Nieuws 2018-03-31

Nieuws van vandaag:

  • Tot waar mag een baas zich bemoeien met jouw privéleven?
    Werkgevers bemoeien zich steeds meer met de levensstijl van werknemers, zien vakbonden. Dat botst regelmatig met de privacywetgeving. In de wet is geregeld dat werknemers zelf mogen bepalen hoe zij hun privéleven inrichten. Volgens werkgevers zorgt de privacywet er juist voor dat goed werkgeverschap vrijwel onmogelijk is. Die frictie tussen privacy en goed werkgeverschap zou een ‘knellend probleem’ zijn.
  • Israel On The Brink Of All Out War As Palestinians Vow To Continue Protests Until US Embassy Move To Jerusalem On May 14
    Protest organizers have said mass marches would continue until May 15, the 70th anniversary of Israel’s creation. Palestinians mark that date as their “nakba,” or catastrophe, when hundreds of thousands were uprooted during the 1948 war over Israel’s creation. The vast majority of Gaza’s 2 million people are descendants of Palestinians who fled or were driven from homes in what is now Israel.
  • Het is tijd om wakker te worden beste mede- Nederlanders!
    Terwijl wij onze kinderen opvoeden met de Nederlandse normen en waarden zoals respect hebben voor elkaar en empathie hebben voor de ander, voeden islamitische mensen hun kinderen heel anders op. Er wordt deze kinderen geleerd om niet tolerant te zijn tegen alles en iedereen die de krankzinnige islamitische totalitaire ideologie niet gelooft.
  • Gaan 100% wind- en zonnestroom werken? Nee, nooit!
    Er zijn in ons land groene adepten welke denken dat we met wind- en zonnestroom plus grootschalige opslag voor 100% in onze stroombehoefte kunnen voorzien. Let wel, de stroombehoefte is minder dan 20% van onze totale energiebehoefte. Die andere 80% betreft voornamelijk warmte en transport.
  • Shocking Computing Advances Are Pushing Smart Cities Into Reality
    Computer processing capacity is about to overtake data storage capacity. This is the point of inflection that I have warned about for several years, and it promises a very dangerous and unpredictable near-term future. Most people will not know what hit them, being unable to understand the implications of it.
  • How the CIA hid their MKULTRA mind control program
    Back in the early 1990s, I interviewed John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate. This was the book (1979) that helped expose the existence and range of the infamous CIA MKULTRA program.Marks related the following facts to me. He had originally filed many Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests for documents connected to the CIA’s mind-control program. He got nothing back.Finally, as if to play a joke on him, someone at the CIA sent Marks 10 boxes of financial and accounting records. The attitude was, “Here, see what you can do with this.”
  • Israel Will Respond “Inside Gaza Strip” If “Organized Terrorist Operations” Continue
    As Israel inches ever-closer to an all-out war against Hezbollah in Syria (a war that could expand to encompass southern Lebanon), the IDF this week also mercilessly crushed yet another massive Hamas-organized border protest in Gaza, deploying drones to shower thousands of demonstrators with tear gas while firing live rounds and rubber-coated steel pellets into the crowd. By the time yesterday’s border clashes had ended, at least 15 Palestinians were dead and over 500 were wounded.

Nieuws 2018-03-30

Nieuws van vandaag:

  • What about: jouw privacy en dna profiel als de Sleepwet toch doorgezet wordt?
    Nederland heeft gesproken: de Sleepwet mag niet in werking treden. Tenminste… dat is de mening van het volk. De Tweede Kamer gaat zich nu opnieuw over de kwestie buigen, maar mag uiteindelijk toch de plannen doorzetten. Tja, en wat als dat gebeurt? Hoe zit het dan bijvoorbeeld met jouw privacy en dna profiel als de Sleepwet in werking treedt?…
  • The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: March 21 – 27, 2018
    New activity/unrest was reported for 6 volcanoes between March 21 and 27, 2018. During the same period, ongoing activity was reported for 12 volcanoes.
  • Elon Musk’s brain implant start-up reportedly planned to test on animals
    Neuralink, a company cofounded by Elon Musk that aims to develop brain implants for boosting people’s mental capabilities, had plans to test products on animals, according to a new report.
  • Rutte en zijn leger met ballen
    Buurland Nederland is voorzitter van de Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties.Gisteren zijn wij deelgenoot gemaakt van zijn “visie” over het inzetten van vredesmachten in conflictgebieden.
  • “Want To Freak Yourself Out?” Here Is All The Personal Data That Facebook/Google Collect
    The Cambridge Analytica scandal was never really about Cambridge Analytica.As we’ve pointed out, neither Facebook nor Cambridge Analytica have been accused of doing anything explicitly illegal (though one could be forgiven for believing they had, based on the number of lawsuits and official investigations that have been announced). Instead, the backlash to these revelations – which has been justifiably focused on Facebook – is so severe because the public has been forced to confront for the first time something that many had previously written off as an immutable certainty: That Facebook, Google and the rest of the tech behemoths store reams of personal data, essentially logging everything we do.
  • SCHOKKEND BERICHT: Erdogan islamleger op om Israël aan te vallen
    Wereldoorlog 3: Erdogan roept op tot ‘leger van de islam’ om Israël aan alle zijden aan te vallen.De Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdogan en zijn regerende Gerechtigheids- en Ontwikkelingspartij (AKP) hebben aangekondigd dat ze een “leger van de islam” willen oprichten om oorlog te voeren tegen Israël, zo is gebleken.
  • Stop Indoctrinating our Children
    One of the most dangerous developments of the last few decades has been the subversion of our universities by radicals who in the 1960s first tried to burn them down and then, after this strategy of destruction failed, decided to get on the tenure track to take them over. Their generational long march succeeded, possibly beyond their wildest expectations. With the exception of a few rear guard actions by brave conservative students, American higher education is now an indoctrination center for cultural Marxism, identity racism and other anti-American ideas.
  • AI-Created Fake News: Personalized, Optimized And Even Harder To Stop
    Artificial Intelligence is being harnessed to create personalized propaganda, aka fake news, to drive you to decisions that you might not have otherwise made. It will be nearly impossible to tell the difference between real, modified real and outright fake stories. ⁃ TN Editor
  • RED ALERT: We are all being set up… The gun grab is INTENDED to start a civil war, followed by UN occupation of America
    You are watching one of the darkest chapters of history unfold by the hour, complete with a Nazi-style fascist “Hitler Youth” uprising, totalitarian censorship by the techno-overlords and an irrational, anger-fueled nationwide call for government to confiscate all the guns from American gun owners, even if they have to kill those gun owners first, as a North Carolina Democrat suggested just days ago.
  • “Hoe mooi zou het zijn als je bij de geboorte een chip krijgt”
    Een opmerkelijke uitspraak over het inbrengen van een chip bij pasgeborenen door een gemeentesecretaris van de gemeente Bloemendaal die bij de werkgroep Digitale Identiteit van Samen Organiseren is betrokken heeft voor vragen in Den Haag gezorgd.
  • Politieke correctheid : Multiculturele samenleving is een verrijking
    En het bovenstaande wordt u iedere dag van alle kanten toegeroepen. Immers er wordt op gespeculeerd dat u geen extremist, xenofoob of racist wilt zijn. Het onderste wordt uit de kan gehaald om het laatste restje van mogelijke diep in uw nog sluimerende schuldgevoelens te elimineren.Zo ver zijn wij dus gekomen, waar een slechts kleine groep mensen er in is geslaagd hun wil en visie op te leggen aan zij die hen “gekozen ” hebben.
  • Turkey Breaks With NATO, Refuses To Expel Russians
    Following the alleged March 4th alleged Russian poisoning of Sergei Skripal, an ex-double agent in the UK, several European countries and the US have begun ejecting Russian diplomats from their countries. With both the UK and US each ejecting dozens of diplomats, it stands to reason that every other NATO country would follow suit.
  • Christian pastors are being arrested in the UK for preaching the word of God… while UK tyrants protect Islamic radicals
    Freedom of speech in the United Kingdom is under attack after a Christian preacher was arrested for sharing his faith in the public square.According to reports, David Lynn, a non-denominational ministry leader from Canada, was forcibly removed from a train station in Barking after a lesbian woman accused him of calling her “perverse” and “sinful” during his message.
  • Hugh Fitzgerald: For Erdogan, The Silences Are Deafening
    On December 12, 2017, just before a summit meeting of the O.I.C. (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in Istanbul, an article was published in the Turkish daily Yeni Safak, a paper which has close ties to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, under the title “A Call For Action.” Online, the article appeared under a more sinister title: “What If an Army of Islam Was Formed Against Israel?”
  • Salisbury Incident Report: Hard Evidence For Soft Minds
    The UK government’s presentation on the Salisbury incident, which was repeatedly cited in recent days as an “ultimate proof” of Russia’s involvement into Skripal’s assassination attempt, was made public earlier today.This 6-paged PDF is a powerful evidence of another intellectual low of British propaganda machine. Open it and you can tell that substantially it makes only two assertions on the Skripal case, and both are false:
  • U.S. Tourists Will Be Required To Turn Over Their Social Media History
    The State Department will unveil new rules on Friday requiring most visitors or immigrants to the United States to turn over their recent social media histories, in accordance with one of President Trump’s key national security enhancements contained in his “extreme vetting” executive order.

Nieuws 2018-03-28

Nieuws van vandaag:

Nieuws 2018-03-27

Nieuws van vandaag:

  • Alice Cooper on being saved by faith and why he can be both a Christian and a rock star
    Alice Cooper has credited his Christian faith and a ‘one on one relationship with Jesus’ with saving him from alcoholism and said there is nothing about Christianity that is incompatible with his being a rock star.
  • De EU schaakt Mozilla Firefox
    Hoe de politieke tak van de Mozilla Firefox internet browser geschaakt werd door de EU. Een recent bericht van de politieke deug-tak van Firefox:In mid March, the European Commission published the final report of the High Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Fake News. I [Reagan McDonald, Mozilla] represented Mozilla in the HLEG, in close cooperation with Katharina Borchert, our Chief Innovation Officer, who spearheads the Mozilla Information and Trust Initiative.
  • Een nieuwe wereldheerschappij dankzij gecorrumpeerde klimaatwetenschap?
    Inmiddels heb ik het boek van Marc Morano, The politically incorrect guide to climate change, bijna uit (de rest is geen verrassing).Alleen al de titel is interessant, met name de woorden politically incorrect. Waardoor zijn deze 2 woorden zo intrigerend? Welbeschouwd bergt de term iets van heersende/op handen zijnde censuur en dictatuur in zich. Dit is niet zo verwonderlijk in deze tijd waarin links populistische groeperingen deze maatschappij hun eenzijdige moralistische wereldbeeld (met geweld) proberen op te dringen en in hun ogen onwelgevallige elementen buiten te sluiten, te demoniseren, te ridiculiseren of te marginaliseren.
  • A ‘Duty to Hate Britain’
    Last week, Ahmed Hassan was sentenced to a minimum term of 34 years in prison. The previous September, he had stepped onto the District line of the London Underground and left a homemade bomb on the train. At Parson’s Green tube station, the device detonated. Fortunately for the commuters, which included many children on their way to school, only the detonator of the bomb went off.
  • Uitslag sleepwet referendum, Ollongren; “kabinet is teleurgesteld”
    Minister Ollogren verklaarde dat het kabinet met de voor hen tegenvallende uitslag “teleurgesteld” is. Nu nemen we die woorden van een politcia voor wie het vertellen van leugens en halve waarheden tot een 2e natuur geworden is met een korrel zout. Maar,… stel nu eens dat deze D66 demogoge het echt meent en het kabinet teleurgesteld zou zijn, al is het maar een uurtje.
  • Jeanice Barcelo- Smart Meters & Baby Monitors Are Killing Us
    Over the past month, I have become increasingly ill due to the frequencies that are now being blasted at us 24/7 through the radiation grid.I have been hearing these frequencies for about two years and was hearing them even when I lived 20 minutes outside of the city in Columbia, MO. To me, these frequencies sound like a constant, low-frequency, metallic, mosquito-like hum.
  • 5G: Harmful Effects Of A New Technology
    As more journalists zero in on the concept of Technocracy, Technocrats and Scientific Dictatorship, articles like this are appearing to warn Americans of the dangers ahead. Jon Rappoport is one who ‘gets it’ and isn’t afraid to call it like it is. ⁃ TN Editor
  • Yes, You Can Absolutely Understand The Amazingly Awesome And Incredibly Complex End Times Book Of Revelation
    Many people have written to me over the years saying that they thought Revelation went in chronological order, but then appeared to veer way off course in multiple places everytime they thought they had it figured out. Well…that’s because it does! But as with most things in the Bible, when you rightly divide it out, the confusion melts away quickly and is replaced by everything finally being seen “decently and in order” as God wrote it. Here’s the secret.
  • ‘Army of Islam’: Erdogan’s Plot Against Israel
    Less than a month ago — in advance of the summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul — the Turkish daily Yeni Şafak, which is considered one of the mouthpieces of Erdogan and his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), published an article entitled “A Call for Urgent Action.”
  • How Big Tech’s Siren Song Of Seduction Is Leading To Technocratic Tyranny
    As awareness grows, Americans are one step closer to repudiating Technocracy, but the rebellion has a long way to go. Technocrats wield enormous power over the propaganda machine, and are expert at deluding the masses with misinformation and disinformation. ⁃ TN Editor

Nieuws 2018-03-26

Diverse nieuwskoppen van vandaag:

  • Politiestaat EU: Referendum in Catalonië? Arrestatie in Duitsland!
    Politiestaat EU is weer in de bocht! Met het nieuws dat als je een referendum organiseert in de EU, er direct een EU-arrestatiebevel volgt. Wanneer je daarna ergens in de EU je gezicht laat zien, je van de weg geplukt wordt, uitgeleverd wordt en vervolgens 25 jaar de gevangenis in gaat.Juist: Referenda dus, in de EU. Het is duidelijk niet alleen de VV en ’66 met dictatorsduo Rutte/Ollongren. Het is de EU. Wat is de democratie in de Politiestaat EU toch geweldig!
  • Elon Musk’s bedrijf Neuralink’s neural lace zal rechtstreeks van DARPA komen (net als het internet en smartphones)
    Dr. Justin Sanchez, director of DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office, geeft het in onderstaande presentatie openlijk toe. Alle technologie waarvan wij dachten dat die door American Dream ondernemers bedacht was, komt rechtstreeks uit het laboratorium van het militair indutrieel complex; Pentagon’s ontwikkelingslab DARPA.
  • Censorship In Mideast: Bahrain Vows To Hunt Social Media Dissidents
    Bahrain has already succumbed to Technocracy-style dictatorship where intolerance for any anti-establishment is evident. This is the same pattern seen in China, Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, among others. Using social media data, it is now easy to identify and isolate ‘offenders.’ ⁃ TN Editor
  • Turkey’s Erdogan Announces Iraq Military Incursion, Threatens Americans Over Manbij
    On Sunday President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the beginning of Turkish military operations in Iraq’s Sinjar region a week after Turkey and allied Syrian FSA groups captured Afrin from Kurdish fighters. During that prior victory speech immediately on the heels of the Syrian Kurdish retreat from Afrin, Erdogan had promised further “extensions” of his forces in the region, including into Eastern Syria and Iraq, while making repeat historical references to the Ottoman empire.
  • UK Thought Police: Detaining Opponents “For The Public Good”
    Would you want your government to decide who can and cannot enter your country based on how popular their political views?Would you trust any individual to police on your behalf what speakers are “conducive to the public good?”
  • “Supply and Demand” in Mass Migration
    “Mass migration also has the effect of changing the objectives of migrants. The goal is no longer to assimilate to the new world, but to strengthen one’s old way of life… What is new with mass migration… often is the wish to extend one’s home world to one’s host country and to transform it gradually according to one’s own tradition.” — Václav Klaus, former President of the Czech Republic.“As an economist, I always try to analyze a given situation in terms of supply and demand. The demand for mass migration does not come from the ordinary citizens, but from the European officials. The supply in mass migration, which comes from the migrants, exists only as a result of this policy intended to change the structure of the European society.” — Václav Klaus.“I am convinced that the solution [for the Israel-Palestine conflict] could not come from abroad: not from the United Nations Security Council, or I do not know who else. It must be the result of negotiations… It was my job to manage the split [of Czechoslovakia] and I understood that it was necessary to negotiate, not to ratify the decision from Brussels or somewhere else.” — Václav Klaus.
  • Nieuwe islam terreur aanslagen komen eraan, de vraag is echter waar en wanneer
    Nadat in Frankrijk n.a.v. de recente Islamtische terreuraanslag in Carcasonne en Trebes er 4 doden en een aantal gewonden te betreuren zijn en de politiek zoals van ouds weer jammert en weeklaagt, om daarna de burger weer in de steek te laten met de door die zelfde politici veroorzaakte problemen, is de vraag waar en wanneer de volgende aanslag plaats zal vinden.
  • 30 Questions That Journalists Should Be Asking About The Skripal Case
    There are a lot of issues surrounding the case of Sergei and Yulia Skripal which, at the time of writing, are very unclear and rather odd. There may well be good and innocent explanations for some or even all of them. Then again there may not. This is why it is crucial for questions to be asked where, as yet, there are either no answers or deeply unsatisfactory ones.
  • Kabinet wil bewaarplicht van ip-adressen en telefoonnummers
    Het kabinet wil een bewaarplicht invoeren waarbij providers worden verplicht om ip-adressen en telefoonnummers van gebruikers op te slaan. Wie met wie en waar communiceert zal niet worden opgeslagen, zo laat minister Grapperhaus van Justitie en Veiligheid in een brief (pdf) aan de Eerste en Tweede Kamer weten in reactie op de uitspraak van het Europees Hof van Justitie 21 december 2016.


Nieuws 2018-03-25

Nieuwskoppen van vandaag:

    • Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 24, 2018, #137 
      The self-destructive behavior of the human race (with some exceptions) has long since manifested into countless catastrophic consequences that are now closing in from every direction. Even now denial and apathy are still alive and well within the ranks of the masses. This is especially true with first world populations who have thus far been largely insulated from the harsh realities less fortunate populations have long since endured.
    • Abortionist: Babies ‘can’t scream’ because I cut cord
      In a Twitter dialogue with pro-lifers, a Planned Parenthood abortionist in Utah caused a social-media uproar when she explained that the unborn babies she kills “can’t scream,” because she cuts “the cord” first.
    • Facebook lijkt zijn langste tijd gehad te hebben
      Een paar dagen geleden begonnen de problemen voor Facebook nadat aan het licht kwam dat data van meer dan 50 miljoen gebruikers is doorgesluisd. Inmiddels daalt de aandelenkoers van Facebook als een mus die van het dak valt. De druk op Facebook wordt steeds groter. Niet alleen krijgen ze van investeerders rechtzaken aan hun broek, ook steeds meer mensen stoppen met het gebruik van de online dienst en roepen andere mensen op hun account te verwijderen.
    • De donkere kant van digitale techniek als 5G, AI en IoT – Digitropolis
      We Are Change Rotterdam heeft een geweldige documentaire geproduceerd: Digitropolis, over de nadelen van 5G, kunstmatige intelligentie en het Internet of Things. Hoewel visueel soms licht psychedelisch is de docu (speelduur 1 uur) zeer de moeite waard. Het is keurig voorzien van Nederlandstalige en Engelstalige ondertitels (via de [CC]-knop en de [*]-knop).
    • Palestinian Christian Theologians against Israel
      Let me end with an item of recent news. On March 3, Britain’s most senior Catholic cleric, Cardinal Vincent Nichols called for closer ties with Islam on the grounds “That the two religions have more in common than people think”. What on Earth does this prelate think Muslims believe? After some 1400 years of rivalry and war, some sort of naivety and fuzzy thinking is making Christians the agents of their own destruction. Sadly, the Christians of the West Bank are at the heart of this growing need to bow down to people who, for the greater part, despise and persecute them.

The Corbett Report: 5 Privacies You Didn’t Know You Lost

Bron: The Corbett Report

We all know that privacy is a thing of the past, right? Pfff. The government spying on everyone? That’s yesterday’s news. But if you think you’ve heard it all when it comes to the obtrusive police state panopticon, you’ve got another thing coming. Here are five privacies you didn’t even realize you lost.

Nieuws 2018-03-24

Nieuwskoppen van vandaag:

  • Iran said to be building military facilities in Syria near to Russian positions
    The construction of these facilities is being carried out secretively, and in some cases it has begun under the guise of residential building for civilians, and only later revealed as facilities for accommodating Shi’ite fighters deployed by Iran, well-placed sources told The Times of Israel, insisting on anonymity.
  • UK: Islamization Full Speed Ahead
    The UK is accelerating its Islamization at an ever-increasing speed. The desire of the British establishment to submit to Islam appears to be overwhelming.
  • Turkish leaders: Islamic Takeover of Europe Inevitable
    This is not about a warning from Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen, Mario Salvini, Tommy Robinson, or Robert Spencer. It is, rather, a triumphant prediction of the inevitable Islamization of Europe, through demographic Jihad, made by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and by the head of the Turkish Parliament’s Security and Intelligence Commission, Alparslan Kavaklıoğlu. Read what they have to say, and send it along to others. If you were not already alarmed, now would be a good time to start. But do not let that worry paralyze you. Instead, put it to good use.
  • Weer een moslim terreur aanslag in Frankrijk, politiek reageert zoals gewoonlijk met holle frases
    Een 30 jarige Fransman van Marokkaanse afkomst heeft eerst in de Zuid Franse stad Caracassonne en later in het vlak daarbij gelegen plaatsje Trébes 2 aanslagen gepleegd waarbij 4 doden vielen en de aanslag pleger door de Franse M.E werd doodgeschoten. De man had de vrijlating geëist van Salah Abdeslam.
  • Social media is a “disease,” and Mark Zuckerberg a CANCER on society
    Like his tech colleagues at Google, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg enjoyed ‘most-favored company’ status during the Obama administration. What a difference 12 months makes.
  • Pedofilie sluipt via liefdadigheid en overheid huiskamer binnen
    Onderzoeksjournalist David Scot, van de Britse nieuwssite UK, heeft uitgezocht hoe het mogelijk is dat in Engeland één veroordeelde pedofiel ongelooflijk veel invloed heeft binnen de wetgeving en de rechten van kinderen. De naar boven gekomen informatie is onthutsend.
  • 100 Franse publieke intellectuelen tekenen pamflet en verwerpen ‘islamisme’. Goede dingen, dus we hebben het vertaald
    Wat volgt is een vertaling van het volledige pamflet, met de meest opvallende segmenten gemarkeerd:” Wij zijn burgers met verschillende meningen, en komen vaak in tegenstrijd met elkaar, die hebben afgesproken om, ongeacht wat er nu in het nieuws is, uiting te geven aan hun bezorgdheid over de opkomst van het islamisme. Het zijn niet onze overeenkomsten die ons binden, maar het gevoel van het gevaar voor vrijheid in het algemeen en niet alleen de vrijheid van denken. Wat ons vandaag verbindt, is van meer fundamentele aard dan datgene wat ons ongetwijfeld morgen zal scheiden.”
  • China detains Christian woman for trying to share faith with Xi Jinping
    Chinese officials have detained a Christian woman from Liaoning province for allegedly trying to share her faith with Chinese President Xi Jinping during an event in Beijing.According to China Aid, Zhou Jinxia traveled from Dalian to Beijing in an attempt to reach out to Xi while the National People’s congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) convened. When she arrived at the front gate of the former imperial garden Zhongnanhai on March 15, she held a sign that read, “God loves the people of the world and is calling out to Xi Jinping.”