Nieuws 2018-03-03

De DNA-verzameldienst

De nieuwe Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten wil de AIVD voorzien van een eigen DNA-databank, om bijvoorbeeld zelfmoordterroristen te identificeren. Een grove inbreuk op de privacy van onschuldige burgers. En het kan al op andere manieren.

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Nigel Farage tegen Frans Timmermans: “The EU’s iron fist is reserved for its critics”

Het is altijd een genot om iemand de (kritische) waarheid te horen spreken. Zeker als dat gebeurt op een plaats waar normaliter uitsluitend schijnheilige leugens en propaganda worden uitgesproken. Dus wanneer Farage aan het woord komt in het Europarlement, dan is het genieten met volle teugen. 

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“Smart” homes of the future replacing role of biological PARENTS, thanks to creepy new Google patent for Big Brother system

The latest idea from Google goes beyond mere Orwellian Big Brother into full-blown automated robotic parenting. The company is planning a series of smart home technologies that will keep an eye on children and discipline them in lieu of their actual parents, warned an article from The Daily Mail. 

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China Asserts Internet Censorship Efforts Across The Globe

As a Technocracy pursuing a totally engineered world, China has massively censored its internal Internet. Now it is looking beyond its borders to censor the rest of the world. This is draconian and dangerous, but few in the West have correctly pegged China’s intentions or strategies. ⁃ TN Editor

Within its digital borders, China has long censored what its people read and say online. Now, it is increasingly going beyond its own online realms to police what people and companies are saying about it all over the world. 

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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 3, 2018, #134

The human race continues to hurtle toward total disaster on countless fronts, but, unfortunately, for many the shiny distractions of industrialized and militarized society are still too alluring to turn away from. Many claim agencies like NOAA are lying about the state of the climate, but is NOAA actually overstating the severity of climate collapse? Or is NOAA’s narrative (which completely omits the climate engineering assault) a gross underestimate of how serious the situation is? How horrific does the weather whiplash have to become before the alarm bells of the masses go off? 

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YouTube TYRANTS now attacking your ability to think, speak or question the state… are we living under Communist China?

YouTube tyranny is in full swing as the dominant video site has turned over video flagging responsibilities to radical left-wing slander groups like the SPLC, famous for flagging just about every Christian and Catholic group across America as some sort of hate group. 

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Waarom blijven mensen de krant lezen en journaal kijken ondanks zichtbaar krachtige werking van propaganda?

Je hoeft de online of de papieren versie van de krant maar te openen of er komt een bombardement aan propaganda op je af. Nee, dat is niet alleen de propaganda zoals u die verwacht middels de duidelijke koppen dat de Russen weer eens een verkiezingscampagne hebben beïnvloed; het is juist de subtiele onopvallende propaganda die veel krachtiger werkt. De subtiele programmering vindt plaats middels technieken die alleen bij een se;ecte groep mensen die psychologie, psychiatrie of marketing gestudeerd hebben, bekend is.  

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How the Left Became its Own Worst Enemy – Part II

This willingness to indulge even the most anti-liberal beliefs and behaviour finds many of its roots in the general disdain many left-wingers and liberals seem to feel for Western democracy, human rights and individualism. But that does not explain why so many people, often decent people, are drawn to defend Islam, Islamic patriarchy, Islamic discrimination against women, violence and more, even when such defence is obviously anti-liberal in the extreme.

I have never known a liberal to say a bad word about a more prevalent and arguably more damaging imperialism: Islamic imperialism. There have been many more imperialist Muslim empires than European ones.

One might have thought that historical facts such as these would provoke human-rights activists to put the Muslim empires into the same category as the later European ones. Not a word of it. Nor do liberals mention another issue that should be close to their hearts: the Islamic slave trade.

Feminists are far from the only so-called left-wing or liberal group to betray their own basic principles out of a bizarre admiration for Islam, whether its history, its values, or its self-proclaimed victimization. Real liberals believe in human rights, women’s rights, racial equality, free speech, and more, rejecting extremism on both the right and left. However, the left in the UK and elsewhere seems to have abandoned those principles and betrayed the very people they had previously supported.

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Deel 1 >> How the Left Became its Own Worst Enemy – Part I