Nieuws 2018-02-01

The “Fake News” Crusade to “Protect” You from Free Speech

  • Even if judgements against some of these websites might be overturned in courts, doing so is clearly an enormous financial burden, as the would-be censors doubtless know. But what a handy way not to have one’s policies questioned — especially, one assumes, during elections.
  • Attempts to censor “competing narratives” is probably just a tip-off that certain individuals are afraid their political ideas will be unable to withstand the questions asked or the test of time.
  • “If a person cannot walk into the middle of the town square and express his or her views without fear of arrest, imprisonment, or physical harm, then that person is living in a fear society, not a free society.” — Natan Sharansky, The Case for Democracy.

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear,” George Orwell wrote in his ant-totalitarian novel, 1984. He would probably have frowned upon the latest UK Government blueprint to create a regulatory agency that will ultimately strangle freedom of expression.

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The Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Shifting, Poles May Flip: “This Could Get Bad”

“The shield that protects the Earth from solar radiation is under attack from within. We can’t prevent it, but we ought to prepare…” is the ominous sub-headline of a worrisome new report that shows scientists around the world fearing that the earth’s magnetic field is shifting, with potentially disastrous consequences for mankind. 

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Horror as Dutch doctors euthanise 29-year-old woman with mental health troubles

Opponents of assisted dying have reacted with horror after doctors in Holland performed the euthanasia of a 29-year-old woman who was suffering from mental health problems but was physically fit.

Aurelia Brouwers, who wrote movingly on her blog about her plight, was given a lethal injection less than a month after winning an eight-year battle to end her life, the Catholic Herald reported.

Brouwers, who had spent nearly three years in a mental health institution and another two-and-half years in prison, argued that her bouts of severe depression made her life intolerable and led her to attempt suicide, and commit self-harm and arson. 

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FISA Memo Likely To Be Released Thursday: Administration Official

Republicans are reportedly planning to kick off the month of February by releasing the infamous FISA memo alleging “egregious abuses” of FISA surveillance powers by the FBI, Reuters reported citing a Trump administration official who said on Wednesday that the memo is “likely to be released on Thursday.”

The four-page memo has circulated among the House, and has been seen by the president and his chief of staff, John Kelly. Trump has until Friday to decide whether the memo should remain classified. 

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Viktor Orban: Europa’s toekomst en christelijke grondslagen moeten worden beschermd

Migratie vormt de grootste bedreiging voor de toekomst van Europa, die moet worden beschermd, zei de Hongaarse premier Viktor Orban dinsdag in Wenen na besprekingen met de Oostenrijkse bondskanselier Sebastian Kurz.

“Er bestaat een christelijke cultuur en een manier van leven, die we willen beschermen”, vertelde Orban een persconferentie en benadrukte de noodzaak om de identiteit en christelijke grondslagen van Europa te behouden. 

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Getting the flu is SAFER than getting the flu shot, warns doctor

Influenza season is upon us once again, and this year the mainstream media is going hog wild with reports about a deadly new strain of circulating “wild” flu that’s said to be exceptionally virulent. But before you rush out to get a flu shot as “protection,” you might want to take a closer look at what the science has to say about the safety and efficacy of these often-hyped jabs.

During a recent interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, vaccine truth advocate Dr. Suzanne Humphries shared her expertise about flu shots, explaining how the adverse events she observed in conjunction with their use was what drove her to more deeply investigate the nature of vaccines at large. In the process, she discovered that flu shots really don’t work, and often cause more problems than they’re said to prevent. 

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Population Control? Sustainable Development IS The Proven Solution

Dr. Tim Ball makes an important correlation that development drives population down, not up. This was likely well-understood by the creators of Agenda 21 in 1992, when they called for a reduced global population in order to achieve Sustainable Development. In other words, the concept of population reduction is implicit in the concept of Sustainable Development. ⁃ TN Editor

The claim of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) was the final strategy used to bully the world into accepting that the world was on a path of self-destruction. The sequence promoted by the Club of Rome (COR) was that world population was growing at an unsustainable rate relative to the resources. It took the Malthusian idea that population would outgrow food supply and applied it to all resources. The increasing pressure was a combination of increasing overall population, amplified by development, so each person was demanding more each year. 

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