Nieuws 2018-03-30

Nieuws van vandaag:

  • What about: jouw privacy en dna profiel als de Sleepwet toch doorgezet wordt?
    Nederland heeft gesproken: de Sleepwet mag niet in werking treden. Tenminste… dat is de mening van het volk. De Tweede Kamer gaat zich nu opnieuw over de kwestie buigen, maar mag uiteindelijk toch de plannen doorzetten. Tja, en wat als dat gebeurt? Hoe zit het dan bijvoorbeeld met jouw privacy en dna profiel als de Sleepwet in werking treedt?…
  • The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: March 21 – 27, 2018
    New activity/unrest was reported for 6 volcanoes between March 21 and 27, 2018. During the same period, ongoing activity was reported for 12 volcanoes.
  • Elon Musk’s brain implant start-up reportedly planned to test on animals
    Neuralink, a company cofounded by Elon Musk that aims to develop brain implants for boosting people’s mental capabilities, had plans to test products on animals, according to a new report.
  • Rutte en zijn leger met ballen
    Buurland Nederland is voorzitter van de Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties.Gisteren zijn wij deelgenoot gemaakt van zijn “visie” over het inzetten van vredesmachten in conflictgebieden.
  • “Want To Freak Yourself Out?” Here Is All The Personal Data That Facebook/Google Collect
    The Cambridge Analytica scandal was never really about Cambridge Analytica.As we’ve pointed out, neither Facebook nor Cambridge Analytica have been accused of doing anything explicitly illegal (though one could be forgiven for believing they had, based on the number of lawsuits and official investigations that have been announced). Instead, the backlash to these revelations – which has been justifiably focused on Facebook – is so severe because the public has been forced to confront for the first time something that many had previously written off as an immutable certainty: That Facebook, Google and the rest of the tech behemoths store reams of personal data, essentially logging everything we do.
  • SCHOKKEND BERICHT: Erdogan islamleger op om Israël aan te vallen
    Wereldoorlog 3: Erdogan roept op tot ‘leger van de islam’ om Israël aan alle zijden aan te vallen.De Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdogan en zijn regerende Gerechtigheids- en Ontwikkelingspartij (AKP) hebben aangekondigd dat ze een “leger van de islam” willen oprichten om oorlog te voeren tegen Israël, zo is gebleken.
  • Stop Indoctrinating our Children
    One of the most dangerous developments of the last few decades has been the subversion of our universities by radicals who in the 1960s first tried to burn them down and then, after this strategy of destruction failed, decided to get on the tenure track to take them over. Their generational long march succeeded, possibly beyond their wildest expectations. With the exception of a few rear guard actions by brave conservative students, American higher education is now an indoctrination center for cultural Marxism, identity racism and other anti-American ideas.
  • AI-Created Fake News: Personalized, Optimized And Even Harder To Stop
    Artificial Intelligence is being harnessed to create personalized propaganda, aka fake news, to drive you to decisions that you might not have otherwise made. It will be nearly impossible to tell the difference between real, modified real and outright fake stories. ⁃ TN Editor
  • RED ALERT: We are all being set up… The gun grab is INTENDED to start a civil war, followed by UN occupation of America
    You are watching one of the darkest chapters of history unfold by the hour, complete with a Nazi-style fascist “Hitler Youth” uprising, totalitarian censorship by the techno-overlords and an irrational, anger-fueled nationwide call for government to confiscate all the guns from American gun owners, even if they have to kill those gun owners first, as a North Carolina Democrat suggested just days ago.
  • “Hoe mooi zou het zijn als je bij de geboorte een chip krijgt”
    Een opmerkelijke uitspraak over het inbrengen van een chip bij pasgeborenen door een gemeentesecretaris van de gemeente Bloemendaal die bij de werkgroep Digitale Identiteit van Samen Organiseren is betrokken heeft voor vragen in Den Haag gezorgd.
  • Politieke correctheid : Multiculturele samenleving is een verrijking
    En het bovenstaande wordt u iedere dag van alle kanten toegeroepen. Immers er wordt op gespeculeerd dat u geen extremist, xenofoob of racist wilt zijn. Het onderste wordt uit de kan gehaald om het laatste restje van mogelijke diep in uw nog sluimerende schuldgevoelens te elimineren.Zo ver zijn wij dus gekomen, waar een slechts kleine groep mensen er in is geslaagd hun wil en visie op te leggen aan zij die hen “gekozen ” hebben.
  • Turkey Breaks With NATO, Refuses To Expel Russians
    Following the alleged March 4th alleged Russian poisoning of Sergei Skripal, an ex-double agent in the UK, several European countries and the US have begun ejecting Russian diplomats from their countries. With both the UK and US each ejecting dozens of diplomats, it stands to reason that every other NATO country would follow suit.
  • Christian pastors are being arrested in the UK for preaching the word of God… while UK tyrants protect Islamic radicals
    Freedom of speech in the United Kingdom is under attack after a Christian preacher was arrested for sharing his faith in the public square.According to reports, David Lynn, a non-denominational ministry leader from Canada, was forcibly removed from a train station in Barking after a lesbian woman accused him of calling her “perverse” and “sinful” during his message.
  • Hugh Fitzgerald: For Erdogan, The Silences Are Deafening
    On December 12, 2017, just before a summit meeting of the O.I.C. (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in Istanbul, an article was published in the Turkish daily Yeni Safak, a paper which has close ties to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, under the title “A Call For Action.” Online, the article appeared under a more sinister title: “What If an Army of Islam Was Formed Against Israel?”
  • Salisbury Incident Report: Hard Evidence For Soft Minds
    The UK government’s presentation on the Salisbury incident, which was repeatedly cited in recent days as an “ultimate proof” of Russia’s involvement into Skripal’s assassination attempt, was made public earlier today.This 6-paged PDF is a powerful evidence of another intellectual low of British propaganda machine. Open it and you can tell that substantially it makes only two assertions on the Skripal case, and both are false:
  • U.S. Tourists Will Be Required To Turn Over Their Social Media History
    The State Department will unveil new rules on Friday requiring most visitors or immigrants to the United States to turn over their recent social media histories, in accordance with one of President Trump’s key national security enhancements contained in his “extreme vetting” executive order.