Nieuws 2018-02-12

Schools are ‘programming’ children, imposing transgender ideology, claims propaganda expert

A former intelligence professional, who is a historian of the Soviet Union, is warning that schools in America are starting to embrace a propaganda operation designed to squash thought and demand allegiance to political correctness and gender ideology.

Speaking before attendees gathered at the Family Research Council office in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, Stella Morabito, senior contributor to The Federalist, unpacked both the content and processes of a group called CASEL, the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning.

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Leftist author thinks Bible is “badly written” – is she right?

Uber-left wing columnist Valerie Tarico thinks the Bible is “badly written” because it was written by fallible men and was not “dictated by God,” as she mistakenly believes Christians think.

Ms. Tarico’s column on the subject was published on the Salon website, but Salon has already pulled it down. The reason? It apparently was more “badly written” than, well, the Bible. 

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Ministers mogen liegen, dat is geen enkel probleem

Het blijkt steeds weer, als minister mag je liegen. Liegen is toegestaan, liefst zo groot mogelijk. En betrapt worden op je leugens heeft geen enkele consequentie.

De leugen van de dag

Leugen 1:

Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Halbe Zijlstra heeft gelogen over zijn aanwezigheid bij een ontmoeting met de Russische president Vladimir Poetin in 2006. Zijlstra verkondigde sinds 2014 dat hij daar bij was, maar dat is dus niet zo.

De beste man zegt dat hij een overleg had met Poetin, dat was een leugen. Open en duidelijk. Onze Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken liegt publiekelijk over overleg met buitenlandse grootheden. Dat is nu dus een feit. Maar hij is nog niet klaar met zijn leugens… 

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Shadow War Between Iran And Israel Erupts Into Open Warfare

The shadow war between Israel and Iran burst into open warfare over the weekend with a brazen and reckless Iranian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) intrusion into Israeli airspace. The drama unfolded on Saturday at 4:25 a.m. when an Iranian reconnaissance drone, believed to be a knockoff of the American RQ-170 Sentinel UAV, penetrated into Israeli airspace for approximately 90 seconds before being shot down by an Israeli Apache attack helicopter of the 113th Squadron near the Israeli town of Bet Shean in the Jordan Valley. 

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Death of Democracy? – Part II

  • The irony, of course, is that so many people, have adopted a way of interpreting human rights and liberal values in a manner that often undermines them.
  • It is time for some home truths. Islam has been at war with the West for some 1,384 years, with very little respite. When Muslim Arab armies invaded Syria in 634, went on to destroy all but a rump of the Christian Byzantine empire (which it finally defeated when the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople in 1453), took control of Spain, Portugal, Sicily and other lands on the north Mediterranean coast, it was the start of endless jihad wars.
  • Most importantly, we seem unable to understand that Islam is, above all else, a totalitarian project covering all aspects of human life from the spiritual to the material, from law to government to clothing to food to sex to taxation and more. This totalitarianism rejects democracy in the most basic way, as having come from mere humans rather than divinely, from Allah.
  • Unfortunately, concluding that modern terrorism “has nothing to do with Islam” or that “Islam is a religion of peace” visibly contradicts the historical record.

Much of the weakness we have identified in so many modern European states comes, ironically, from many of our strengths. We have much to be proud of.

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Gendergekte met gevolgen

De techniek is ondertussen genoegzaam bekend. Om wetgeving te laten aannemen, wijzigen of afschaffen, creëer je een mediahype. Je zoekt een opvallend, merkwaardig, revolterend of droevig feit, je gooit dat in de openbaarheid en je kadert het mediatiek goed in. 

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Chinese Police Using Facial-Recognition Glasses To ID Travelers in 3 Seconds Or Less

Facial recognition in China has taken the next logical step by giving police wifi-enabled and camera-equipped glasses in order to identify anyone they look at. The ID process can take as little as 3 seconds across 1.3 billion citizen records in the centralized database. This technology is coming to America and sooner than you think. Why? Because Technocrats full intend to conquer the whole world into their technological matrix. ⁃ TN Editor

Chinese railway police are using facial-recognition sunglasses to catch suspects at train stations in Zhengzhou, the capital of central Henan province.

The eyewear, which looks similar to the original Google Glass, was unveiled earlier this year and has already helped identify seven alleged criminals, according to the Communist Party’s official newspaper People’s Daily. 

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Israel Prepares For War On Its Northern Front As Netanyahu Warns Iran Over Buildup In Syria

Israel has boosted its air defense in the North following a significant confrontation between the Jewish state, Syria and Iran that led to the loss of an F-16i fighter jet.

“For thus saith the LORD, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place.” Jeremiah 29:10 (KJV)

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Vatican: China best example of church’s social doctrine

Bishop says Beijing ‘has defended the dignity of the human person’

Conservative Catholics are expressing shock at Pope Francis’ zeal in embracing the totalitarian government of China by first agreeing to replace underground church leaders with state-chosen hacks and now with a top Vatican official saying “those who best realize the social doctrine of the church are the Chinese.” 

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Tech giants and vehicle industry bicker about car ownership in the future

As Google’s Waymo, General Motors (GM) and others race to bring driverless vehicles to showrooms, the argument over who will buy cars in the technology era is getting louder. 

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