Nieuws 2018-02-28

Geoengineering, Climate Collapse, Dead Leaves, And Defoliants

Visible signs of biosphere collapse can be seen everywhere, but how many seem to notice? What would our world be like without trees? We would never know, because without trees, we would not be here. Why are leaves now dying on various species DECIDUOUS trees after specific rains in the fall season (even without cold temperatures present) and hanging on many species of trees (that have not historically demonstrated such a scenario) all winter long?

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Why Turkey Wants to Invade the Greek Islands

  • Turkish propagandists also have been twisting facts to try to portray Greece as the aggressor.
  • Although Turkey knows that the islands are legally and historically Greek, Turkish authorities want to occupy and Turkify them, presumably to further the campaign of annihilating the Greeks, as they did in Anatolia from 1914 to 1923 and after.
  • Any attack against Greece should be treated as an attack against the West.

There is one issue on which Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its main opposition, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), are in complete agreement: The conviction that the Greek islands are occupied Turkish territory and must be reconquered. So strong is this determination that the leaders of both parties have openly threatened to invade the Aegean.

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Tyranny in China & Covert Destabilization Operations

This week on China Watch, the world cries “tyranny” as PRC moves to abolish term limits for Xi Jinping. China Watch says, Hmm. Term limits. Interesting. We look at how succession issues are handled in China. And point out that term limits have brought the United States to the brink of disaster. How ‘bout that? 

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Human brain still active minutes after heart stops beating, new research finds

Neurologists studying the brains of nine patients as they died have found surprising information about what happens to your brain after it dies.

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Florida high school active shooter drill: Video tells all

For those out there who don’t think that active shooter drills and crisis actors are real here’s one report explaining how thirteen such active shooter drills were conducted by one Florida school district in just the past year alone. 

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Nieuws 2018-02-27

Introductie Deep State en Shadow Government

Een CIA-klokkenluider, Kevin Shipp, introduceert in twee uur tijd op redelijk toegankelijke wijze de Deep State en de Shadow Government. Hij toont het (illegale) netwerk achter de schermen dat zoveel (anti-democratische) macht uitoefent over de gehele planeet.

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SCHOKKEND: EU bewijst dat ze schijt hebben aan hun burgers

De EU onderhandelt opnieuw achter gesloten deuren. Dit keer met de Zuid-Amerikaanse Confederatie Mercosur. Thema: een nieuwe handelsovereenkomst. De Mercosur-overeenkomst is de Zuid-Amerikaanse tegenhanger van TTIP en CETA. Met dezelfde catastrofale gevolgen voor consumentenrechten, milieunormen, burgerrechten en democratie. Een arrogantie die de EU weer eens ten toon spreidt met gevolgen die acht keer zo groot zijn als bij CETA. 

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Parkland teacher: ‘I assumed that it was a code red drill because they had told us earlier in the day that they were going to be having a code red drill using blanks’

Another teacher comes forward, says, a ‘Code Red drill’ went live. Did police accidentally load live ammo into the active shooter’s magazines instead of blanks? Who was the real shooter? Where is the video footage? 

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De ultieme politieke oorzaak van de islamisering van Europa: het Coudenhove-Kalergi-Plan

Is Coudenhove-Kalergi werkelijk de inspirator van onze politieke elites? Daarover kan men oneindig speculeren, maar eigenlijk leidt het geen twijfel dat onze Europese politici net zó cynisch zijn als zelfvernietigende “plan”? “Christelijk”, “mannelijk”en “blank”, zijn de drie elementen die het meest onder de verdrukking komen van de politieke correctheid. 

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The Scientific Dictatorship and the Future of Humanity

Humanity is under attack. Our men are are dying out. A technological revolution is reshaping our species. The future of mankind is uncertain.

Look out over a cityscape and you will likely see a mass of humanity distracted, absorbed in the glowing screens of handheld devices, largely unaware of the approaching crossroads of history. If you are a person of a moral nature, your conscience will tell you to warn them; Empower them and give them information that will help them make the right choice. If you are an elitist with some degree of control over world affairs, you see them as an ugly mass of insects too stupid to possibly comprehend what you have in store for them. In fact, they’re an obstacle to your success. If they’re dumb enough to fall into your traps, they deserve what they get.

What we face is bigger than most of us currently comprehend. 

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End Times Headlines’ update regarding Israel

(By Ricky Scaparo, End Times Headlines) In this special update, we discuss the latest developments regarding Israel. We will discuss possible war on the horizon and the latest announcement regarding the US Embassy move coming this May to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of Israel becoming a Nation in 1948.

For the entire update watch the video below:

Ray Gano – The Demonic Wars

VFTB 388:

NIKOLAS CRUZ, the accused shooter at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida reportedly told police that he heard demons giving him instructions on how to kill his former schoolmates during the attack. How do we interpret that news?

Ray Gano (, author of the forthcoming book ‘The Demonic Wars,’ joins us to talk about demons, spiritual warfare, and why the church in America is so unprepared for conflict with the powers and principalities the apostle Paul warned us about.

Nieuws 2018-02-26

Sleepwet is risico voor vrije samenleving

Bevoegdheden van een geheime dienst in een democratie moeten zich beperken tot het noodzakelijke om de veiligheid van het land te kunnen waarborgen. De nieuwe sleepwet doet juist het tegenovergestelde en maakte de bevoegdheden zo ruim mogelijk. Concrete waarborgen voor onze vrijheid en privacy zijn niet opgenomen. ‘Toekomstbestendig’ noemt de minister dat, want met ruime bevoegdheden zijn wetswijzigingen minder nodig. Maar het geeft grote risico’s op het ontsporen van de inzet van deze bevoegdheden.

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Regeren is negeren

Jan Terlouw, de 86-jarige ex-voorman van D’66 liet tijdens een lezing weten:

Laat ik even doen aan zelfkritiek. Het kabinet is het referendum aan het afschaffen. Nou, in de eerste beginselen van D66 stond: een fundamentele democratisering van de samenleving. Een van de middelen is een referendum – als je tenminste eenvoudige, begrijpelijke vragen kunt stellen. Nou, ik weet er een: “Bent u voor of tegen het afschaffen van het referendum?” Simpeler kan toch niet? Maar nee hoor, die vraag gaat niet gesteld worden. Vind ik ernstig. Mijn eigen partij doet het, onze minister. Vind ik ernstig. En zo zie ik overal de democratie verzwakken, in plaats van versterken.

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Palestinians: Israel is One Big Settlement

What is really bothering the Palestinians is that Israel, with Jews, exists, period. The Palestinians want all of Jerusalem. They want all of “Palestine.” They want Israel removed from the planet. It is time to listen carefully to what the Palestinians are saying — in Arabic — to understand that the conflict is not about Jerusalem and not about settlements. 

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Geoengineering science: Aerosols impact cloud formation and weather; atmospheric scientists document the effects

Local efforts to reduce air pollution may not be enough to eliminate the possibility of severe weather conditions because of widespread aerosol use, according to new research. 

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The Democrats’ Deeply Dishonest Memo

The Democrats’ deeply dishonest rebuttal to the congressional report on the Obama administration’s abuses of surveillance authority came out on the weekend as the House intel chief seemed to threaten to abolish the secret court that granted the abusive requests.

There is “clear evidence” that Democrats are trying to cover up their involvement in a massive plot to undermine the electoral process and that they colluded with parts of the government, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said mid-afternoon Saturday from the main stage at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington, D.C. 

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Ex-prisoner of ISIS: “Europe must not be naive. The Islamic State is everywhere”

“He describes how he, after his release in a prisoner’s exchange, fled to Germany and, once in Europe in 2016, looked around in bewilderment: he met former Syrian IS members who still preach violent jihad. ‘A man who proudly told me in a prison that he had given the IS coordinates for a particular attack, I found back in Europe as an imam, spreading his message.’”

European authorities have thus far been completely indifferent to this phenomenon. That indifference could be Europe’s death knell. 

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Russische centrale bank koopt sinds 2015 onafgebroken goud

De Russen hebben afgelopen jaren meermaals laten zien dat hun vertrouwen in goud nog enorm groot is. Dit ondanks de licht dalende prijs van het gele edelemtaal. De Russische centrale bank heeft sinds maart 2015 iedere maand goud gekocht. Door de recente aankoop in januari 2018 van 20.000 kg goud heeft Rusland inmiddels een grotere goudvoorraad dan China. De goudvoorraad van Rusland is nu 1857 metrische ton. China heeft ‘slechts’ 1843 ton, zo blijkt uit cijfers van Bloomberg. Rusland bouwt haar officiële goudreserves onder andere verder op vanuit haar eigen mijnproductie.

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Why the media loves fake news (when it serves their agenda)

In the aftermath of the mass shooting that reportedly took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, 2018, the mainstream media seemed extra eager to peg the alleged shooter as somehow being associated with the “alt-right.” And it almost seemed like this wish came true when online tipsters suggested to several major news outlets that Nikolas de Jesus Cruz was a member of a “white nationalist” militia group, until this claim was eventually exposed as fake news. 

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Nieuws 2018-02-25

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 24, 2018, #133

Record weather whiplash, record heat, record flooding, record species die-off, record low polar ice, record high military budgets, record quantities of bomb manufacturing, record ammunition purchases by “Homeland Security”, and even now the epidemic of public denial and apathy continues with converging catastrophes closing in from every direction. Is there any chance of waking the masses in time to make a difference?

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What to know about biometric security

Biometrie wordt door steeds meer overheden en organisaties ingezet. Denk maar aan de poortjes op Schiphol waar reizigers tegenwoordig gemakkelijk en snel doorheen kunnen lopen, zonder in de rij te staan voor de douane. Maar ook in de retail neemt het gebruik toe, betalen kan inmiddels al via een irisscan. Het aantal toepassingen neemt in rap tempo toe.

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Mark Rutte wil zijn gezichtsverlies niet meer meemaken

Dat was de kop van een interview in de Zwitserse nieuwszender SFR en het ging over het intrekken van de referendumwet. Het interview waarvan wij enkele alinea’s voor u vertalen , toont door de ogen van Zwitsers aan hoe schandalig en bespottelijk men de houding van de Nederlandse regering vindt en… legt loepzuiver de belangen van Mark Rutte bloot. 

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Teacher grazed by Parkland shooter’s bullet: ‘Shooter was in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting a rifle I never seen before’

How does the purported shooter exit his Uber ride, put on full body dress, helmet, assemble his rifle, load it and start firing at targets within two minutes? 

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See how many volcanos are erupting right now

How many volcanoes would you guess are erupting right this minute? 

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De burgers in Europa zijn de immgratie van de islam zat (SCHOKKENDE videos)

De burgers in Europa willen geen Islam meer, in steeds meer landen gaan de mensen de straat op en worden linkse regeringen aan de kant geschoven voor een hardere rechtse beleid die het massa migratie plan van de EU moet gaan stoppen. 

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Nieuws 2018-02-24

Profiling; Camerasoftware die de ernst van ‘verdacht’ gedrag herkent

Het bedrijf Centillien heeft een applicatie gebouwd die op basis van live camerabeelden het waargenomen gedrag herkent en hier predictive profiling op toepast. Door middel van Machine Learning wordt de software volgens Centillien steeds slimmer en kan steeds meer gedrag worden herkend.

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Does Jihad Really Have “Nothing to do with Islam”?

  • “National Security officials are prohibited from developing a factual understanding of Islamic threat doctrines, preferring instead to depend upon 5th column Muslim Brotherhood cultural advisors.” — Richard Higgins, NSC official.
  • At the heart of the problem lies the fantasy that Islam must be very similar to other religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity, out of which it was, in fact derived.
  • The use of force, mainly through jihad, is a basic doctrine in the Qur’an, the Prophetic sayings (ahadith), and in all manuals of Islamic law. It is on these sources that fighters from Islamic State, al-Qa’ida, al-Shabaab, and hundreds of other groupings base their preaching and their actions. To say that such people have “nothing to do with Islam” could not be more wrong.

Recently, US National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster once again downplayed the significance of faith by claiming that Islamic ideology is “irreligious”; meanwhile, up to 1.5 billion Muslims continue claiming, as they have done for 1400 years, that it is.

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BOMBSHELL: Florida mass shooting was ALLOWED to happen: Four deputies stood down, led by egomaniacal sheriff exposed as an anti-gun Democrat operative seeking fame

With each passing day, the official story of the Parkland, Florida high school shooting continues to unravel. In its place is emerging an increasingly horrifying conspiracy involving Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, whose four deputies appear to have been ordered to stand down and allow the shooting to unfold in order to achieve a higher body count (for political gain). 

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“Shocked And Outraged”: Four Broward Deputies Waited Outside School As Children Were Massacred

As the details behind the Police response to the Valentines Day massacre emerge, it appears that the Coral Springs Police department – which sent 130 officers to the scene – put their lives on the line while Broward County officers simply waited for backup as the scene unfolded, in what some Coral Springs officials perceived to be a derilection of duty.  

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Nieuws 2018-02-23

Welkom in het tijdperk van transgenderisering van ‘Big Brother’

Zoals ik al vaak heb geschreven, kunnen de gevestigde media het niet laten ons met de regelmaat van een klok te confronteren met steeds weer nieuwe brokjes klimaatellende. Afgelopen zaterdag was het in de Volkskrant weer raak. In de – overigens voortreffelijke – bijlage ‘Sir Edmund’ stond weer een lang artikel (zes pagina’s!) van Bard van de Weijer over hoe moeilijk het is om van onze CO2-verslaving af te komen.

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Paul Joseph Watson Video: How Sweden is Committing Suicide Through Political Correctness

In this new video, Paul Joseph Watson unveils How Sweden is Committing Suicide Through Political Correctness. Don’t miss it!

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Orgaanwet was slechts om modificaties door staat juridisch mogelijk te maken en draaide om eigendomsrecht

Tissue Nano Transfection is de technologie die via herprogrammering van een huidcel deze huidcel kan omzetten in een stamcel. Op die manier hebben wetenschappers de mogelijkheid geschapen om ieder onderdeel van het lichaam in een lab na te maken. Die technologie maakt het mogelijk om ieder orgaan dat nu nog uit een hersendood verklaard levend mens geoogst moet worden, in de zeer nabije toekomst gewoon te maken. Die wetenschap moet ook bekend zijn geweest bij de Nederlandse staat, omdat we in het vorige kabinet nog een geneticus hadden zitten en we hebben ook zoiets als een gezondheidsraad waarin deze Ronald Plasterk ooit zelf plaats had.

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Shocking vaccine safety warning

More than ever, the American population is plagued by debilitating health problems like, Lyme’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, cancer and dementia – that were virtually unheard of just a few generations ago. Why? Some say it’s genetics; some say it’s environmental pollution; while others say it’s due to the current (ever-growing) vaccine schedule. 

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Nieuws 2018-02-22

The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: February 14 – 20, 2018

The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report is a cooperative project between the Smithsonian’s Global Volcanism Program and the US Geological Survey’s Volcano Hazards Program. Updated by 23:00 UTC every Wednesday, notices of volcanic activity posted are preliminary and subject to change as events are studied in more detail. This is not a comprehensive list of all of Earth’s volcanoes erupting during the week.

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Kajsa Ollongren is een heel eng mens‘

De minachting van prinses Ollongren voor het klootjesvolk is weerzinwekkend’

Ik vind Kajsa Ollongren een heel eng mens. Een Scandinavische ijspegel beter gezegd, want ze komt uit het Fins-adellijke geslacht Ållongren. Haar vader Alexander Ollongren werd – om mij volstrekt onbekende redenen – in 2002 ingelijfd in de Nederlandse adel. Kajsa mag zich hierdoor jonkvrouw noemen.

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Islam Must Be Stopped

Islam has spawned many sects that are master practitioners of the art of double standards. As far as Muslims are concerned, what is good for Muslims is not good for non-Muslims, and what is bad for Muslims is good for non-Muslims. 

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Europe: The Rapid Spread of Dhimmitude

Although Europe is not part of the Muslim world, many European authorities nevertheless seem to feel obliged to submit to Islam in more or less subtle ways. This voluntary submission appears to be unprecedented: Dhimmi, historically speaking, is the Arabic term for the conquered non-Muslim, who agrees to live as a second-rate, “tolerated” citizen, under Islamic rule, submitting to a separate, demeaning set of laws and the demands of his Islamic masters. 

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Nieuws 2018-02-21

Stop Mistaking Evil for Mental Illness

I know almost nothing of the mental condition of confessed mass murderer Nikolas Cruz, and almost certainly, neither do you. There are few, if any, who can give a reliable opinion of the young man’s psychiatric state as he walked into Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida and killed 17. Nevertheless, after his killing spree on Ash Wednesday, many in the media, along with the public at large, were willing at least to indirectly portray, if not directly describe, Mr. Cruz as someone who was “mentally disturbed,” “mentally ill,” “crazy,” a “nut-job,” a “psycho,” someone dealing with “mental health issues,” and so on.

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Lies and Israel-Hatred At the UN

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas addressed the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday, February 20th. He delivered many of the same old Palestinian talking points. He claimed that the Palestinians remain open to negotiations based on the pre-June 1967 “borders,” with East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital. “We are ready to take the longest journey,” Abbas declared. “We are ready to begin negotiations immediately.” After appealing to the Security Council for “help,” however, Abbas showed his true colors by walking out of the chamber immediately upon the conclusion of his speech. He apparently thought it was beneath his “dignity” to hear what the Israeli UN ambassador and the members of the Security Council had to say. 

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Britain: The Hijab as the Entry Point for Islam

PROOF that “gun control” proponents actually don’t want school shootings to stop 

Mythical Ozone Holes Were A Trial Run For Global Warming 

Shocking New Evidence: Maidan snipers confess they were under orders from Coup leaders to shoot police AND protesters 

Afschaffen raadgevend referendum is afschaffen van de nog weinig overgebleven democratie 

Polygame moslim in Duitsland snapt heisa niet: ‘Volg alleen sharia’