Nieuws 2018-03-15

Nieuwskoppen van vandaag:

    • Will Turkey Lead an End-of-Days Global Islamic Jihad Against Israel and the United States?
      A recent study by a Middle East analysis organization based in Washington DC revealed that the Turkish president’s call for 57 nations to join together to form an anti-Israel army of Islam could create the most formidable military force on the planet. One Israeli expert on Islam stated emphatically, “make no mistake; this is war,” and lest the message is missed, he also emphasized that this call for jihad includes a direct threat against the US.
    • Global Weather Modification Assault Causing Climate Chaos And Environmental Catastrophe
      Global climate engineering encompasses many different aspects and processes. The consequences of the climate engineering insanity are already unquantifiable and growing by the day. Though each aspect of this subject is more than enough for an in depth article, there is often a need for more of an overall summary to pass on to those that are not aware of the broader picture.
    • Een nog grotere hooiberg bouwen boven op een speld
      Volgens de nieuwe Wet op de Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdiensten, waarover 21 maart een referendum is, mogen inlichtingendiensten onbeperkt gegevens binnenhalen van onverdachte burgers. Dat leidt niet tot meer veiligheid. Wel tot meer onvrijheid.
    • The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: March 7 – 13, 2018
      New activity/unrest was reported for 3 volcanoes between March 7 and 13, 2018. During the same period, ongoing activity was reported for 15 volcanoes.
    • Turkije wil Amerikaanse pastor levenslang opsluiten 
      Turkse aanklagers eisen levenslange gevangenisstraf voor pastor Andrew Brunson. De aanklacht werd op 13 maart ingediend bij de rechtbank in Izmir. Brunson zit al 17 maanden gevangen.
    • Staatstelevisie: hofleverancier van nepnieuws
      De staatsomroep presenteert in de aanloop naar het referendum over de Aftap / sleepwet regelmatig nieuws als extra drukmiddel om ervoor te zorgen, dat die wet er komt.
    • Erdogans krant publiceert Turks plan voor massale moslim aanval op Israël
      Yeni Safak, de nationalistisch-islamistische Turkse krant die al jaren functioneert als een officiële spreekbuis van dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan, heeft een kaart gepubliceerd waarop een massale moslim aanval op Israël wordt aangekondigd, compleet met het aantal soldaten (5,2 miljoen) dat het Israëlische leger (160.000) zou moeten gaan overlopen.
    • 2x Misleiding in het nieuws?
      Als je het nieuws leest dagelijks, met een beetje kritische blik, vallen er toch dingen op. Vandaag een korte reactie op twee berichtjes:Politieke partijen VVD en D66 willen duidelijker vastleggen wanneer zogeheten zero-days door inlichtingendiensten gebruikt mogen worden.
    • K-12: The War on Boys and Men
      Fox News just announced an upcoming series about the plight of Men in America.”Men seem to be becoming less male,” Tucker Carlson said. “Something ominous is happening[.] … Men are taught there is something wrong with them. We took a close look at the numbers, and we found them so shocking that we’re devoting the month of March to a special series on men in America.”
    • Hindu-on-Christian Persecution 
      India: the 11th worst place on earth for Christians.
      During this Lenten season when Christians are preparing themselves for Easter Sunday, those of us who are living in relative peace and affluence should remember and pray for those brothers and sisters in the faith whose circumstances are not as friendly.
    • The High Price of Denial
      Is it possible that mainstream politicians and the mainstream media are finally recognising what the European public can see with their own eyes? Two recent occurrences suggest that this might be so.
    • Humanzees: The Push To Make Human-Chimp Hybrids
      Technocrats of all stripes have such a low view of humanity that there are no boundaries in tinkering with genetic restructuring just for the thrill of doing so. This is ultimately based on the religion of Scientism which posits that all truth is exclusively discovered through science. ⁃ TN EditorIn a long article adapted from a chapter in his forthcoming book, psychologist David Barash proposes that society should sanction the making of human-chimp hybrids. He refers to this new creature as a “humanzee” and says that “making it would be a terrific idea.”
    • Transgender Surgeries: Just One for Every 77,708 Americans 
      Only about 4,118 Americans surgically altered their bodies in hospitals from 2000 to 2014 to appear like members of the opposite sex, according to a pro-transgender medical study.The peer-reviewed data in the Journal of the American Medical Association emerged as activists for transgenderism escalate their demands that 330 million Americans rewrite their society to suppress the basic and useful distinctions between male and female.