Nieuws 2018-02-07

Van God en gas los

Dit is de situatie waarin Nederland in hoog tempo begint terecht te komen, nu Wiebes de gaswinning naar 12 miljard kuub/jaar wil terugschroeven. Voor een strenge winter is zeker 27 miljard kuub nodig. Bovendien is er geen garantie dat een degelijke strenge winter definitief tot het verleden behoort. De klimaatmodellen van het KNMI bijvoorbeeld kunnen deze zekerheid evenmin bieden zodat ze per saldo niet meer zekerheid kunnen bieden dan die van de Romeinse augur (vogelwichelaar) of de middeleeuwse piskijker ondanks imponerende input en rekenwerk.

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Sweden Appoints Pakistani Muslim Head of National Heritage Board

And that marks the end of Sweden’s national heritage.

Qaisar Mahmood, a Muslim born in Pakistan, is the new head of the Swedish National Heritage Board. This is an extremely anomalous appointment, since he readily admits that he has not read anything about Sweden’s cultural heritage. But his new job is not really about preserving and protecting Sweden’s cultural heritage and historical sites at all.

Qaisar Mahmood, who once rode his motorcycle around Sweden in an apparently failed attempt to discover what being Swedish consisted of, is using his position as head of the Swedish National Heritage Board not to highlight and celebrate that heritage, but to downplay Sweden’s cultural heritage and history, and to create a false narrative that will help compel Swedes to accept mass Muslim migration. He says he doesn’t want simply to alert people to Viking artifacts and the like, but to use Sweden’s history to “create the narrative” that will make Muslim migrants “part of something.” 

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Death of Democracy? – Part I

  • “The result of 25 years of multiculturalism has not been multicultural communities. It has been mono-cultural communities… Islamic communities are segregated.” – Ed Husain, former Muslim extremist.
  • This approach, giving social-services, is based on the belief — oft-refuted — that Muslim extremists (both Muslims-by-birth and converts) have suffered from deprivation. It also greatly rests on the naïve assumption that rewarding them with benefits — for which genuinely deprived citizens generally need to wait in line — will turn them into grateful patriots, prepared to stand for the national anthem and hold hands with Christians and Jews.
  • The British government has shown itself incapable of enforcing its own laws when it comes to its Muslim citizens or new immigrants. Rather than stand up to our enemies, both external and internal, are we so afraid of being called “Islamophobes” that we will sacrifice even our own cultural, political, and religious strengths and aspirations?

For many complex reasons, Europe is in an advanced state of decline. In recent years, several important studies of this condition have appeared, advancing a variety of reasons for it: Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam, James Kirchik’s The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age, as well as Christopher Caldwell’s ground-breaking 2010 study, Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West. Soeren Kern at Gatestone Institute has also been detailing the steady impact of immigration from Muslim regions on countries such as Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

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Climate intervention strategies pushed by climate change alarmists may COLLAPSE the entire Amazon rainforest, warn scientists

Proponents of solar geoengineering believe that blanketing our sky with aerosols will save the planet, reducing sunlight levels and stopping the warming that has whipped many climate change alarmists into such a frenzy. As the debate continues over the finer points of global warming, there is one thing that scientists are pretty sure of: Artificially cooling the planet using solar geoengineering would have serious repercussions for our planet if it were to suddenly come to a stop. 

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Entire school curriculum to push ‘gay’ lifestyle?

A “gay” activist group in the United Kingdom has released a plan to advance its agenda through every subject taught in government-sponsored schools.

It explains how English classes can be used to promoted homosexuality.

And math. And science, art, drama, geography, history, media studies, foreign languages, music, physical education and even religion.

The plan is presented in a guide titled “Creating an LGBT-inclusive Curriculum: A Guide for Secondary Schools,” authored by Stonewall, the leading homosexuality promoter in the United Kingdom. 

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Bait For Technocracy: Environmentalists Push Global Wealth Redistribution

Resistance is growing: “The goal clearly is a technocracy that will undermine freedom, constrain opportunity, not truly benefit the poor, and materially harm societies that have moved beyond the struggle for survival.” ⁃ TN Editor

The environmental movement wants to make the rich West much poorer so that the destitute can become richer.

Rather than improve the plight of the developing world through such crucial projects as constructing an Africa-wide electrical grid, environmentalists say significant progress will have to wait until the improvements can be sustainable–meaning that billions will have to remain mired in poverty to “save the earth.” 

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Why cosmetics ingredients matter: Skin is your largest organ; what you put on it gets absorbed into your bloodstream

Do you know what your makeup is made of? At least “60 [percent] of the products we use on our skin are absorbed and deposited into the circulatory system.”

Lori Stryker, from, explains that our skin “wraps and protects our bodies.” Part of the integumentary system, skin is comprised of a “living, dynamic tissue system.” It can partially or completely absorb products that are applied to it, and the average woman absorbs 30 pounds of the ingredients used in moisturizers within 60 years.

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