Nieuws 2018-03-01

Big data leidt tot arrestaties in China

In China zijn diverse mensen opgepakt en naar ‘politieke opvoedingscentra’ gestuurd op basis van big data-analyse. De Chinese autoriteiten combineren diverse technieken om de bevolking in de gaten te houden. ‘Orwelliaanse methoden’, zegt Maya Wang, China-onderzoeker bij Human Rights Watch.

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CBS Launches New Show Comedy ‘Living Biblically’ To Mock Christianity And Make Christians Look Like Idiots

On a regular basis, television studios in Hollywood release pilots that either glorify the Devil, as in the show Lucifer, or mock and belittle Christians and the Bible like we see in this new show, Living Biblically, just released by CBS on February 26, 2018. And of course, the “christian” in the show who goes on a quest to ‘live biblically’ is a New Age, ecumenical, embracing all religions mashup cartoon-like character who is hyper-judgmental and attempts to enact Old Testament justice. 

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Palestinians: The “Ugly Crime” of a School Curriculum

  • A recent study of Palestinian textbooks found that Palestinian children are being taught to glorify and value terrorism and violence. The Palestinian Authority and its Minister of Education, Sabri Saidam, want Arab schools in Jerusalem to teach the students why Muslims should be killing Jews.
  • “Within the pages of the textbooks, children are being taught to be expendable. Messages such as: ‘The Volcano of My Revenge’; ‘The Longing of my Blood for my Land’; and ‘I Shall Sacrifice My Blood to Saturate the Land’ suffuse the [Palestinian] curriculum. Math books use numbers of dead martyrs to teach arithmetic. The vision of an Arab Palestine includes the entirety of what is now Israel, defined as the ‘1948 Occupied Territories.'” — IMPACT-se.
  • How come the Arab citizens of Israel have never complained about the Israeli educational system? The answer is because they evidently like the education that Israel has been offering them. It teaches them to value life, freedom of speech and democracy, and Arab Israelis admire it. They love the education Israel offers them because it does not demonize any race or group of people. They love it because it does not teach them to kill Jews, but to live with them in peace and security. This is the truth that the Palestinian Authority does not want to hear. This is the truth that it does not want the rest of the world to hear.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) Minister of Education, Sabri Saidam, is worried these days. He is not worried, he says, because Palestinian schoolchildren are being taught to hate Israel. He is not worried because Palestinian schoolchildren are being goaded by their leaders to carry out terror attacks against Jews, from stone-throwing to stabbings to ramming cars.

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Gun Rights And Mental Health Restrictions: A Slippery Slope

In the wake of the Parkland shooting, as in the wake of any mass shooting, there has been a scramble by various political groups to place blame for the violence. Everyone is looking for the source of the evil that causes these events, to little avail. In most cases, at least when it comes to the extreme Left, the blame is placed squarely on guns themselves. This is obviously an absurd notion. Placing blame on the particular tool used in the crime does not solve the problem of the criminal and what led him to the deed. Whether or not the tool made his crime “easier” is irrelevant to the greater disturbance at hand. 

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Schuld van de Verenigde Staten opgelopen tot $20,8 biljoen

Uit de laatste rapportage die gemaakt is door het Amerikaanse Ministerie van Financiën blijkt dat de bruto nationale schuld van de Verenigde Staten met $ 41,5 miljard is gestegen tot een totaal van $ 20,8 biljoen. In 2011 was dit nog 14,2 biljoen. In 2013 had Amerika al een keer te maken met een ‘government shutdown‘. 

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De hele Westelijke Balkan komt bij de EU

Met grote regelmaat schrijf Arno Wellens op zeer boeiende berichtgeving over het volledig losgeslagen EU-project. Zo ook onlangs weer over het toetreden van de Balkan tot de EU, in dit geval Albanese Orgaanhandelaren die op redelijk afzienbaar termijn officieel onderdeel gaan worden van de EU. 

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Hoelang gaan we die onzin allemaal nog pikken

In een week waarin een extreem-linkse actiegroep het voor elkaar krijgt dat een cowboy- en indianenfeest voor kinderen niet meer wordt georganiseerd en het Turkse regime een aantal Kamerleden van Turkse afkomst als verraders aanwijst, is het duidelijk dat een passend antwoord niet mag uitblijven. 

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Deense regering hijst noodvlag tegen migranten criminaliteit

Na Zweden, waar de regering al eerder afgelopen jaar toegaf de stijgende criminaliteit gepleegd door economische gelukszoekers niet meer aan te kunnen, de zgn. No-Go “area’s zijn zelfs voor de politie gevaarlijk gebeid, hijst nu ook de regering in Kopenhagen de noodvlag.

De Deense regering is van plan de straffen te verdubbelen voor misdaden in achterstandsgebieden waar het aantal immigranten bovengemiddeld hoog is. 

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New Orleans Residents Used As Secret Test Subjects For Pre-Crime Police Technology

The concept of “policing in the 21st Century” is not only the implementation of a range of high-tech surveillance measures, including biometrics, but apparently also involves keeping it a complete secret from citizens … and even from their elected representatives. 

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These People Believe Death Is Only Temporary

In a small, white warehouse two hours north of Moscow are 56 dead people who hope to live again. Their bodies are upside down, their blood fully drained from their arteries, as they wait, immersed in negative 196-degree Celsius liquid nitrogen for the next 100 years. 

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