Nieuws 2018-02-04

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 3, 2018, #130

While the power structures scripted political theater of the absurd distracts much of the US population, the roller-coaster ride toward a lifeless planet continues to accelerate with each passing day. Will the “coldest on record” Superbowl temperatures (conditions created by the climate engineers) help to cover up the record warm temperatures at the North Pole (which are expected to be as much as 40 degrees higher than those at the game)?

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Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism and the Church: How Should Christians Respond?

As artificial intelligence and emerging technology continue to develop at breakneck speed, Christians have no choice but to engage given the staggering implications it’s already having for ministry and the broader culture, scholars say.

For many followers of Jesus, the explosive use of digital devices like smartphones and an ever-growing number of social media utilities are challenging enough to deal with, especially when it comes to raising children. As leaders in the tech industry place their own children in schools where technology is not available and even home use is discouraged, many are also increasingly concerned about a burgeoning, smartphone-fueled mental health crisis. 

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Europe: Judeo-Christian Symbols Vanish, Islam Rises

  • The British housing market is now dealing with a new special entry: former Christian churches. A former Methodist church in Surrey was recently put on sale for the first time in its 154-year history. And a few days later, a church in London and went on the market — converted into apartments.
  • Religious symbols are an integral part of a civilization. When old symbols vanish, new ones — with their own identities — take their place. Europe’s public imagination today is being flooded with Islamic symbols, from veils in schools, swimming pools and workplaces, to the volume and height of mosque minarets.
  • We impenitent secularists might be happily indifferent to the fall of the old religious symbols — but we should not be indifferent to the new religious symbols taking their place.

French writers coined the term “le grand remplacement,” meaning the demographic replacement by immigrants of native Europeans. There is, however, another replacement taking place on the old continent.

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De overheid acteert als de bekende struisvogel, kop in het zand en wegkijken

Net als in de om ons heen liggende landen wordt Nederland nu reeds jaren geconfronteerd met een qua aantallen wisselende toestroom van wat de “goeddenkers “nog steeds halsstarrig “asielzoekers ” noemen. Dat indien u slechts uw kennis omtrent de ontwikkelingen in ons land uit de MSM zou halen. 

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The latest insanity of the deranged Left: Alleged child rapist says he “self-identifies” as a nine-year-old, so it’s not really rape

A 38-year-old Chicago man who recently confessed to sexually molesting three underage girls between the ages of six and eight appears to be trying to capitalize on liberalism’s acceptance of the “gender spectrum.”

Joseph Roman is reportedly claiming that he self-identifies as a nine-year-old trapped in a grown man’s body, which using liberal logic means he’s simply a misunderstood “trans-age” individual who’s being unfairly persecuted and discriminated against simply for being “different.” 

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Hamas Leader Warns War With Israel Will Erupt “Within Days”

Next week a significant war drill will be conducted across Israel by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) together with the American military, as part of the biennial Juniper Cobra military exercise, which this year will imitate a simultaneous missile attack on Israel from both its northern and southern fronts.

Meanwhile, as Israel prepares for armed conflict, Al Hayat, an Arabic-language London-based newspaper, writes that Hamas’ chief Yahya Sinwar has ordered the Gaza-based Islamist militant group on high alert, indicating that war is a “95 percent probability” and it could erupt in hours or within days.

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Europa staat moord op Koerden door Erdogan toe: EEN GROTE SCHANDE

Het misdadige regime van Erdogan heeft de Afrin Regio binnengevallen. Met tanks en speciale commando’s denken de Turken dat ze een einde kunnen maken aan de Volksbeschermingseenheden (YPG) die de kantons van Rojava beschermen. De stoottroepen van Erdogan zijn Arabieren van het Vrije Syrische Leger (erkent door Turkije als Syrische Nationale Leger), die worden ingezet om de Koerdische stad Afrin te veroveren en te bezetten. Revolutionair Socialistische Media is niet verbaasd dat het kapitalistische westen totaal niets geeft om het welzijn van de Democratische Federatie van Noordelijk Syrië. Nee, men is veel te bang om Ankara tegen zich te krijgen. Nederland is enkel en alleen ”bezorgd” om de houding van de Turken, maar veroordeeld de invasie van Rojava niet. Ook de Amerikanen en andere NAVO landen houden zich stil. Hoe anders was dat in 2014 toen Russische troepen de Krim binnenvielen. Toen stond het westen te blaffen als een gebeten hond! 

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Maxima en de leugens

Wauw, klinkt dat niet gewoon geweldig … Inclusief bankieren. Maar wat is het … Prinses Máxima is een van de stemmen voor de VN om het te promoten, aangezien zij dit heeft gedaan voor Micro Finance.

Máxima kwam van de HSBC bank en Deutsche Bank. Beide banken stonden aan de wieg van de financiële crisis. Het zeer negatieve trackrecord van Deutsche Bank is er een van. Deutsche Bank was de belangrijkste bijdrager van de Tweede Wereldoorlog door de in Amerika opgeleide Rothschild-familie, levert nu bestuurslid voor Shell en vele andere grote invloedrijke internationals. 

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