Nieuws 2018-03-16

Nieuws van vandaag:

  • Vietnam: vier christelijke gezinnen aangevallen om hun geloof
    Nadat vier gezinnen in het noordwesten van Vietnam tot geloof in de Here God kwamen, begonnen voor hen de problemen. Begin deze maand werden de nieuwe gelovigen aangevallen. Vier van hen, Leo, Binh, Dang en Cao, raakten zo erg gewond dat ze werden opgenomen in het ziekenhuis. Acht dagen later mochten ze weer naar huis.
  • The Real Down Syndrome ‘Problem’
    Iceland must be pleased that it is close to success in its program of genocide, but before congratulating that nation on its final solution to the Down syndrome problem, perhaps it might answer a question: What is this problem? To help understand why some people might ask this question, today’s column is being distributed together with two photographs. One is of Agusta, age eight, a citizen of Iceland.
  • China launches new campaign against Christianity 
    Amid an ongoing surge in Christianity that developed as communism created a spiritual vacuum in people’s lives, China has launched a new crackdown, including rules introduced last month that further restrict the activities of unregistered house churches, according to a new report. Christians in China have been repressed ever since the People’s Republic was created in 1949, with the government’s control of churches and imposition of the Communist Party’s atheistic values.
  • Facebook Algorithms Hit Conservatives Hardest
    Numbers don’t lie, and the numbers compiled by a writer at Western Journalism show that new algorithms implemented by Facebook have benefitted liberals, while conservatives have taken a big hit in terms of reach.
    The report states:
    “Liberal publishers have gained about 2 percent more web traffic from Facebook than they were getting prior to the algorithm changes implemented in early February. On the other hand, conservative publishers have lost an average of nearly 14 percent of their traffic from Facebook.
  • Derde Duitse tienermeisje vermoord door een Afghaanse migrant: ze weigerde zich tot de islam te bekeren
    Een andere moord op migranten heeft Duitsland op zijn kop gezet. Na de moord op Maria Ladenburger en Mia Valentin is nu een derde tienermeisje vermoord. Haar naam is Mireille. Gelijkenissen? Alle daders waren Afghaanse migranten.
  • Dagelijks meer EU: EU-Parlement akkoord met EU Winstbelasting
    Dagelijks zie je in het nieuws het manoeuvreren van de EU voor meer EU. Zoals onlangs al gerapporteerd speelt men o.a. nu het spel van geld, macht en zeggenschap grijpen met de belastingunie. En men wil starten met… Winstbelasting van het Grootbedrijf.
  • The New Palestinian Jihad to Obliterate Israel
    The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) group is the second-largest terror group in the Gaza Strip after Hamas. Like Hamas, PIJ does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and believes that violence and terrorism are the only way to “liberate all Palestine, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.”
  • LGBT “bully brigade” forces Mike Huckabee off a country music charity board by invoking their usual tactics of hatred and intolerance
    Not even one full day after he was appointed to the board of directors of the Country Music Association’s CMA Foundation, former Arkansas Governor and two-time presidential candidate Mike Huckabee resigned from his post, citing a barrage of bullying from the LGBT mafia over his religious and political beliefs.
  • Horrible development: Abortions based on chromosomes
    The debate over life has intensified in recent days as pro-abortion activists push back against a series of new state laws banning the procedure based on a pre-natal diagnosis of Down syndrome, but a leading pro-life voice says such abortions are nothing more than “genetic discrimination” and a disturbing sign for our culture.
  • Merkel’s New Interior Minister: “Islam Does Not Belong To Germany”
    In a startling confirmation of the rising power of Germany’s populist movement, on Friday Germany’s new Interior Minister Horst Seehofer declared that “Islam does not belong to Germany” while setting out hardline immigration policies in an interview published on Friday, in an attempt to ward off rising anti-immigration challengers.“Islam does not belong to Germany,” Seehofer said, contradicting former German president Christian Wulff who fueled a debate over immigration in 2010 by saying Islam was part of Germany. In 2015 Merkel echoed Wulff’s words at a time when anti-immigration campaign group PEGIDA – or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West – was holding marches.
  • “Shocking And Unforgivable”: Russia To Expel UK Diplomats, Expand US “Blacklist” As Crisis Deepens
    As relations between Russia and the west crash to a new post-Cold War low in the aftermath of the nerve agent attack on a former Russian double agent in the UK, Russia was set to expel British diplomats in retaliation for Prime Minister Theresa May’s decision to kick out 23 Russians, while expanding its “blacklist” of US citizens in response to yesterday’s Treasury sanctions, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Sputnik.
  • Parents Barred From Questioning ‘Gender Identity’ Changes at Virginia School District Meeting
    Concerned parents in a Virginia suburb of Washington, D.C. were barred during a recent committee hearing from questioning a motion to replace the terms “biological sex” and “biological gender” with the phrase “sex assigned at birth” in public school curriculum.
  • Jerusalem is Not Holy to Muslims, Enough With This Lie! (VIDEO)
    ZOA President Klein debunks the myth that Jerusalem is holy to Muslims, calls on listeners to spread the truth.Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein spoke on Thursday night at the National Council of Young Israel’s annual dinner, debunking the myth that Jerusalem is holy to Muslims.