Nieuws 2018-03-19

De nieuwskoppen van vandaag:

  • Ook Rutte misleidt ten behoeve van voor-stem
    Minister-president Rutte stelt dat de geheime diensten op dit moment het internet niet via de kabel mogen aftappen. Dat is pertinent niet waar. Na vice-premier De Jonge en vice-premier Ollongren is Rutte de derde bewindspersoon die wegkomt met deze desinformatie.
  • Australia church forced to remove ‘Jesus’ from its Easter signs
    Ben Fordham reports for 2GB 873AM, March 15, 2018, that a Pentecostal church in West Gosford, New South Wales, Australia, was forced to change their Easter signs because they contain the word “Jesus”.
  • France: Toward Total Submission to Islam, Destruction of Free Speech
    President Macron recently said he wants a law against “fake news”. If the law is adopted, all online magazines in France that do not broadcast what the government defines as “true news” could be subject to immediate government suspension. If they are located outside France, access to them would be blocked. Islamic online magazines and websites are not on the list of “fake news” providers. What online magazines and websites top the list? Those that question Islam.
  • Snowden: Facebook Is A Surveillance Company Rebranded As “Social Media”
    “Follow the data, follow the power.” Technocrats make themselves known when vast amounts of data are vacuumed up, not necessarily for the sake of making sense of anything, but merely for the collecting and hoarding of data. This is the hallmark of Technocracy. All of the major social media platforms have been coopted to provide data to whomever will pay for it. ⁃ TN Editor
  • Er is niet zoiets als “islamofobie”, en hier is waarom …
    Het woord ‘islamofobie’ wordt vaak gebruikt om degenen die kritiek hebben op de islam het zwijgen op te leggen. Het grootste probleem hiermee is echter dat de islam een ​​vrijwillig geloofssysteem is dat velen van ons ervoor kiezen om niet deel te nemen. Leuk vinden of niet, maar als vrijdenkende westerlingen hebben we het recht om commentaar te leveren of rationeel kritiek te leveren op wat we maar willen.
  • Scientists and Silicon Valley elites discuss altering the genetics of human beings to create super intelligent humans. The new Nazism is here
    Scientists and Silicon Valley elites have been talking about altering the genetics of human beings to create super intelligent super-humans. This is the new Nazism. This ideology is being pushed by both academia and race obsessed agents on the internet. Movements like the “alt right,” “race realists,” “identitarians,” and other race obsessed groups have made racialism trendy, and with this, academics like Steve Pinker, Helmuth Nyborg, Richard Haier and others, have been becoming internet celebrities, pushing their cult of genes.
  • Europa in verval…
    We gooien maar meteen de knuppel in het hoenderhok met onze bewering dat Europa in no-time ten gronde wordt gericht door kinderloze regeringsleiders. De vreemde gedachte van de politiek dat het Oude Continent een massa-instroom van Afrikaanse migranten nodig heeft voor haar toekomst (terwijl in de zuidelijke landen de jeugdwerkloosheid torenhoog is), wordt vooral gevoed door machthebbers die geen toekomstbeeld hebben. Radicale wijzigingen in het gezinsbeleid zijn nodig om jonge mensen (en de maatschappij) een goede toekomst te geven.
  • Turkish Government Official: “Europe Will be Muslim”
    Yesterday, while many Europeans are still pilloried for viewing mass migration from Muslim-majority countries as a threat to Western culture — and are still accused of “xenophobia,” “Islamophobia” and “fear-mongering” — the city of Afrin, in the Kurdish area of Syria, fell to Turkey.At the same time, a prominent Turkish government official has been openly and proudly declaring that the demography of Europe is changing in favor of Muslims.
  • Robert Spencer Video: Why Muslim Persecution of Christians Has Escalated
    In this new video, I explain why Christian communities that have existed in the Middle East since the time of Christ have in recent years been attacked, and in many cases obliterated, by Islamic jihadis. Why are the jihadis attacking the Christians now? I reveal here the shocking reason.
  • The same group that murders babies with “abortion mills” now claims to offer transgender hormone “treatments” for gender-confused youth
    Now that the baby-murdering organization known as Planned Parenthood has been outed for running an illegal, underground body parts butcher mill, the pro-abortion death cult is switching gears a bit in an attempt to diversify its “health services” and presumably clean up its image.According to reports, Planned Parenthood has already begun to attempt this by promising to devote more of its resources towards providing transgender hormone therapy to gender-confused individuals seeking to “change sexes” – as if this is somehow better than murdering unborn babies in the womb.