Nieuws 2017-06-01

De virtuele werkelijkheid van Sharon Dijksma

Ik heb het al vaak geschreven klimaat en desinformatie vormen een Siamese tweeling. En onze hoogste ambtsdragers doen vrolijk mee aan de verspreiding daarvan.
Enkele dagen geleden sprak demissionair staatssecretaris Sharon Dijksma bij Pauw over een klimaatsamenwerking van Nederland met Californië, waar onlangs in San Francisco een conferentie over dat thema had plaatsgevonden onder de titel: ‘The Climate is Big Business’. Californië voert een actief klimaat- cum duurzaamheidsbeleid en wijkt daarmee af van het beleid van de nieuwe Amerikaanse president, Donald Trump. Daarmee is deze deelstaat natuurlijk een ideale samenwerkingspartner voor ‘gidsland’ Nederland … althans volgens Sharon Dijksma.

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Fleeing Tyranny or Bringing it with Them?

Many newcomers to Canada and Europe are demanding laws similar to those from which they claim to be seeking refuge.
Newcomers soon start demanding privileges. They ask for gender segregation at work and in educational institutions; they ask for faith schools (madrasas), and demand an end to any criticism of their extremist practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriages, child marriages and inciting hatred for other religions. They call any criticism “Islamophobia”. They seek to establish a parallel justice system such as sharia courts. They are also unlikely, on different pretexts, to support any anti-terror or anti-extremism programs. They seem to focus only on criticizing the policies of West.
It is now the responsibility of Western governments to curb this growing turbulence of religious fundamentalism. Western governments need to require “hardline” Muslims to follow the laws of the land. Extremists need to be stopped from driving civilization to a collision course before the freedoms, for which so many have worked so hard and sacrificed so much are — through indifference or political opportunism — completely abolished.

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Islamic State in Asia: Saudi-Funding and Naive Policymakers Endanger Region

Recently, terrorist attacks have unfolded across Indonesia, a militant network disrupted along the Thai-Malaysian border and full-scale military operations including aerial bombing deployed as Philippine troops fought to take back Marawi City on the southern island of Mindanao, all linked or affiliated with the Islamic State.
A dangerously deceptive narrative is being crafted by US and European media organisations, the same sort of narrative that was used to conceal the true source of the Islamic State’s fighting capacity across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region beginning as early as 2011.

Education and Indoctrination: Who is Feeding the Fire?
The ranks of the Islamic State in Southeast Asia are being filled by a regional network of extremist indoctrination conducted in institutions posing as Islamic boarding schools known as madrasas. Those institutions indoctrinating local populations with notions of extremism and inspiring them to take up violence and terrorism share a common denominator; Saudi funding.

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CRISPR Gene-Editing Tool Causes Unintended Genetic Mutations

A new Columbia University study now shows that the use of CRISPR gene-editing technology can introduce ‘hundreds of unintended mutations into the genome.’ This is what even non-scientists concluded when CRISPR was originally introduced. Indeed, this is one of the most dangerous and misleading tools in the scientific world. ⁃ TN Editor
It’s not hyperbolic to say that the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique has been a revolutionary breakthrough, allowing scientists the ability to quickly, easily and precisely edit sections of DNA. But questions over how precise the CRISPR tool is have been raised in a new study from Columbia University Medical Center, which shows this gene-editing technology can introduce hundreds of unintended mutations into the genome.

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Zoltan Istvan: The Economy Of The Future Will Be Powered By Neural Lace

Zoltan Istvan, a leading Transhuman, shows us that the economic system of Technocracy needs Transhuman citizens to make it work. This is not surprising because Transhumanism and Technocracy are two sides of the same coin. ⁃ TN Editor
The battle for the “soul” of the global economy is underway. The next few decades will likely decide whether capitalism survives or is replaced with a techno-fuelled quasi-socialism where robots do most of the jobs while humans live off government support, likely a designated guaranteed or basic income.
Many experts believe wide-scale automation is inevitable. Even the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, recently announced it’s building an AI to replace its managers, many of whom are highly educated and previously thought invulnerable to automation. Robots, it seems, will manage everything. Or will they?

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Autism risk 420% higher in vaccinated children vs. non-vaccinated, published science confirms

A recent study led by researchers from the School of Public Health at Jackson State University has come to some shocking conclusions about vaccinated children. Perhaps one of the most jaw-dropping finds was that vaccinated children exhibited a 420 percent higher incidence of autism when compared to non-vaccinated children — as well as a staggering increased incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) in general.

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Al Gore is a genocidal depopulation cultist who won’t stop until all humanity is destroyed, warns new science video

Though he certainly has his fans and sycophantic supporters, the reality about Al Gore is that when it comes to his claims that humankind’s quest to live a technologically advanced life is destroying the planet, they are worse than wrong – they are nonsensical.
Gore’s so-called “claim to fame” regarding the climate change/global warming hoax came from his ‘documentary,’ “An Inconvenient Truth,” which sounded alarm bell after alarm bell that human activity had put Earth on a collision course with destruction.

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The Paris Climate Accord is GENOCIDE against plants, forests and all life on our planet

The primary goal of the Paris Climate Accord — the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide — is nothing less than genocide against all plant life across our planet.
That’s because all plants depend on CO2 for their very survival. It’s the “oxygen” for plants, and right now trees, grasses and food crops are starving for CO2 because it sits at nearly the lowest level it has ever been in the history of the Earth (barely above 400 ppm now, when it used to be over 7,000 ppm in the past).
Humans attempting to eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere is equivalent to some evil, fictional “plant demon” attempting to eliminate oxygen from the atmosphere, causing the mass asphyxiation of the entire human race. Just as eliminating oxygen is genocide against humans, eliminating carbon dioxide is genocide against plants.

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Damning legislation would give corporations the power to forcibly vaccinate you and collect your DNA records

A new bill, H.R. 1313, moving through Congress would allow companies to require employees to undergo genetic testing and enroll in a mandatory vaccine program or risk losing their job. Today, laws including the 2008 Genetic Privacy and Nondiscrimination Act (known as GINA) prohibits giving employers such power over their employees.

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