Nieuws 2018-02-06

Did You Celebrate “World Hijab Day”?

World Hijab Day is an annual event founded by Nazma Khan in 2013. The above photo is an ad from last year for a special event held at a later date. Notice the sponsors. The event takes place on February 1st each year in 140 countries worldwide. Its stated purpose is to encourage women of all religions and backgrounds to wear and experience the Muslim hijab. A hijab is a veil worn by some Muslim women in the presence of adult males outside of their immediate family, which usually covers the head and chest.

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Klimaatbeleid Rutte bevoordeelt bedrijven en kost burger geld

Het Nederlandse klimaatbeleid wordt nóg oneerlijker. Rutte III ontziet vervuilende bedrijven nog meer dan het vorige kabinet, terwijl van huishoudens steeds meer gevraagd wordt. Dat blijkt uit een rapport van CE Delft in opdracht van Milieudefensie. Hoewel huishoudens steeds meer financieel bijdragen aan de transitie, zijn groene alternatieven bovendien maar voor weinig mensen bereikbaar. De kloof tussen wie wel en niet mee kan doen, wordt groter. Milieudefensie roept het kabinet op de scheve verhoudingen recht te trekken. 

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Deense minister: We zijn verloren en zijn het zwijgen opgelegd door de islam en haar fundamentalistische volgelingen

Inger Støjberg, de Deense minister van immigratie en integratie doet een noodkreet, ze zei in een artikel voor de krant BT en in een Facebook-bericht dat de Denen “verloren” zijn en “tot zwijgen zijn gebracht” door de islam en haar fundamentalistische volgelingen. 

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Transgender Ideology Promotes Experimentation on Children and YouthsIn the United States and elsewhere, lobotomies were once seen as the cure-all for the mentally ill.

Dr. Walter Freeman, an earnest advocate of experimentation on the human brain in order to “cure” mental illness, developed an inexpensive way to lobotomize mentally ill people. He inserted a kitchen ice pick — later refined into an instrument called a leucotome — into the eye orbit, punched the pick through with a hammer and swished the object back and forth in order to sever the part of the brain deemed responsible for mental illness, or even just bad behavior.

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Twijfel over de juistheid CO2-data ontleend aan ijskernen

De wetenschap van gisteren kan vandaag weer achterhaald zijn.

In mijn artikel, “Bepaling van temperatuur en CO2-gehalte van de aardatmosfeer uit het verleden”, heb ik de temperatuurcurves uit het verleden, die verkregen zijn met ijskernen en diepzeekernen van planktonische foraminiferen met elkaar vergeleken.

De conclusie was, dat de glaciale en interglaciale tijdperken in beide grafieken verre van gelijk zijn. Het onderzoek met de diepzeekernen leek mij wat betreft de temperatuurmetingen de meest betrouwbare. Bij het onderzoek met de ijskernen is de wolk met waterdruppeltjes veel te afhankelijk van allerlei wisselende omstandigheden, die zij tijdens hun transport naar Antarctica tegen komen.

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Some People Are Not Having Children Because Of Climate Change

It is sad that so many young couples have bought the lie of over-population and then drunk the cool-aid of action to not have any children. This not only terminates their own family tree, but denies one of the greatest pleasures in life. Technocracy is cruel in using science to achieve such social outcomes. ⁃ TN Editor

Add this to the list of decisions affected by climate change: Should I have children?

It is not an easy time for people to feel hopeful, with the effects of global warmingno longer theoretical, projections becoming more dire and governmental action lagging. And while few, if any, studies have examined how large a role climate change plays in people’s childbearing decisions, it loomed large in interviews with more than a dozen people ages 18 to 43. 

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Liberals have somehow convinced themselves that “women’s reproductive rights” are being suppressed by climate change… HUH?

Chelsea Clinton, the infamous daughter of career criminals Bill and Hillary Clinton, is following in the footsteps of her soon-to-be-imprisoned parents. She recently decided to spout a line of eugenics propaganda on Twitter, linking to an article published in The Washington Post that claims more women need to be allowed to abort their babies in order to prevent “climate change.”

The outlandish op-ed was co-written by none other than suspected pedophile and pervert John Podesta, as well as United Nations globalist Timothy Wirth. It attempts to make the case that women’s “reproductive health rights” are an important part of keeping the global population as low as possible.

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The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Serving Canada or Serving Islamists?

  • In practice, the CBC only respects sensibilities when it comes to Islamists such as ISIS or to those who attacked Charlie Hebdo. When it comes to attacking Christians and Jews, the CBC exercises no such restraint.
  • The CBC also quotes organizations such as the National Council for Canadian Muslims, formerly known as CAIR CAN, which the CBC has referred to as a civil rights group. But they failed to note that CAIR CAN was formed to support its parent organization, CAIR USA, which is a listed terrorist group in the United Arab Emirates. It also does not mention that CAIR USA was formed in part by supporters of Hamas and that it has had multiple run-ins with terrorism financing.
  • Similarly, when supporting a variety of Islamist issues, the CBC quotes as a source the Canadian Council of Imams. The CBC does not reveal, however, that the Vice President of the Council of Imams, Hakim Quick, believes that the position of Islam on homosexuality is death. It also does not state that the “Emir” of the council is also the head of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). The ICNA believes that Islam is not compatible with democracy, women are inferior and wife beating is permissible.
  • As a criminal and federal court expert on terrorism, specifically jihadist-based terrorism, my opinion is that the CBC has willfully assisted Islamists in the creation of the social, cultural and political spaces necessary for extremism to grow. By deliberately sheltering even ISIS supporters acting out in Canada from public scrutiny, the state broadcaster is failing the Canadian public…. This failure appears willful, intentional, and consistent over time.

Canada’s state broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) consistently supports the Islamist cause, including direct cooperation with terrorist front groups. This support extends to editing domestic Canadian stories to ensure that even ISIS is not criticized in the domestic context. Given that the CBC is owned by the Government of Canada and funded by taxpayers with a billion dollar a year subsidy, the question arises as to whom they serve.

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NASA scientists: People are born “creative geniuses” but get dumbed down by the U.S. education system

Would you consider yourself a creative genius? If you asked other people that question, perhaps some might answer in the affirmative. But the vast majority of individuals, when confronted with that question, might say no. It’s not that they don’t really think they are the type of person to be considered creative or a genius. It’s just that they no longer see themselves as creative individuals. The older the person, the higher the chance that they would answer no to the question. This is based on the results of a shocking new study that posits that all people are creative geniuses at birth. It’s just that the system of education ends up dumbing them down as they move through it. 

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Will The Conspiracy Against Trump And American Democracy Go Unpunished?

The American people do not realize the seriousness of the Russiagate conspiracy against them and President Trump. Polls indicate that a large majority of the public do not believe that Trump conspired with Putin to steal the presidential election, and are tired of hearing the media prostitutes repeat the absurd story day after day. On its face the story makes no sense whatsoever. Moreover, the leaked emails are real, not fabricated. The emails show exactly what Hillary and the DNC did. The public knows that these transgressions were pushed out of news sight by the false story of a Trump/Putin conspiracy. The fact that the entirety of the US print and TV media served in a highly partisan political way to bury a true and disturbing story with a fake news story—Russiagate—is one reason some polls show that only 6% of Americans trust the mainstream media. All polls show that large majorities of independents, Republicans, and youth distrust the mainstream media. In some polls about half of Democrats trust the media, and that is because the media is servant to Democratic Party interests. 

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Video of Canadian Mufti: “The Canadian government wants to bring Sharia Law and this is not a joke”

According to Mufti Aasim A. Rashid of the Al-Ihsan Educational Foundation in Vancouver:

I’ll tell you who wants to bring Sharia Law. The Canadian government wants to bring Sharia Law and this is not a joke…..The Canadian government wanted the Muslims to be able to regulate their own issues of marriage and divorce and set up a system of mediation and arbitration to solve their problems amongst themselves [according] to Sharia Law, so it is not a burden on the court system which is already so bogged down.

Could Rashid have been lying or wildly exaggerating? A link in the article below shows that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said a few bizarre things, including:

  • Islam is “not incompatible with the Western secular democracy.”
  • “Canadians are quick to point out that ISIS is wrong, that Islam is not incompatible with the Western secular democracy, a free place like Canada.”
  • [The Reviving the Islamic Spirit convention] “is also about celebrating our shared beliefs in justice, fairness, equality of opportunity and acceptance. The work you do in communities across the country is what builds and strengthens our multicultural fabric.”

In 2005, then-Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty did the right thing and declared that there would be “one law for all Canadians.” This was the result of a case in 2004 that was advancing the Sharia in Canada.  

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Prophet: This Doctrine of Demons Is Rapidly Infecting the Church

A doctrine of demons has been circulating in the church in recent years that has been gaining increasing traction. Cloaked in robes of false righteousness and even claims of prophetic inspiration, but born in rebellion, it appeals to something in our culture that undermines and despises the leadership God has anointed and appointed. Wherever it goes, it weakens, divides and destroys.

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