Nieuws 2018-01-31

No One Knows The Day Or The Hour

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley

Those who ignore the study of end times prophecy are fond of quoting this famous line which appears in various forms in Matt. 24:36, Matt. 24:42,44, Matt. 24:50 and Matt 25:13 as their justification. But earlier in the same passage, the Lord had admonished all who would read His words of prophecy to understand them (Matt 24:15) and elsewhere the Apostle Paul wrote that the events leading up to the end of the age should not take believers by surprise (1 Thes 5:4) implying that we should have done enough homework to see them coming

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Merkel heeft de controle verloren: Duitsers beginnen grote protesten tegen migranten en open grenzen

Twee grote protesten tegen migratie hebben de Duitsers wakker gemaakt: op 20 januari protesteerden minstens 2500 deelnemers in Cottbus en afgelopen zondag, op 28 januari, was er weer een groot protest in Kandel . 

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No Breaks for Israel

Israel’s red lines in Syria’s civil war have included returning fire against any entity that fires into Israel (whether Syrian, rebel, Hizb’allah, or Iranian); not permitting Iran or Hizb’allah or any of their Shiite proxies in Syria to establish permanent bases within a specific distance of the Israeli Golan border; and not permitting weapons beyond a certain level of lethality and sophistication to move from Syria to Hizb’allah. To enforce those lines, the Israeli Air Defense Force is suspected of carrying out attacks on a “scientific research center,” artillery positions, a “munitions factory,” and more. The Israeli government rarely confirms such strikes, but acknowledges that the Russians are informed of Israeli activity when necessary in an agreed-upon effort to limit the damage and not engage Russian forces themselves. 

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A Brief History of the Fake News Media

For far too long, I was convinced that the media were, on the whole, reliable purveyors of the news. For nearly three years I freelanced happily at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Music and Public Affairs, never suspecting that the Mothercorp was a hive of Liberal propaganda and an artesian fount of scandalously disingenuous broadcasting. It took 9/11 and the generally extenuating media reports over time, faulting the U.S. and exempting Islam, to shake up my thinking and turn me into a sceptical fact-finder.

The media are especially adept at creating villains out of whole cloth for public consumption to advance a particular and often dubious purpose. How else explain the transformation of significant political figures into synonyms for perfidy and opprobrium. I’m thinking in particular of Joe McCarthy, Barry Goldwater and Enoch Powell, all of whom considered themselves patriots and enunciated unpopular or anti-establishment truths, costing them their reputations both in their lifetimes and for posterity. 

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Kazakhstan targets home groups, private prayer in new religious freedom crackdown

Christians, Muslims and Jehovah’s Witnesses have been subject to increasingly punitive restrictions on religious freedom in Kazakhstan, with the European Evangelical Alliance warning that the state is redoubling its crackdown on ‘unauthorised’ faith, prompting ‘extreme concern’ amongst religious locals.

In 2017 the Kazakh state reportedly made 279 prosecutions targeting religious groups for crimes such as meeting for worship, sharing or importing religious literature in person or online, and praying in private settings. 

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Europe: Making Totalitarianism Great Again

  • The European Union has programs in place that seek heavily to influence mainstream news outlets and journalists with its own agendas — such as that of continued mass-migration into Europe from Africa and the Middle East. For this purpose, the European Commission recently funded the publication of a handbook with guidelines for journalists on how to write about migrants and migration.
  • It is seemingly in the interest of these media representatives to label competition from alternative or new media, “fake news”.
  • A proposed French law would allow authorities to block websites during election seasons, a draconian measure to combat political opponents, which would place France in the same category as countries such as China and Iran that block websites that do not suit the agendas of the regime.

The European Union is intensifying its efforts to censor and marginalize voices that disagree with its policies, under the convenient euphemism of combating “fake news”.

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Nieuws 2018-01-30

De onwelgevallige feiten over windenergie die u nooit hoort …

Wind- & zonnestroom kúnnen geen fossiele centrales vervangen.

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Egypt’s Christians Suffer from “Very High Persecution”

For another consecutive year in a row, Egypt has proven to be an inhospitable place for Christians, namely its most indigenous inhabitants, the Copts. According to Open Doors, a human rights organization that closely follows the treatment of Christians around the world, Egypt is the 17th worst nation (out of nearly 200) wherein to be Christian; there, Christians experience “very high” level of “persecution.”

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Breaking News From Israel

Netanyahu makes clear to Putin that if Iran’s military presence in Syria is not stopped, Israel will bring it to an end.

While in Moscow, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed to reporters that Israel is already taking action to prevent Iran from establishing itself in Syria. Netanyahu also said that he told the Russian president that “there is a factor that is actively trying to heat up the area and bring a deadly weapon that is dangerous for Israel into Lebanon – this factor is Iran.” 

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Oxford University: Delirious Capital of Political Correctness

  • Oxford University had been criticized for “lack of racial diversity”. So, in the name of the multiculturally correct view, Oxford purged “male, pale and stale” with gay, female and black icons. If you think about it honestly, that is racist.
  • The Oxford Equality and Diversity Unit, which monitors respect for the canons of anti-racism, has ruled that not looking into the eyes of a student belonging to a minority constitutes a “microaggression” that can lead to “mental disorder”. Oxford’s multicultural political correctness looks as if has come right out of George Orwell’s “1984”.
  • For the first time in 800 years, Oxford eliminated the obligatory course on Christianity for theology students.
  • Oxford Professor Timothy Garton Ash announced that today, at British universities, “Jesus Christ would be banned”.

“Don’t feel guilty about our colonial history”, Oxford Professor Nigel Biggar titled a column in The Times. He asked his colleagues and students to have “pride” in many aspects of their imperialist past:

“Pride at the Royal Navy’s century-long suppression of the Atlantic slave trade, for example, will not be entirely obscured by shame at the slaughter of innocents at Amritsar in 1919. And while we might well be moved to think with care about how to intervene abroad successfully, we won’t simply abandon the world to its own devices”.

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3 reasons the left wants evermore immigrants

On one thing we can all agree: The left wants more and more immigrants – including immigrants who enter or are in the country illegally – to come to America and become American citizens.

The question is, why?

The first and most obvious reason is political. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, chain migration, sanctuary cities and citizenship for immigrants living in the country illegally will give the left political power. An estimated 70 to 80 percent of Latin American immigrants will vote Democrat. So, with enough new voters from Latin America alone, the Democrats would essentially be assured the presidency and Congress for decades. 

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FBI Director Wray “Shocked To His Core” By FISA Memo, McCabe ‘Removed’ Next Day, More Heads To Roll: Report

FBI Director Christopher Wray was allegedly “shocked to his core” after viewing the four-page FISA memo Sunday night – hours before asking Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe to step down, according to journalist Sara Carter. 

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Abortion’s Not Liberty—It’s Death!

The largest abortion clinic in Ohio has launched a sad billboard campaign throughout the Cleveland area “to shift the public conversation on abortion away from black-and-white political rhetoric.” Each billboard features the phrase “Abortion is” with a different fill-in-the-blank. These billboards are truly horrible, incredibly inconsistent, and a complete misrepresentation of what abortion truly is—the murder of a child. 

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An actor with a soul: Kevin Sorbo says “Abortion is the definition of EVIL”

Let’s face it – Hollywood is quickly becoming a cesspool of left-wing goons and social justice activists that are more concerned about destroying their political opponents than they are about making quality movies. That’s why it’s so significant when a Hollywood actor or actress comes forward to either denounce liberalism or voice their support for conservatism – it rarely ever happens. 

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Vaccine industry in PANIC MODE as *vaccinated* children keep dying from the flu all across America

Children are dying from the flu all across America, according to media reports. What the media isn’t reporting, however, is how many of the children who died were also vaccine recipients. Make no mistake: If only unvaccinated children were dying from the flu, that would be the headline everywhere: “Unvaccinated Children Dying Across America” or even “Flu Shot Saves Children from Deadly Influenza.” But of course you’re not seeing those headlines for the simple reason that vaccinated children are among those who are being killed by this year’s flu. 

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Nieuws 2018-01-29

Driverless Cars and GPS: The Fearful Master

General Motors made a momentous announcement on January 12, 2018, as GM introduced the Cruise AV – potentially the world’s first commercially available self-driving automobile. The car has no steering wheel and is entirely directed by computer. The promise of increased safety is expected to make the Cruise AV a commercial success. But consumers should think twice before accepting the loss of control that this technology will bring.

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Wat maakt u van dat ‘nieuws’ dat de AIVD aan de wieg stond van ‘Russia-Gate’?

De Volkskrant en Nieuwsuur brengen het als een ‘onthulling’, maar volgens mij is het ‘spin’. Waarmee ik bedoel te zeggen dat het initiatief uitging van de AIVD, of daaraan direct verwante overheidsinstelling, in het kader van ‘Damage Control’. In eerdere bijdragen hier verwees ik u al naar de furore die er in de Verenigde Staten is losgebarsten rond een geheim ‘memo’ dat circuleert in het ‘Congres’. Verscheidene leden van het ‘Congres’ die er kennis van hebben genomen stelden dat het ‘explosief’ materiaal bevat. Alom wordt gespeculeerd dat het gaat over de wijze waarop de regering Obama tijdens de verkiezingen ‘kandidaat Trump’ heeft geprobeerd van de weg te rijden. 

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Culturele capitulatie vormt de grootste bedreiging voor Europa

Sinds de komst van de Europese Unie, waarbij onze nationale soevereiniteit is weg gegeven en onze grenzen zijn verdwenen is alles er alleen maar slechter op geworden:De kredietcrisis. Miljoenen werklozen, vooral jongeren. Sociale onrust. Ontevredenheid bij lidstaten en inwoners. Burgers nauwelijks invloed hebben op wat er in Brussel gebeurt.

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Vaccine industry in PANIC MODE as *vaccinated* children keep dying from the flu all across America

Children are dying from the flu all across America, according to media reports. What the media isn’t reporting, however, is how many of the children who died were also vaccine recipients. Make no mistake: If only unvaccinated children were dying from the flu, that would be the headline everywhere: “Unvaccinated Children Dying Across America” or even “Flu Shot Saves Children from Deadly Influenza.” But of course you’re not seeing those headlines for the simple reason that vaccinated children are among those who are being killed by this year’s flu. 

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Planned Parenthood to Give Children Transgender Hormone Therapy Drugs

Planned Parenthood has begun offering transgender hormone replacement therapy drugs to minors under the age of 18.

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BEAUTIFUL CO2: Higher carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere linked to more flowers blooming in tropical forests

The increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) brought about by climate change resulted in an increase in flower production in remote tropical forests across of the globe, according to a study published in the journal Global Change Biology.

A team of researchers at Florida State University examined plant materials obtained from tropical forests of Panama’s Barro Colorado Island to investigate the effects of rising CO2 levels on plant life. The research team also took into account various environmental factors — such as temperature, rainfall, and light — that may impact the annual flowering activity and flowering duration of plant species found in the forest. The experts found that increased CO2 levels had the most pronounced effect on the plants’ flowering activities. 

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Nieuws 2018-01-28

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 27, 2018, #129

The “Doomsday Clock” has yet again been moved closer to midnight by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Though this signal should be a dire red flag warning for us all, the bleak assessment from this scientific organization does not even take into account the immediate threat from our imploding biosphere and climate engineering (which must also be considered weather and biological warfare). Our government continues to radically ramp up its all out assault on the environment and thus on civilian populations. How much longer till the breaking point of total collapse?

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Is Paganism on the Rise?

The culture war has been misrepresented as a struggle between reason and belief, but the truth is, the battle that lies before us is a spiritual one with deep historical and existential roots. As in the days of ancient Rome, our civil foundation will continue to be defined by either a return to paganism or toward the transcendent God of Christianity.

Just watch the latest awards show, talk show, or halftime show and see how pagan ritualism and sensuality is promoted and how it’s spilling into the greater social and political spheres.

I’ve consulted with an expert on these things and he was gracious enough to share his thoughts.

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Living in Pakistan – A Hell for Non-Muslims

In Pakistan, Muslims burn the homes of non-Muslims, burn their places of worship, burn their holy books, even burn their women and children alive — and there is no law or punishment to prevent this criminal behaviour or to make non-Muslims safe.
Non-Muslim women and children are raped and forcibly converted; this is considered a religious obligation to please “Allah,” the god of Islam. These taskmasters see themselves as “Soldiers of Allah”. Even if a case of “blasphemy” is not proven against Christians, they still can be killed by an angry mob or while in police custody. Non-Muslims can also easily be sentenced to death by a court: even a single claim by Muslim against a non-Muslim is enough to “prove” him guilty.
Christian leaders and organizations, especially the Pope, have failed to give any hope to persecuted Christians. Providing a press release or sending a note is not enough. The Pope truly needs to come to help his flock, to establish policies to safeguard these persecuted people from the Islamic world.
According to the official results of Pakistan’s 2017 census, as of August 25, 2017, the population of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is 207.74 million.

The country is divided into an overwhelmingly Muslim majority of 96.28%; and the remaining 3.72% are Christian, Bahais, Buddhists, Hindus, Ahmadis, Jains, Kalasha, Parsis and Sikhs, who are identified as non-Muslim minority Pakistanis.

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Nieuws 2018-01-27

Allen West on ‘Queering the Bible’ College Course: Who’s Gonna Stand Up, Denounce This Crap…Only Me?

Last year I shared with y’all a post about the strategic objective of the progressive socialist left when it comes to faith, religion and the omnipotence of God, the Creator. The left has an all-out assault to undermine and delegitimize the Judeo-Christian faith heritage and God the Creator in that faith heritage. God could not get genders right — after all, it’s not just two, male and female, Adam and Eve, there are, according to the liberal progressive left, some 63 genders.

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The Islamization of Germany in 2017: Part II

“We must expect further attacks by individuals or terror groups. Islamist terrorism is the biggest challenge facing the BfV and we see it as one of the biggest threats facing the internal security of Germany.” — Hans-Georg Maaßen, President of Germany’s BfV domestic intelligence agency.

Nearly half (45%) of all crime suspects in Berlin in 2016 were migrants, according to official statistics published by the Berliner Morgenpost.

Thieves broke into an immigration office in the Moabit district of Berlin and stole up to 20,000 blank passports and other immigration documents as well as official stamps and seals.

Around 30,000 rejected asylum seekers have disappeared and the government has no idea where they are, according to Bild.

“One cannot kill millions of Jews so you can bring millions of their worst enemies in their place.” — German fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld.

The following is a chronological survey of some of the main stories about Islam and Islamism in Germany during the second half of 2017.

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Health Ranger, InfoWars proven RIGHT yet again about the Las Vegas “multiple shooters” analysis

Anyone who’s taken even a cursory look at the official story of events surrounding the Las Vegas Route 91 Shooting probably already knows that things just don’t add up. But now there’s even more concrete evidence that debunks the obvious inconsistencies concerning what allegedly happened that fateful day, including proof that there were, indeed, multiple shooters, as Natural News has long been saying. 

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Hack van Russen staat referendum sleepwet in de weg

Net op het moment dat binnen een aantal dagen de Nunes Memo in de openbaarheid wordt gebracht – waarin uit de doeken wordt gedaan dat de Amerikaanse veiligheidsdiensten samen en in opdracht van hooggeplaatste Democraten Donald Trump en zijn medewerkers hebben “gevolgd”, komen de Volkskrant en Nieuwsuur met een bericht dat onze eigen AIVD “onomstotelijk” heeft aangetoond dat de Russen zich hebben bemoeid met de presidentsverkiezing in de VS. 

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Dutch ‘Cozy Bear’ Farce Does Not Show DNC Emails Were Hacked By Russians

Yesterday saw the publication of an English language version of an article written by Huib Modderkolk by Dutch news site the Volkskrant, titled “Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia’s interference in US-elections.”

The article explains how Dutch intelligence agency AIVD were monitoring “Cozy Bear” (APT-29) as far back as 2014, and states that a year later the intelligence agency witnessed an attack against the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

“That’s how the AIVD becomes witness to the Russian hackers harassing and penetrating the leaders of the Democratic Party, transferring thousands of emails and documents. It won’t be the last time they alert their American counterparts. And yet, it will be months before the United States realize what this warning means: that with these hacks the Russians have interfered with the American elections. And the AIVD hackers have seen it happening before their very eyes.”

However, despite all the above assertions, there was no major leak of documents related to the DNC in 2015. The emails that were released in 2016 were acquired earlier that same year – so, it’s not clear what it was the AVID saw “happening before their very eyes” so early on. 

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Nieuws 2018-01-26

German Catholic bishops reject Pope’s re-translation of the Lord’s Prayer

Catholic bishops in Germany have rejected Pope Francis’ controversial suggestion of re-translating the Lord’s Prayer. The pope said in December that the Church should follow the adoption of French Catholics, who render ‘lead us not into temptation’ as ‘do not less us enter into temptation’.

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Has the President read Natural News – or is he just smart? He doesn’t get the flu shot, and here’s why

President Trump is either really smart, an avid reader of Natural News, or both – how else can you explain the fact that he has never gotten a flu shot?

During a 2015 interview with Sirius XM’s Opie and Jim Norton, Donald Trump was asked whether or not he gets the flu vaccination, to which he replied: “I’ve never had one. And thus far I’ve never had the flu. I don’t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body. And that’s basically what they do. And this one (latest flu vaccine) has not been very effective to start off with.” Trump continued, “I have friends that religiously get the flu shot and then they get the flu. You know, that helps my thinking. I’ve seen a lot of reports that the last flu shot is virtually totally ineffective.” 

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Bombshell science study reveals internal heat from Earth’s hot core is what’s causing Greenland’s ice sheets to slide

The ice sheet in Greenland is melting, but it turns out that the culprit is not global warming, as some people would like to have you believe. Instead, researchers have now found proof that a hidden heat source deep inside the planet is behind this melting that is pushing glaciers into the ocean.

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FISA-memo: Het grootste politieke schandaal uit de Amerikaanse geschiedenis

We hebben al een paar dagen geschreven over de Nunes Memo, en hebben besloten er een afzonderlijk dossier van te maken omdat we de komende tijd nog veel meer onthullingen verwachten. Vandaar dit “eerste” verhaal in een nieuwe reeks.

Vandaag een artikel over hoe de contraspionagedivisie van de FBI en de nationale veiligheidsdivisie van het Amerikaanse ministerie van justitie te werk gingen. Het is het verhaal van Devin Nunes en is samengesteld op basis van wat wij als reëel en waarschijnlijk achten… op basis van onze research.

De links georiënteerde “journalisten” in ons land zijn niet geïnteresseerd in wat het grootste politieke schandaal uit de Amerikaanse geschiedenis lijkt te worden.

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University Of Manchester: Your Sandwich Is Bad For The Environment

Technocrat scientists intend to micro-manage every facet of your life, including the type of sandwich you pack in little Johnny’s lunchbox. Yes, this is the true nature of Technocracy. ⁃ TN Editor

Do you take a packed lunch to work or buy a sandwich from the shop? The carbon footprint of your sandwich could be having a major impact on greenhouse gas emissions according to new research.

Researchers at The University of Manchester have carried out the first ever study looking at the carbon footprint of sandwiches, both home-made and pre-packaged. They considered the whole life cycle of sandwiches, including the production of ingredients, sandwiches and their packaging, as well as food waste discarded at home and elsewhere in the supply chain. 

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Nieuws 2018-01-25

Hoe Obama-administratie Trump kwijt wilde

De afgelopen dagen hebben wij geschreven over het FISA-memo (deel 1, deel 2), waarin vermeld staat hoe de Amerikaanse FBI samen met het ministerie van justitie een plan uitvoerden om de presidentskandidaat (en latere president) Trump – en zijn medewerkers – te beschadigen. Vandaag – omdat de mainstream media in ons land het vertikken hierover te berichten doen wij het maar – een artikel over het opzienbare interview met een voormalig federale aanklager, Joe DiGenova, die hierin precies uit de doeken doet wat zich zoal heeft afgespeeld.

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Mueller Obstruction Probe Said To Be Wrapping Up Much Faster Than Anticipated

President Donald Trump said last night that he’s “looking forward” to testifying under oath some time during the next two or three weeks. Well, according to Bloomberg he may just get his wish even as Republicans have so far failed in their push to convince the Justice Department to appoint a second special prosecutor to investigate the FBI.

The fact that Mueller is pushing to interview Trump – and, as reports from the New York Times and NBC have revealed this week, has recently interviewed several of Trump’s most-senior staffers – suggests the special counsel’s investigation into possible collusion between Trump and Russia – an investigation that has since pivoted to focus on whether Trump committed obstruction of justice, as well as the financial improprieties of his associates – appears to be inching toward its conclusion much faster than anticipated, Bloomberg reports.

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Germany: Return of the Stasi Police State?

  • Germany’s new law requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the government. Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online “criminal offenses” within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint — regardless of whether the content is accurate or not.
  • Social media platforms now have the power to shape the form of current political and cultural discourse by deciding who will speak and what they will say.
  • Notice the ease with which the police chief mentioned that he had filed charges to silence a leading political opponent of the government. That is what authorities do in police states: Through censorship and criminal charges, they silence outspoken critics and political opponents of government policies, such as Beatrix von Storch, who has sharply criticized Chancellor Angela Merkel’s migration policies.
  • While such policies would doubtless have earned the German authorities many points with the old Stasi regime of East Germany, they more than likely contravene the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) to which Germany is a party, as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

Germany’s new censorship law, which has introduced state censorship on social media platforms, came into effect on October 1, 2017. The new law requires social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to censor their users on behalf of the German state. Social media companies are obliged to delete or block any online “criminal offenses” such as libel, slander, defamation or incitement, within 24 hours of receipt of a user complaint — regardless of whether the content is accurate or not. Social media companies are permitted seven days for more complicated cases. If they fail to do so, the German government can fine them up to 50 million euros for failing to comply with the law.

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Wie zijn de controleurs in de wereld en hoe de wereldbevolking wordt misleid

In de wereld van vandaag is niets wat het lijkt, de wereldbevolking wordt constant gehersenspoeld zonder hier erg in te hebben. Alles wat wij (denken te) weten is niets anders dan een verkeerde perceptie van de werkelijkheid.

Ons is een werkelijkheid aangeleerd, door de politiek, maatschappij, media, entertainment, het onderwijs die niets te maken heeft met wat er in werkelijkheid gaande is. Het is allemaal bedoeld om ons tot domme zombies te maken die alleen maar denken aan consumeren en geld verdienen om dingen te kunnen doen die niet van belang zijn. De gewone man of vrouw is zijn of haar hele leven bezig met dingen en zaken te bewerkstelligen en te krijgen die niet van belang zijn. 

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Come on now: Scientists say “apocalyptic predictions” about global warming by the U.N. are NOT credible

Adding to the general confusion and disagreement about the true dangers of global warming, a new study has determined that the UN’s “apocalyptic” global warming predictions are completely overstated.

Researchers from the University of Exeter used new calculations to determine the likely impact that greenhouse gases would have on global warming, and they were able to discount extreme scenarios like the UN’s prediction of the world warming by as much as 19.8 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. They’ve now reduced the range of potential outcomes at the end of the century by more than half. 

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Scientists successfully clone monkeys; could humans be next?

For the first time, researchers have used the cloning method that produced Dolly the sheep to create healthy monkeys, bringing science an important step closer to being able to do the same with humans. 

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Alibaba Founder Jack Ma Says Big Data And AI Pose Threat To Humans

Technocrat Jack Ma’s Alibaba is the Amazon of China, and he is closely aligned with the Chinese government. He readily admits that “The AI and robots are going to kill a lot of jobs as machines will replace humans in future” and that Big Data and AI are a threat to humanity. Nevertheless, Technocracy races forward in China and around the world. ⁃ TN Editor

A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi struck a chord with business and political leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Jack Ma , founder and Executive Chairman of Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba, took the centre stage in one of the sessions at the alpine resort of Davos and talked about the impact of technology, artificial intelligence, role of women business leaders in today’s world and globalization. Ma warned that latest technologies like AI and big data are a threat and would disable people instead of empowering them. 

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Police State: Round Ups, Checkpoints And National ID Cards

John Whitehead absolutely gets the rising authoritarian police state in America, but not the larger picture of Technocracy that is driving it. The national identification system, for instance, is a Technocrat initiative to track everyone, everywhere, at all time. ⁃ TN Editor

Here in Amerika, things are getting worse—not better—as the nation inches ever closer towards totalitarianism, that goose-stepping form of tyranny in which the government has all of the power and “we the people” have none.

Take what happened recently in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

On Friday, Jan. 19, 2018, immigration agents boarded a Greyhound bus heading to downtown Miami from Orlando and demanded that all passengers provide proof of residence or citizenship. One grandmother, traveling by bus to meet her granddaughter for the first time, was arrested and taken off the bus when she couldn’t provide proof of residency. 

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Nieuws 2018-01-24

Ziezo, Big Data om zeep, nu PSD2

Ik wil mijn gegevens met helemaal niemand delen! Nu niet, nooit niet.
In maart 2014 lanceerde Hans Hagenaar, directeur particulier van de ING het onzalige Big Data concept. De ING zou je dan op basis van een analyse van je betaalgedrag gratis adviezen geven.

“Wij zien dat u toch wel veel uit eten gaat. Dat vinden we niet verstandig. U kunt beter bij de ALDI boodschappen doen en dan zelf eten gaan koken”

Het resulteerde, terecht, in erg veel commotie. Big Data werd om zeep geholpen, en Hans Hagenaars verdween een half jaar later door de achterdeur.

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USA Today: Creating Clouds To Stop Global Warming Could Wreak Havoc

Geo-engineering has been happening for several years now, but USA Today is just now admitting that possibility by stating it would be more devastating to stop geo-engineering than it might be to start it in first place. What? They haven’t started it yet but they are more worried about stopping? Well, of course they have already started massive geo-engineering in the West, so their timeline is just a few years off. ⁃ TN Editor

A soldier walks towards an abandoned house as Mount Pinatubo spews ash as high as 12 miles during its eruption on June 19, 1991. When Pinatubo erupted, it cooled the Earth for about a year because the sulfate particles in the upper atmosphere reflected some sunlight. Several scientists have proposed doing the same artificially to offset global warming.

To counteract global warming, humans may someday consider spraying sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere to form clouds — and artificially cool the Earth.

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How to Manipulate Migration Data? Take Belgium…

  • An honest report for this demographic forecasting should be called, “We shall soon be a million more, most of whom will be Muslims”. But this kind of headline would invariably create a public debate on demography, population density and Muslim integration — and that would be out of the question for European elites: that would make people super-anxious and worried.
  • Tricky surveys are only used for migration numbers; never for unemployment rates, literacy rates or GDP growth.
  • Unless there is rapid awareness about the exponential consequences of chain migration and arrivals from across the Mediterranean, mass migration will continue. Concealing this fact is pursued everywhere in Europe.

It should probably not come as a shock that statistics can be, and often are, presented and manipulated by elites. In Belgium — and in all of Western Europe except Austria — they form an informal multiculturalist lobby, which dominates universities, NGOs, public institutions and the media, in order to promote a pro-migration agenda. 

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Whistleblower Confirms “Secret Society” Meetings Between FBI And DOJ To Undermine Trump

A whistleblower has revealed to Congress that clandestine, offsite meetings between high ranking FBI and DOJ took place in which officials discussed ways to undermine President Trump after the 2016 election, Rep. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told Fox News on Tuesday.

The bombshell revelation all but confirms a “secret society” alluded to in text messages released last Friday between two anti-Trump FBI employees tasked with investigating both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

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Top secret HUMAN TESTING in China to create SUPERHUMAN army in military revamp

CHINA’s mission to create an army of superhumans is expanding at a worryingly fast pace as the country rapidly invests in its controversial genetics research and development programme, a new study has revealed.It has been revealed that over the last three years at least 86 people have undergone surgery to dramatically alter their genes in the communist state.

None of the clinical trials have been formally published, adding to the secrecy of the genetic alteration programme, but the testing is said to have “improved” patients ability.

Chinese doctors are able to selectively edit the DNA of cells in patients bodies and replace them with stronger genetics.

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Nieuws 2018-01-23

Self-Driving Cars Will Leave “Third of Population Jobless”

Vehicles that transport people using artificial intelligence are on course to become a frequent sight on our roads. But if they are thrust into the mass market and prove popular, an expert has warned they will wreak havoc on the global economy. Professor in Computer Engineering, Dr Subhash Kak, believes a third of jobs will be lost soon after their introduction. It comes after his bombshell prediction, given to this website, that AI will “sink the world into unemployed despair” in a hellish “dystopia”, because humans will be put out of work.

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Will Turkish Invasion of Syria Bring About Pre-Messianic Conflict With Russia?

Turkey launched a military incursion into neighboring Syria over the weekend, bringing Russian and Turkish soldiers into closer proximity in an already volatile region, making a 200-year-old prophecy of pre-Messianic conflict between Russia and Turkey appear to be closer than ever before. This 200-year-old prophecy was a closely guarded secret until just a few years ago and details described in the prophecy are strongly consistent with the situation developing to the North of Israel. 

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Trump won een gemanipuleerde verkiezing

Een boeiend betoog dat ogenschijnlijk precies aangeeft wat er staat te gebeuren in het politiek landschap van de VS. Het Engelstalige bericht van Wayne Root omgezet in het NL. Je leest dit uiteraard (nog!) niet in de reguliere ‘kwaliteitsmedia’.

De daad was gedaan, de verkiezingen waren gemanipuleerd – en Trump won hoe dan ook.

De hel breekt los in Washington DC. De komende weken zullen de meest schokkende zijn in de geschiedenis van Amerika. De openbaringen die op het punt staan ​​openbaar te worden zullen de VS [LLE: en Nederlandse politiek en media] in haar kern doen schudden. 

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“Jaw-dropping” Text Message By FBI Agent Suggests No Trump Collusion With Russia

And the hits just keep on coming.

Just hours after we reported that according to the latest batch of text messages between anti-Trump FBI investigators, a “secret society of folks” within the DOJ and the FBI may have come together in the “immediate aftermath” of the 2016 election to undermine President Trump, another blockbuster text message appears to have emerged.

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, said in a radio interview that the FBI’s top agent on the Trump-Russia investigation, Peter Strzok, sent what Johnson called a “jaw-dropping” text message last year that suggests he saw no evidence of Trump campaign collusion.

As first reported by the Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross, in an interview with WISN-Milwaukee radio host Jay Weber, Johnson read aloud a May 19, 2017 text that Strzok sent to Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer and his mistress.

As Weber summarized, “Sen Ron Johnson tells me he’s discovered a text from Peter Strzok 2 days after the Mueller investigation in which he questions whether he wants to be part of it because he believes ’there’s nothing there’. No collusion.” 

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Nieuws 2018-01-22

Scientists’ gender findings said to confirm Bible

Scientists’ claim that a researcher’s sex can affect the outcome of experiments has been cited as corroboration of biblical teaching on gender.
According to a Jan. 10 article in the journal Science Advances, volunteers for experiments as diverse as intelligence tests and pain sensitivity studies have been found to respond differently when they are dealing with a researcher of the opposite gender. At times, those gender-based differences have skewed the outcome of experiments, wrote a team of neuroscientists led by Colin Chapman.

Lees verder >> Baptist Press

Israeli Researchers Decipher One of the Last Unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls

After over a year of piecing together dozens of tiny and ancient fragments, two Haifa University researchers have successfully reconstructed and deciphered one of the last two unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls, finding a unique 364-day calendar from the Second Temple period. 

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AMAZON wants to put cameras and microphones in every bedroom in America… what could possibly go wrong?

Just when you thought connected devices couldn’t get any more intrusive, Amazon steps in and takes things up a notch with its Echo Spot, which is already available in the U.S. and soon to launch in the U.K. With its “smart alarm” feature being heavily marketed, the internet retail giant is hoping you’ll place it next to your bed – most likely facing it directly as this is the most obvious placement for alarm clocks. 

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Are chemtrails real? A look at the facts

Chemtrails have been the subject of intense media scrutiny for quite some time now. Those who’ve dared to go public with their knowledge of atmospheric engineering efforts — and even those who are simply bold enough to ask questions on a public platform — have been skewered by the propagandist mainstream media. Indeed, anyone with the gall to question what’s clearly going on in the skies above is inherently labeled a “crazed conspiracy theorist.” Anything will be said to discredit reality, it seems. But a hard look at the facts shows that geoengineering is nothing new — it’s real, and it’s been going on for a very long time. 

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Bolivia’s ban on evangelism causing mounting concern around the world

Concern is mounting rapidly among Christians over a new law that threatens to ban evangelism in Bolivia.

The World Baptist Alliance is the latest in a number of prominent organisations to protest the legislation that brackets criminal groups with religious organisations and bans people trying to ‘recruit’ others to take part in ‘armed conflicts or religious or worship organisations’.

It means that those holding evangelistic events could face imprisonment. 

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