Nieuws 2018-02-10

Melania Had White House Spiritually Cleansed Before Moving In, Pastor Claims

Trumps went on spiritual warfare offensive against demonic forces, says pastor

First Lady Melania Trump demanded the White House be spiritually cleansed prior to moving in, a pastor recently stated.

In a February 2 interview on The Weekend Vigilante with Sheila Zilinsky, Pastor Paul Begley claimed Melania’s desire to “completely exorcise” the White House may have sparked Trump’s own religious fervor.

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Gender Identity Invades The Church – Diocese Bans Masculine Language For God

The latest clash between feminism and the Church centers around the grammatical gender of God Himself with the Episcopal Diocese of Washington D.C. voting to ban the use of masculine pronouns when referring to God. And this wouldn’t be the first church to do so. The Church of Sweden made a similar change in 2017 when it voted to use only gender-neutral pronouns in reference to God.  

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WMD America: Inside The Pentagon’s Global Bioweapons Industry

The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons.

As a result, many hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens, and other potentially incurable diseases. This highly classified network of R &D and production facilities includes an array of US government private contracts, which raises additional concerns about privatised chains of command and public accountability.  

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Artificial Creation, Lab-Made Humans: Scientists Grow Human Eggs to Full Maturity Outside the Womb

For the first time, scientists have developed human eggs, outside the of the human body, from the earliest stages in ovarian tissue and grown them to full maturity. The research paves the way towards lab-grown humans, and further increases the reality that mankind is attempting to remove the Hand of God from creation. Artificial wombs, artificial eggs, artificial intelligence, all of which was once science fiction, is now becoming reality. Happening now is the research to create children outside of a mothers womb, and even further, entirely design the creation through manipulating its DNA. For the reason of alleviating infertility, scientists have sidestepped the ethical boundaries, and are directly closing in on developing methods to create lab-grown babies. 

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Religieus nationalisme is een ernstige bedreiging

Klaas Muurling is de woordvoerder van Open Doors. Een NGO die in Nederland gevestigd is, maar wereldwijd onderzoek doet naar christenvervolging, en christenen ook ondersteunt met bemoediging, lectuur, trainingen en praktische hulp.. Ze stellen ook al jaren een ranglijst op van landen waarin christenen het sterkst vervolgd worden. Nu de ogen van de wereld op Korea gericht zijn tijdens de Olympische Winterspelen is het nuttig even stil te staan bij de christenvervolgingen in Noord-Korea. Maar ook elders in de wereld, vooral in Azië en Afrika zijn er problemen, vooral met groeiend ‘religieus nationalisme’. Maar we beginnen in Korea. Waarom staat Noord-Korea bovenaan in de Ranglijst Christenvervolging’? 

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The Ignorance of Atheism

Atheism is the slavish and simple-minded embrace of ignorance. When people call themselves “atheists” today, what they really mean is Christophobes, people with an irrational hatred and fear of Christianity. The arguments they make against Christianity are both bizarre and silly. 

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Klimaatbeleid, de dodelijke rite van Moloch?

De godheid Moloch was een machtige godheid die alleen tevreden gesteld kon worden door het offeren van pasgeboren kinderen door ze door de muil van het afgodsbeeld te duwen in het vuur dat binnenin het afgodsbeeld brandde. Er bestaan meerdere voorstellingen van deze godheid.

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Scientists: When Sun Cools, So Does Earth’s Temperature

Man-made global warming is incredibly egotistical in the face of creation itself: there is a direct relationship between the sun and earth’s temperature, and the sun is headed toward an unusually cool period. That means global cooling is straight ahead. ⁃ TN Editor

By 2050, our Sun is expected to be unusually cool.

It’s what scientists have termed a ‘grand minimum’ — a particularly low point in what is otherwise a steady 11-year cycle.

Over this cycle, the Sun’s tumultuous heart races and rests. 

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GROOT-BRITTANNIË: de ISLAM is je aan het vervangen

De Britse moslimbevolking is in tien jaar tijd verdubbeld omdat de immigratie stijgt, moslimpolygamie is toegestaan ​​en islamafokkers die afhankelijk zijn van het welzijn een veel hoger geboortecijfer hebben dan enige andere groep in het VK. Moslimparasieten kosten de Britse belastingbetalers maar liefst £ 18 + miljard ($ 29 miljard) per jaar, terwijl islamitische harems en hun multi-kind nesten daar veel van uitmaken. 

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Climate Change Activists Go After Large Families

Climate change crusaders are finally confronting the ugly truth at the heart of their theories: despite any changes to diet, economic models or transportation habits, the root problem with anthropogenic climate change is–people.

Thus, if you remove the people from the equation, you prevent dozens of tons of carbon per person from entering the atmosphere.

Following this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, a new study was just released that proposed reducing the number of children in each family, especially in developed countries, in order to shrink the world population and thus humanity’s impact on the climate. 

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