Nieuws 2018-03-27

Nieuws van vandaag:

  • Alice Cooper on being saved by faith and why he can be both a Christian and a rock star
    Alice Cooper has credited his Christian faith and a ‘one on one relationship with Jesus’ with saving him from alcoholism and said there is nothing about Christianity that is incompatible with his being a rock star.
  • De EU schaakt Mozilla Firefox
    Hoe de politieke tak van de Mozilla Firefox internet browser geschaakt werd door de EU. Een recent bericht van de politieke deug-tak van Firefox:In mid March, the European Commission published the final report of the High Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Fake News. I [Reagan McDonald, Mozilla] represented Mozilla in the HLEG, in close cooperation with Katharina Borchert, our Chief Innovation Officer, who spearheads the Mozilla Information and Trust Initiative.
  • Een nieuwe wereldheerschappij dankzij gecorrumpeerde klimaatwetenschap?
    Inmiddels heb ik het boek van Marc Morano, The politically incorrect guide to climate change, bijna uit (de rest is geen verrassing).Alleen al de titel is interessant, met name de woorden politically incorrect. Waardoor zijn deze 2 woorden zo intrigerend? Welbeschouwd bergt de term iets van heersende/op handen zijnde censuur en dictatuur in zich. Dit is niet zo verwonderlijk in deze tijd waarin links populistische groeperingen deze maatschappij hun eenzijdige moralistische wereldbeeld (met geweld) proberen op te dringen en in hun ogen onwelgevallige elementen buiten te sluiten, te demoniseren, te ridiculiseren of te marginaliseren.
  • A ‘Duty to Hate Britain’
    Last week, Ahmed Hassan was sentenced to a minimum term of 34 years in prison. The previous September, he had stepped onto the District line of the London Underground and left a homemade bomb on the train. At Parson’s Green tube station, the device detonated. Fortunately for the commuters, which included many children on their way to school, only the detonator of the bomb went off.
  • Uitslag sleepwet referendum, Ollongren; “kabinet is teleurgesteld”
    Minister Ollogren verklaarde dat het kabinet met de voor hen tegenvallende uitslag “teleurgesteld” is. Nu nemen we die woorden van een politcia voor wie het vertellen van leugens en halve waarheden tot een 2e natuur geworden is met een korrel zout. Maar,… stel nu eens dat deze D66 demogoge het echt meent en het kabinet teleurgesteld zou zijn, al is het maar een uurtje.
  • Jeanice Barcelo- Smart Meters & Baby Monitors Are Killing Us
    Over the past month, I have become increasingly ill due to the frequencies that are now being blasted at us 24/7 through the radiation grid.I have been hearing these frequencies for about two years and was hearing them even when I lived 20 minutes outside of the city in Columbia, MO. To me, these frequencies sound like a constant, low-frequency, metallic, mosquito-like hum.
  • 5G: Harmful Effects Of A New Technology
    As more journalists zero in on the concept of Technocracy, Technocrats and Scientific Dictatorship, articles like this are appearing to warn Americans of the dangers ahead. Jon Rappoport is one who ‘gets it’ and isn’t afraid to call it like it is. ⁃ TN Editor
  • Yes, You Can Absolutely Understand The Amazingly Awesome And Incredibly Complex End Times Book Of Revelation
    Many people have written to me over the years saying that they thought Revelation went in chronological order, but then appeared to veer way off course in multiple places everytime they thought they had it figured out. Well…that’s because it does! But as with most things in the Bible, when you rightly divide it out, the confusion melts away quickly and is replaced by everything finally being seen “decently and in order” as God wrote it. Here’s the secret.
  • ‘Army of Islam’: Erdogan’s Plot Against Israel
    Less than a month ago — in advance of the summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul — the Turkish daily Yeni Şafak, which is considered one of the mouthpieces of Erdogan and his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), published an article entitled “A Call for Urgent Action.”
  • How Big Tech’s Siren Song Of Seduction Is Leading To Technocratic Tyranny
    As awareness grows, Americans are one step closer to repudiating Technocracy, but the rebellion has a long way to go. Technocrats wield enormous power over the propaganda machine, and are expert at deluding the masses with misinformation and disinformation. ⁃ TN Editor