Nieuws 2018-03-23

Nieuwskoppen van vandaag:

  • Turkey Calls Evangelism an Act of ‘Terrorism,’ Charges American Pastor
    Andrew Brunson, an American pastor who’s been locked up in a Turkish jail for more than 500 days, could spend the rest of his life in prison.Until now, he’s been held without charges, but last week, a Turkish court approved a 62-page indictment against him. The charges include membership in an armed terrorist organization and military espionage.
  • FULL HOUSE: President Trump Stacks Pro-Israel Playing Field By Replacing H.R. McMaster With John Bolton
    With each passing day, the ramp up of the Trump administration to a pro-Israel position is astounding. The pick of John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster as National Security Advisor, in light of the upcoming May 14th 70th anniversary of regathered Israel, is something right out of a Left Behind novel. You could not ask for someone who is more pro-Israel, and pro-Jerusalem for the Jews than John Bolton. The end times prophecy table is almost completely set now, nearly all the players have taken the stage, all we need is for the Lord to flip the switch and call us up and out of here. Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines is now boarding…all eyes on May 14th.
  • Israel Pushing Iran Out of Africa: Israeli Defense Minister Liberman
    Israel is pushing Iran out of Africa, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said as he left Tanzania following a four day trip to the continent that also included visits to Rwanda and Zambia.
  • “Russische beïnvloeding” in verkiezingen en nepnieuws komt uit… het VK
    “Rusland heeft het gedaan!” Behalve dat veelvuldig aan Rusland toegeweide beïnvloeding, spionage, omkoping, afpersing, sociale media misbruik en nepnieuws gewoon uit het VK komt.
  • Palestinians Tortured; Media Silent
    What happens when Palestinians make allegations of torture and assaults on their public freedoms? If the finger is being pointed at Israel, the international media falls over itself to bring the story to the broadest possible audience.The story would not even end there. Human rights organizations and United Nations agencies would blast Israel for “abusing” Palestinian human rights and the Security Council would hold an emergency session to condemn Israel.The response, however, when Palestinians fall victim to the practices of their own governments — the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip — is a completely different one. That is when silence descends upon the international media community hides behind a blue wall of silence.
  • Malicious news media now openly attacking vaccine VICTIMS, blaming them instead of vaccine ingredients
    An editorial blog post by Alison Fujito at the World Mercury Project (WMP) website rightfully takes to task so-called “mainstream media” reporters who are supposed to approach issues without bias but who often do, especially when it comes to the subject of vaccines.
  • Onzin en hysterie over gifaanval in Verenigd Koninkrijk
    Een golf van hysterie gaat op dit ogenblik door het Verenigd Koninkrijk en die golf heeft ook haar gevolgen voor de VS en de rest van de EU. Hoe diep de haat in Europa voor dat land ook is en Brexit of niet, al na enkele dagen liep men in Parijs, Berlijn en de rest van de EU braafjes in de Britse pas. Merkwaardig. En wee diegene die twijfels heeft aan wat de Britse premier Theresa May beweert. Haar woorden zijn heilig, een dogma.
  • Jesse Klaver geeft visitekaartje af, wat walgelijker is dan dat van DENK
    Verkiezingsoverwinnaar GroenLinks heeft daags na de verkiezingen zijn landsverraders karakter getoont. Straatnamen die verwijzen naar een, in de ogen van de immigrantenknuffelaars, fout verleden van de genoemde persoon moeten vervangen worden door politiek correcte namen.
  • Privacy keurmerk PSD2 initiatief gepresenteerd
    Tijdens een persbijeenkomst over PSD2 is het Privacy keurmerk PSD2-initiatief gepresenteerd. Met het keurmerk moeten financiële aanbieders en fintechs worden gestimuleerd om de privacy van consumenten centraal te stellen.
  • Report: Islam poised to overtake Christianity in the UK
    New research has revealed that a majority of young people in a dozen countries of Europe do not follow a religion…Young Muslims, at 6 per cent of the overall population in UK, are on the brink of overtaking those who consider themselves part of the country’s established church. This news should come as no surprise. The trend likely holds true for most of Europe as well, given the hijrah, as well as the glorification of Islam as the only religion that must not be criticized.
  • Proven guilty before the crime? China using big data to detain “suspicious” individuals before any crime is even committed
    Chinese citizens are already under an enormous amount of pressure to “fall in line” as it is, what with all of the surveillance going on inside of the country’s borders, but now the Chinese government have taken things one step further yet again. Based on a report unearthed by Human Rights Watch, China now has a fully-functional real-time system that marks “suspicious” individuals and arrest them shortly thereafter before they’ve even committed any crimes.
  • The Pentagon Trained Syria’s Al Qaeda “Rebels” in the Use of Chemical Weapons
    Moscow has provided evidence that the U.S is trained Al Qaeda affiliated “militants groups” in the use of chemical weapons. A March 17, Russia’s Ministry of Defense states the following:“We have reliable information at our disposal that US instructors have trained a number of militant groups in the vicinity of the town of At-Tanf, to stage provocations involving chemical warfare agents in southern Syria. … The provocations will be used as a pretext by the United States and its allies to launch strikes on military and government infrastructure in Syria.’
  • Communism Strikes Again: China Bans Christians From ALL Church Activities, Places Believers on House Arrest
    In a rather totalitarian move, China has banned Christians from all Church activities in the Central Henan Province and other parts of the country, signaling an uptick in Christian persecution in the country.
    The Henan province is home to roughly ninety-five million people, according to a survey in 2012 approximately six percent of them identify as Protestant which amounts to roughly five million Christians.
    Chinese authorities recently issued a decree banning all forms of Christian gatherings and began placing believers under house arrest for partaking in Church activities.