Nieuws 2018-03-10

Nieuwskoppen van vandaag:

  • Deze termen moet je kennen, om te begrijpen wat er in de wereld gaande is
    Wat wordt er bedoeld met de Cabal? Waarom is deze term niet hetzelfde als de Illuminati? Wat betekent Deep State en wat is een schaduwregering?
  • Politieke correctheid is funest voor de samenleving 
    Hoe dien je om te gaan met “politieke correctheid” een fenomeen dat zich inmiddels meester heeft gemaakt van een groot deel van beslissingen die de nationale, regionale en lokale overheden en niet te vergeten rechters rechts in Nederland haast dagelijks maken ?
  • Turkey warns against growing “Islamophobia” in Europe
    The word “Islamophobia” is commonly used for two distinct phenomena: the targeting of innocent Muslims in vigilante attacks, which is never justified, and the honest analysis of how jihadis use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence, which analysis is always justified and urgently necessary. Numan Kurtulmus is referring to “anti-refugee sentiments, xenophobia and Islamophobia,” which are “manifesting themselves in the form of hostility against Turkey and Turks.”
  • Disgraced Parkland Officer Lied, Radio Dispatch Recording Reveals
    As gunman Nikolas Cruz went on a rampage at Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14, firing on students and teachers until his semiautomatic AR-15 jammed, Broward Deputy Scot Peterson cowered outside behind the safety of cover, “pointing his gun at nothing.”
    Peterson publicly stated that he thought gunfire was happening outside on campus, not inside the building – perhaps to justify not going in to stop the shooting which claimed 17 lives.
    He lied.