co-written by Marshall Terrill, who has written five books on McQueen and, according to Laurie, is an “expert on all things McQueen.”

Lees verder: The Christian Post

Docu: Big Pharma, het duistere spel van de gezondheidszorg

De farmaceutische industrie is uitgegroeid tot een imperium. Het is vandaag de dag één van de machtigste, zo niet de machtigste industrie in de VS.
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Big Pharma biedt behandelingen aan voor alle mogelijke soorten mentale aandoeningen. Miljoenen slikken pillen voor depressie, angstgevoelens, bipolaire stoornis, enzovoorts.
Zelfs jonge kinderen krijgen psychiatrische medicijnen voorgeschreven. Als ouders dergelijke behandelingen weigeren, dreigen de autoriteiten in te grijpen.

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Nieuwe NASA data: Niets aan de hand met het poolijs

Nieuwe data van NASA satellieten bewijzen dat de poolkappen niet teruggetrokken zijn sinds de metingen begonnen in 1979. Sinds eind 2012 zit de totale hoeveelheid poolijs zelfs boven het gemiddelde vanaf 1979.

Eind 70er jaren vorige eeuw stopte de koelere trend die sinds 1940 gaande was. Daarmee was het uitgangspunt van de in 1979 begonnen NASA metingen in 1979 (te) hoog. De poolkappen bleven op hun 1979 niveau tot 2005. In 2012 was het poolijs – land en zee – met een 10% afgenomen ten opzichte van 1979.

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EU propaganda video die moslims oproept naar Europa te komen: Wees welkom in Europa, wij hebben jullie dringend nodig

Mensen die nog altijd weigeren te geloven dat de ‘vluchtelingen’crisis niet toevallig is ontstaan, maar een doelgerichte, door de EU gewenste mosliminvasie is, kunnen met eigen ogen op deze door Brussel gesponsorde videocartoon van de Franse tak van Europa Zonder Grenzen zien hoe moslims worden opgeroepen zich aan de grenzen van Europa te melden, omdat ze ‘van harte welkom’ zijn, en werkgevers ‘jullie dringend nodig’ hebben.

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Big Pharma and the CDC Can’t be Trusted When It Comes to Vaccines

Last Thursday, May 9, 2017, the Duluth News-Tribune re-published, on their Opinion Page/Other View, an editorial previously published in The Free Press of Mankato, MN. The title of the DNT was “Not Learning from our Errors” and the Free Press title was “Debunked vaccine fear taking toll on Minnesota”.
Also last week a Duluth Reader reader from Tower, MN wrote a letter to the editor criticizing a recent Duty to Warn article of mine that could (and should) undermine the confidence that people have in the vaccine industry and the clinics and physicians who follow the so-called “scientific consensus” on the CDC’s, FDA’s and AAP’s vaccine mandates (and presumably for the rapid institution of the 271 new vaccines that are in Big Pharma’s pipeline into the CDC’s already over-vaccination agenda).

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Is Washington Protecting the Terrorists? US Jets Bomb Pro-Government Syria Forces Advancing on Militant Base

US military aircraft have carried out an airstrike on a convoy of pro-Syrian government fighters advancing toward the positions of foreign-backed militants in the south of the Arab country.
AFP quoted unnamed US military officials as saying that the American jets struck a convoy of 27 tanks heading towards a garrison in al-Tanf near the Jordanian border on Thursday.

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“Environmentalists” have been fooled: The very molecule they’ve declared war on is the same molecule necessary to re-green the entire planet

Carbon dioxide has been vilified as the harbinger of climate change for years now, but it seems that this belief may have been misguided. Indeed, carbon dioxide may be what saves the planet as opposed to what destroys it. The media has done a brilliant job of putting carbon dioxide (CO2) at the forefront of the climate change debate, but scientists are beginning to speak up and present evidence to the contrary.

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Winning the Battle to Control Your Mind

In this week’s edition of Mind Hack, Jeff DeRiso looks at an achievement by Japanese researchers using brain waves to decode human speech. He also examines a US Defense Industry insider’s view of advances in neuroscience and bioweaponry.

Lees verder: NewsBud

Nieuws 2017-05-18

FAKE SCIENCE: An astonishing one-third of all FDA-approved drugs turn out to have serious safety problems

One of the most common arguments that skeptics of so-called “alternative” medicine make in opposition to its legitimacy is that much of it hasn’t undergone the same safety and clinical trial process – the supposed “gold standard” of science-based medicine – as pharmaceutical-based allopathic medicine. But new research out of Yale University just about dashes the entire drug approval process to pieces, revealing that an astounding one-third of all pharmaceutical drugs approved by the government as safe and effective later turn out to be dangerous or ineffective.

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Australian parents who don’t vaccinate their children will be fined $14 per week by the authoritarian regime

If you live in Australia and want to exercise your right not to vaccinate your kids, you’d better be prepared to pay for that privilege. The new federal budget will see parents who don’t vaccinate losing AUD$14 per week, which equates to around USD$10.49 at today’s rate, from their family tax benefit payments. The measure will be set in motion starting July 2018, and it is expected to raise millions of dollars while punishing those who don’t want to vaccinate their kids.

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Research Claiming Sex-Change Benefits Is Based On Junk Science

Once junk science is accepted as truth, its application knows no boundary, whether climate change, biodiversity, ‘earth science’ or Sustainable Development. Junk science is a scourge to mankind and the planet. ⁃ TN Editor

 Caitlyn Jenner has perfected the art of cashing in on each step of gender transition. A few short weeks before the release of his new book, Jenner acknowledges the boys are now gone. Adios to his life-long companions in gender reassignment surgery (known as bottom surgery).
Jenner is wealthy and can cash in on celebrity, but a large portion of the transgender population remains lost and unaccounted for. Did they die, detransition, or commit suicide? All we know is the attempted suicide rate for transgender people has remained above 40 percent for many years.
Doctors jam trans kids with puberty blockers and trans adults with cross-gender hormones, then recommend irreversible genital surgery, all without having long-term systematic studies of the effectiveness of such invasive treatment. Parents of trans kids don’t have the benefit of trustworthy information on the probable outcomes of up to 90 percent of gender changers.

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LGBTQs target top psychiatrist for debunking gender myths

The Human Rights Campaign, one of the leading U.S. pro-homosexual/transgender organizations, is tired of getting debunked by a world-renowned psychiatrist and medical doctor and has decided to fight back with an online campaign to paint their opponent as a peddler of “junk science.”
HRC has launched an online attack called “McHugh Exposed” at its website.
“For years, Paul McHugh has used his platform as a psychiatrist affiliated with Johns Hopkins University to peddle myths about transgender people – not just in his writings, but in courtrooms and state legislatures across the country,” HRC complains. “While he has no expertise in gender or sexuality, McHugh has publicly called transgender people ‘caricatures’ and described them as ‘confused’ and ‘mad.’

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Nieuws 2017-05-16

Christian pastor in Bible Belt admits personally worshiping Allah

A former church has been taken over and converted to a mosque in a rural North Carolina county, and a group of Christian pastors took part in the conversion ceremony in an effort to “show mutual respect” for their Muslim neighbors.
Crosses have been removed from the former church’s facade and steeple, and mosque leader Ali Muhammad turned them over to the group of pastors.
“What they were attempting to do is honor our tradition and so they wanted to turn the crosses over to us,” said the Rev. Jim Melnyk, pastor of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Smithfield, a small town in Johnston County about 45 minutes south of Raleigh. “They were reaching out to us, and we were reaching out to them.”

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More children harmed by VACCINES than from GUNSHOTS, government statistics reveal

Every 45 minutes, a child is hospitalized in the U.S. because of a gunshot wound. Fifty seven percent of firearm-related injuries in children 15 years of age and younger are unintentional. We all want to improve on the issue of gun safety to protect our children from accidental injury, but when it comes to vaccine safety, many turn a blind eye, accepting vaccine injury as a necessary evil.

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Massachusetts Attorney General says it’s okay for mainstream media to publish death threats against “anti-vaxxers”

The mainstream media has just been given a green light by the Massachusetts Attorney General to openly publish death threats against so-called “anti-vaxxers” (a derogatory term which means anyone who questions the sanity of injecting children with mercury, a brain-damaging heavy metal and known neurotoxin). Proof of this is found in the letter shown below.

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Most Americans believe the Bible is divinely inspired, but fewer than ever take it literally

Most Americans still believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, but the number who believe it should be taken literally (24 per cent) is at a 40-year low.
A May poll by Gallup found that less than one in four Americans believe the Bible to be ’the actual word of God, and is to be taken literally, word for word’. In contrast, 26 per cent view it as ‘a book of fables, legends, history and moral precepts recorded by man’.
The poll finds the number of those who take the Bible literally at its lowest in 40 years, and is the first time that the number of biblical sceptics has exceeded the number of biblical literalists.

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Nieuws 2017-05-15

Wat deed George Soros bij Italiaanse premier Gentiloni, hetgeen geheim moest blijven

Gelukkig zijn er inmiddels een aantal regeringsleiders wakker geworden om een halt toe te roepen aan wat George Soros zelf liefdadige activiteiten noemt, maar wij zeker de laatste 2 jaren rustig als subversieve acties tegen de Europese samenleving kunnen noemen. Met o.a. zijn Open Society waarvan Mabel Wisse Smit Europees directeur was, ondermijnt Soros , Europa en kunnen wij zelfs spreken van pogingen tot destabilisatie.

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India: Genetic Engineering, the Commercialization of GM Mustard and the Future of Agriculture

The environment ministry in India will make the final call after the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee recently gave a positive recommendation for the commercial cultivation of GM mustard. Whether the crop is commercially cultivated could depend on the Supreme Court, which is hearing a case seeking a moratorium on its commercial release. The government has stated it will abide by the court’s decision (although that remains to be seen and some question the court’s impartiality). The final hearing will probably take place in July. The case before the Supreme Court was brought by Aruna Rodrigues who accuses various officials and the regulatory authorities of unremitting fraud and regulatory delinquency.

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Court Documents Reveal That Monsanto Hired Army Of Trolls To Kill Online Dissent

Biotech giant Monsanto is being accused of hiring, through third parties, an army of Internet trolls to counter negative comments, while citing positive “ghost-written” pseudo-scientific reports which downplay the potential risks of their products.
The documents emerged during pre-trials on 50 lawsuits against Monsanto which were pending in the US District Court in San Francisco. The plaintiffs allege that exposure to the biotech giant’s flagship product, the herbicide Roundup, caused them or their relatives to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma, while Monsanto concealed the potential risks.

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HPV vaccine causes shocking “aging-like” effect on teenager, making her feel like an 80-year-old

Every teenager says that they can’t wait to be a grown-up. For one young teen, however, that “dream” has become a nightmare. Zara Beattie, a 13-year old girl from Wigton, Cumbria has been struck by severe pain across her body and heart palpitations. Beattie says that the repercussions of the HPV vaccine that she was given have left her feeling like she’s been put into “an 80-year-old’s body.”

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Nieuws 2017-05-14

SCIENCE PROPAGANDA: New study claims that people who believe in religion are “brain damaged”

It’s sad, but with each passing year, America is becoming an increasingly godless country. According to the Pew Research Center, the number of U.S. adults who say that they believe in God has decreased from 92 percent to 89 percent since the year 2007. Furthermore, the number of Americans who say they are “absolutely certain” that God exists has dropped from 71 percent in 2007 down to 63 percent in 2014. While there are a number of possible explanations for this trend, perhaps the most obvious is the idea that Americans are beginning to replace God with science. The creation of the universe wasn’t the work of a higher power; it was the result of the big bang. God didn’t create humans; each and every one of us evolved from apes. This new, progressive way of thinking really only began a couple of decades ago.

Lees verder: NaturalNews

Another blow to ‘vaccine science’ – study suggests unvaccinated children are healthier

With the measles outbreak in America being traced back to unvaccinated children, there has been an uproar of ridicule over parents who choose not to vaccinate their children.
But a piece of the puzzle is going overlooked in this argument, and that is how and why we vaccinate altogether. Are we over-vaccinating? Are we using safe practices?

Lees verder: SOTT (Sign Of The Times)

The Great Price of “Blaspheming” against Muhammad

Because the word of a Christian “infidel” is not valid against the word of a Muslim, accusations of blasphemy, often with little or no evidence, routinely lead to the beating, imprisonment, and possible killing of Christians and other minorities every month in Pakistan.
“The available evidence in all these cases suggests that charges were brought as a measure to intimidate and punish members of minority religious communities… hostility towards religious minority groups appeared in many cases to be compounded by personal enmity, professional or economic rivalry or a desire to gain political advantage.” — Amnesty International.
“Iran sentences a 21-year-old man to death for ‘insulting Islam’ … after confessing when police promised he would be pardoned if he came clean.” — Daily Mail.

Lees verder: Gatestone Institute

The UN’s Obsession against Israel

Israel is thus the only country on the planet to benefit from the doubtful privilege of being scrutinized on the least of its actions, through an agenda decided by its enemies.
There is also no need to go back to 1976, to remember the infamous UN Resolution 3379, “Zionism is a form of Racism,” under the Secretary-Generalship of a former Nazi, Kurt Waldheim, a week after Uganda’s brutal Idi Amin received a triumphant reception at the UN headquarters.

Lees  verder: Gatestone Intitute

Nieuws 2017-05-12

Nooit toestemming gegeven, toch in het EPD? Check het zelf!

Er is iets aan de hand met de miljoenen toestemmingen die in de afgelopen jaren zijn gegeven voor deelname aan het private EPD, het Landelijk Schakelpunt. Burgers ontdekken dat hun medische gegevens in het systeem staan en door verschillende partijen zijn geraadpleegd, zonder dat ze daar ooit toestemming voor gaven. De enige manier om zeker te weten dat je dossier niet via het systeem beschikbaar wordt gesteld, is door dit zelf na te vragen.

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Grote bezorgdheid over toegang justitie tot gegevens zorg

Nadat demissionair minister Schippers (VVD) haar idee lanceerde om lichaamsmateriaal in ziekenhuizen en biobanken beschikbaar te maken voor politie en justitie regende het reacties uit allerlei hoeken, die variëren van ongeloof tot afkeuring. Ook Schippers heeft vanwege de ontstane onrust gereageerd, maar haar antwoorden stellen niet gerust.
De VSOP, een koepel van 70 patiëntenverenigingen, maakte in uitzendingen van Eenvandaag en RTL nieuws ernstig bezwaar tegen het voorstel.

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New Israeli Research Reveals that Men are Men and Women are Women

A new study by Israeli researchers found that a man cannot become a woman by simply “identifying” as one and vice versa.
Geneticists from Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science discovered certain genes that are only expressed in women, while others are only expressed in men.

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Some thoughts on the globalist agenda, vaccines and population control

The oligarchs and their minions seek to build a synthetic and techno-feudal new world order (NWO). To build it, they must destroy the old – God ordained and organic – order of human dignity and sexual complementarity, the natural law, the natural family, the organic nation, limited government, private property and traditional religion. It seems our age is one of transition in which the elites and their stooges are simultaneously destroying the old, natural order and erecting their synthetic, new world order.

Lees verder: TruthAlertBlog

Like the Jews before them, Christians are fleeing the Middle East, emptying what was once one of the world’s most-diverse regions of its ancient religions.

They’re being driven away not only by Islamic State, but by governments the U.S. counts as allies in the fight against extremism. When suicide bomb attacks ripped through two separate Palm Sunday services in Egypt last month, parishioners responded with rage at Islamic State, which claimed the blasts, and at Egyptian state security.
Government forces assigned to the Mar Girgis church in Tanta, north of Cairo, neglected to fix a faulty metal detector at the entrance after church guards found a bomb on the grounds just a week before. The double bombing killed at least 45 people, and came despite promises from the Egyptian government to protect its Christian minority.

Lees verder: NowTheEndBegins

Are Islamists Conducting a New Jihad against the West?

  • “But, as regards the reward and blessing, there is one deed which is very great in comparison to all the acts of worship and all the good deed­[s] — and that is Jihad!” — Saudi publisher’s prefatory note, Jihad in the Qu’ran and Sunnah by Sheikh ‘Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Humaid.
  • The rewards of Paradise are also promised to the observant Muslim, but the highest grades of Paradise, of which there are 100, are reserved only for those who perform jihad.
  • Jihad is, by all appearances, first and foremost an act of religious devotion and only secondarily an act of economic and political rebellion.

Lees verder: Gatestone Institute

Transgender LUNACY as biological man shatters women’s weightlifting records by claiming he’s a woman

If you understand the kind of Marxist/liberalism practiced by politicians like Barack Obama and most Democrats today, you understand that much of what they propose and implement in terms of public policy is aimed at destroying traditional American culture and values, which they hold in contempt and see as illegitimate.
The more of it they can tear down and replace with Left-wing extremist ideals and practices, the more they are politically empowered.
Hopefully that helps explain why the Left in America wants to mainstream sexual deviancy and muddle gender identity. While the Marxist extremists scored some victories during the Obama years, at some point the biggest pushback they get may just come from Americans who are fed up with the nonsense.

Lees verder: NaturalNews

Nieuws 2017-05-11

Macron’s gebruik van symboliek is grootschalig, incl stemfraude

We zagen andere dag reeds dat Macron zijn intrede deed met het Europese volkslied in plaats van het Franse. Een symbolische communicatie naar het volk dat de EU onaantastbaar boven het Franse volk staat. Niet alleen is het Europese volkslied symbolisch… Ook de officiële uitslag van de verkiezing: Macron wint met 66,06% van de stemmen. Ja echt, 666, midden in je gezicht, maar de reguliere media blijft stil. En oh ja, dat stemmen ging ook niet helemaal eerlijk.

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A Global Warming Surprise

xploring some of the intricacies of GW [Global Warming] science can lead to surprising results that have major consequences. In a recent invited talk at the Heartland Institute’s ICCC-12 [Twelfth International Conference on Climate Change], I investigated three important topics:
1. Inconsistencies in the surface temperature record.
2. Their explanation as artifacts arising from the misuse of data.
3. Thereby explaining the failure of IPCC to find credible evidence for anthropogenic global warming (AGW).

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Europe: Denying the Threat of Islamic Imperialism

  • The UN report and Erdogan’s rhetoric both evidently expresses the Muslim world’s thoughts about what it apparently thinks should be the fate of Israel and Europe. So far, not a single Muslim state has condemned or opposed Erdogan’s aggression against Judeo-Christian civilization.
  • The enemy is already inside the gates; many European regimes seem unaware that there is even a threat.
  • The logic of much of Europe’s religious and political community seems to be that if the elephant in the room is spoken to nicely and made to look cute and adorable, people will not think of it as a threat to their safety.

The Western world can no longer ignore the problem of the latest the elephant in the room: Islamic imperialism. Europe has come to such a state of free speech trials, threats of censorship or, out of fear, self-censorship, that it seems to prefer putting the safety of its citizens at risk than admit that this elephant exists.

Lees meer: Gatestone Institute

Hepatitis B vaccinatie voor baby’s: overbodig en niet zonder gevaar?

De WHO (World Health Organization) heeft op 24 april jl. het startsein gegeven om via de “European Immunization Week” parlementsleden binnen de EU ertoe te bewegen om vaccinaties verplicht te gaan stellen voor iedereen.
Hepatitis B vaccinaties zijn een belangrijk onderdeel binnen het vaccinatiepakket, maar wat is Hepatitis B nu eigenlijk precies?

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Weather modification programs have been run by the US government since 1953

A few weeks ago, New York Times Magazine ran a column that asks if it’s ok “to tinker with the environment to fight climate change.” The piece, written by Jon Gertner, discusses a proposal made by Harvard Professor David Keith to use ten Gulfstream jets to spray 25,000 tons of liquid sulfur gas into the atmosphere in an attempt to combat global climate change. While Professor Keith argues that this sort of solar engineering is technologically feasible, he admits to having a tough time trying to determine whether or not such a practice is ethical.

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Scientists now pushing FAITH as the most important factor in “climate change” — if you believe it’s real, then it’s real

Has climate change gone from being just a scientific theory to a pseudo-scientific cult? A new “study” from the University of Warwick seems to underline the fact that the push for people to comply with the belief in global warming and human impact resides more in “faith,” than in science. In a world where anyone who even dares to question a single aspect of climate change and the hypotheses that are purported as facts is labeled “anti-science” and a “denier of truth,” it is more than ironic that they’ve actually shown faith, of all things, to be more important than anything else, when it comes to global warming.

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Mindless intolerance of climate change debate on full display as NYT columnist is blasted for suggesting people listen to BOTH sides of the argument

After months of being bullied by Trump supporters, Bret Stephens, a newly hired columnist for the New York Times’s opinion pages, has come under fire from the “nasty left” for casting doubt on aspects of climate change in his debut op-ed column.
He wrote about how absurd it is to blindly support climate change claims without listening to both sides. The former Wall Street Journal writer argued that scientific data and climate models create the misleading impression that we know what the impact of global warming will be. While he never stated that he believes climate change is fake, climate change alarmists went into overdrive, spitting hateful messages his way.

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Gelekte emails: Macron betrokken bij illegale wapens voor ISIS, drugs en belastingontduiking

Niet alleen de Franse, maar ook de andere Europese media zwijgen als het graf over de inhoud van de enorme lading gehackte emails van de met grote meerderheid gekozen nieuwe Franse president Emmanuel Macron. Uit de emails blijkt dat zo ongeveer alle ‘complottheorieën’ over Macron waarheid zijn, van het wegsluizen van miljoenen naar belastingparadijzen tot aan zijn betrokkenheid bij illegale wapen- en drugshandel. Ook staat nu vast dat Macron inderdaad vanaf het allereerste begin naar voren werd geschoven door de huidige politieke elite, en hij in werkelijkheid nooit een ‘onafhankelijke’ kandidaat is geweest.

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Schulden worden nu al via ECB op ons afgewenteld maar Macron wil eurozone regering en nog meer Franse schulden afschuiven

Ook ‘onze’ eigen premier Rutte juichte deze week de verkiezing van Emmanuel Macron toe, maar of hij werkelijk blij is met de nieuwe Franse president is maar de vraag. Zowel in Berlijn en Den Haag wordt met weerzin en zelfs huivering gekeken naar Macrons wensen, zoals de oprichting van een eurozone regering met een gezamenlijke begroting en gezamenlijke schulden. Daarmee wil Macron onhoudbaar hoge staatsschuld en enorme (sociale) uitgaven van zijn land handig afschuiven op de Duitsers en Nederlanders. Probleem in ons eigen land is dat de toekomstige coalitiepartners D66 en GroenLinks de grootste voorstanders zijn van het volledig opheffen van onze soevereiniteit ten gunste van zo’n Europese Superstaat.

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The Charade of Russian US Election Hacking. The Witch-Hunt Persists

In US judicial proceedings, beyond a reasonable doubt is the highest standard of proof required.
In civil litigation, it’s either proof by a preponderance of evidence or by what’s clear and convincing – establishing a high probability of truth.
In criminal cases, the high proof standard of reasonable doubt is especially important because a defendant’s freedom or possible execution is at stake.
The same high standard is most important when one nation accuses another of criminal actions. War could follow false accusations accepted as factual.
Last March, neocon Dick Cheney called alleged foreign interference in America’s election an “act of war” – despite none occurring, baseless accusations alone.

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No, the “New” CNN Video of the Chemical Incident Does NOT Prove that the Syrian Government Did It

The Sun claims that CNN has released new footage of last month’s Syrian chemical incident … and strongly implies that the Syrian government was responsible.
Washington’s Blog asked MIT rocket scientist and chemical weapons expert Theodore Postol* what he thought of the footage.

Postol replied: I agree that the footage is harrowing. However none of it is new and none of it proves that the Syrian government was the perpetrator of a nerve agent attack.
As such, this article merely falls into the category of propaganda.
The kindest alternative description of the article is that it might instead be yet another example of bad reporting that mixes ill-considered assumptions with facts that may or may not be relevant to its conclusions.
This kind of reporting could actually be encouraging such attacks.
If there was a false flag nerve agent attack, this tells the perpetrators that when they engage in the murder of children they can build a stronger false case against the Syrian government and thereby increase their chances of creating political pressure on the US Government to intervene militarily on their behalf.
If people are sickened by the inhumanity of these events, they might want to consider alternative explanations of who might be responsible for the immoralities we are seeing.

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